Chapter 22

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Dean POV:

I sigh as I open the closet and take a look inside to pick up some nice dress. Finally, I grab a white t-shirt, a ripped jeans and a jacket from it and dressed quickly.

I walk down on the stairs and see Sethie sitting on the couch and looking at one of the magazines which I bought last night.

When he looks at me, I raise my face to him and hold my hand out, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah.." He smiles and takes my hand. I smile and really appreciate that. I take him to my car.

I enter the driver seat and open the passenger door for him to get in. He thanks me for that and it makes me happy to please the omega. 

I start the car and make sure everyone's eye catching to the other cars on the road is my car. How can't it be? All black exterior Maserati Granturismo with red velvet interior is surely attracts everyone.

I bought this car with my first paycheck and didn't regret it one bit. I have a collection of luxurious cars at my private beach house in California and I can't wait to show it off to Sethie one day, which means, a long holiday trip.

I look at him but he is busy looking outside at the trees and street lamps. After few minutes, I stop the car at a pretty cool Italian restaurant.

We go inside and choose a nice private corner without any peering eyes. He is closer to me than usually. He is not used to be in public and he doesn't trust anyone except me. The breakfast goes well and the food is delicious.

"I'm here with this beautiful being that has graced the earth with it's alluring scent and stunning looks!!!" I congratulate myself for the progress that I made. Now comes the hard part.

I want to make him to enjoy the whole day without any hitch and give him the best time which his parents had never given to him.

We arrive at the Meadowlands State Fair about 30 minutes later after the breakfast, and his feet are glued to the ground.

We are both standing outside the front entrance. He looks excited and his eyes can't take off from the surrounding area.

The place is ginormous. There are people everywhere and the air is smelled of buttered popcorn and mouth-watering foods. It's nothing like I have ever seen before.

It's amazing.

"Hey come on! We can't just stand here all day! There is a huge load of rides we need to try." I exclaim in excitement jumping up and down beside him.

Truthfully, it's all too overwhelming for me also. It have been so long since I went to places like this.. it's frightening somehow.

I can't wait any longer so I just scoop up Sethie in a bridal style and earning a loud yelp from him. I smile and begin walking inside.

"Put me down!" He yells and hits my chest.

"Not a chance." I smirk and walk inside with him in my arms.

"Dean.." He tries to jump off from my arms.

"You're small and I don't want to lose you." I whisper and look at the cutie in my arms.

"I'm not a child and I'm not that small! Now put me down you crazy alpha!!" He tries to wriggle his way out but I just press him closer against my chest.

"Okay, you win." He gives up and hides his face in my chest, avoiding the curious stares from other people in the fair. He is blushing like a mad.

"I hate you, you know that?" He hisses.

"Yep. I totally know that." I have a sheepish grin on my face.

I want our first ride is on the roller coaster so I take him there. He refuses to ride but I force him to do that. He slaps and claws at me but I still manage to get him into his seat and fasten the safety belt.

"Safety belt, my ass. I'm going to die." He scares as he looks around in fear.

"Brighten up baby. It's going to be hella fun, trust me!" I whisper and kiss his cheek.

"No!! I don't want to trust you!" He protests.

"Here, just hold my hand." I offer my hand when the roller coaster slowly starts to move.

"I don't want to. Go away." He pushes me away.

"Suit yourself." I whisper in a playful tone. "You will hold my hand no matter what."

As we reach the highest peak, absentmindedly his hand eventually intertwine with my fingers.


But all that giddy feeling I having is quickly replaced with heart thumping, adrenaline rushing and ear deafening screams as the cart plummets downwards.

Excitement runs in my blood. I can feel my hand is still connected with Sethie. That's a good sign of trust.

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