Chapter 13

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Dean POV:

When I reach Triple H's office, I turn to look at the couch where Sethie is speculating like a floating cloud. A relief comes gushing into my heart when my eyes meet with the black and gold locks of his hair. Seeing him safe and sound makes me happy because he's unlike anyone I've ever met before. He's someone that I want to spend all of my time with, someone that I want to be with, someone that I want to be mine so badly.

"What did I deserve this.." He curses silently, pulling his legs against his chest and nibbling on his thumb.

"Deserved what?" Laughing, I make my way toward him with love in my heart.

When he hears a voice behind him, he turns to look instinctively who it is, like a sunflower turning its petaled head toward the sunlight. He jumps out of his seat as his chestnut brown eyes meet my ocean blue ones. "Is that you! Leave me alone, damn it!!"

"Sethie.. that's no way to be treating your alpha." I shake my head and sit in front of him on the coffee table, wanting to see his expressions carefully. "Sethie, talk to me. Are you all right?" My left-hand approaches his face, tentatively wanting to touch it, but he moves before the touch can come to be. I back away and pull the water bottle beside me, handing it to him and trying to cool his mind. I know it's hard to control my senses, but I have to be gentle with him if I want him to know his mentality.

He's silent for another moment before looking back over at me and taking the offered bottle. "I'm fine." He can barely get his voice out and then rest his chin on his knees. As I don't get his words, I try to approach him again, but this time he yells practically, "I've said I'm fine, Dean!" He takes a deep breath, trying so damn hard to calm down.

Hearing an omega's raising voice, the alpha in me getting disturbed and losing its control. I grab onto Sethie's arm without thinking, instantly making him tense and flinch away from me. I curse under my breath and release his arm, backing away again. "I'm sorry."

"I hate alphas, no offense. They're just crazy for domination and power in this world. And to a person like me, it's certainly terrifying. Again, no offense." He turns his gaze away from me and flips the page on the magazine beside him before settling into a beautiful city page. "I wonder when I can roam the city without getting cat-called and chase by knot-headed alphas. I want to be accepted by society as a human being, not a treasure to be kept locked away and hide from the world." His gaze turns toward me again and settles on my face perfectly. "I hate alphas, no offense. My parents don't let me live like I wish because of alphas. I can get by fine without guys like you." He says bitterly and looks away.

I continue to sit on the edge of the coffee table, digesting the words that he has just spoken and wondering why phrases like this are bothering me so much. Rubbing the nagging feeling from my heart, I try to seed a good thought about alpha in his mind. "Not all alphas are bad, you know. Even though they are, you can change them with your pretty eyes and heart." I bite my lip worriedly and stare at him, hoping he'll respond to something.

As his gaze meets mine again, I feel relieved to see him finally looking a bit relaxed, and there is a hint of a smile on his face. It seems shy, and I think it's kinda adorable.. considering the kind of secrets that we dish out on each other. Looking at him being flustered, all of a sudden flutter my heart. It's really satisfying to see an omega go pliant in the presence of an alpha. I take the opportunity to hold his hand and kiss it.

He stares at me in shock. He pulls his hand away from me and holds it close to his chest. "Y-You.."

"Don't get me wrong, baby. A kiss to a hand by alpha to omega is a friendly greeting." I shrug and elbow my chin, staring at him. My staring brings a blush to his cheeks, and it takes all of my willpower not to pin him to the nearest wall and kiss those plump lips of his.

"Fine. Why are you coming here, anyway?" He gets up from the couch and crosses his arms over his chest, standing firmly in front of me and not wanting to back down. It's impolite for an omega to do that to any alpha, but he is.. well, he is Sethie and can do whatever he wants. He can. That's just a fact.

I take it as a queue and stand up from the coffee table, stepping closer to him and giving off my scent so that he can have a taste. Suddenly, his arms fall to his sides as he takes in my scent. His eyes widen at whatever his inside thoughts. What could cross in his mind?

I push him down on the couch gently before taking a seat beside him. And he will never stop flinching away from me whenever I come close by. Ignoring his uncomfortableness, I bring about the real reason for my arrival. "I won Intercontinental Championship earlier. And I want to celebrate my victory with you." I put the championship belt across his lap and wonder what's on his mind.

A smile curls on his lips as he looks down at the championship belt. His fingers run over it and try to feel it. He's beautiful, with those big brown eyes, curly silky locks, long thick lashes, and pink lips. I growl at the sight accidentally, which sends Sethie stumbling down from the couch onto the hard floor.

"Ow.." He moans in pain while rubbing his aching rear.

I bite my tongue helplessly and hold my hand out before approaching him. "Shit! I'm sorry, Sethie. Are you okay?" I help the omega up and make him sit on the couch again.

"I'm fine. What did you do?" He asks unknowingly, and I can understand that. It was all because he had been trapped in his house a long time without getting involved in anything.

I realize I should teach him a lot after claiming him for myself. "It's a primal instinct. Sorry, my control slipped." I say casually, not knowing how to express it in another way.

"Don't ever do that. It's scary, and I don't like it." He scoots away from me.

"Great Ambrose. You're scaring the little thing! Why am I not in control when I'm with this guy? Get it together, man." I scream internally and take the championship belt from the floor, putting it over his shoulder. "Do you like it?" I ask, looking up at his reaction.

He doesn't say anything, just ignoring me and putting the strap down. He bites his lip and thinks about something before glancing at me. "It's nothing new to me. I just tried every championship belt and admired it over my shoulder or waist before it had presented to WWE. You're in here for a few minutes now, so please get out."

I peek at the clock behind him and notice what time it is. It's getting late already. Maybe Triple H and his precious omega will return here anytime now. Not wanting to get him in trouble, I nod at him and grab the Intercontinental Championship belt from the couch.

I drape the strap over my shoulder before pulling him against mine and holding him in my arms. My face moves toward him slowly as I make eye contact with him, wanting to make him feel something. I swear I can feel how hard his heart is hammering inside his chest now. Not wanting to scare him away by kissing him, I rub my cheek against his and murmur in his ear, "I love you. And my love is only with you, forever!"

Letting him still in shock, I move away from him and grin at him. I walk backward slowly with my eyes on him and observe his every expression, not wanting to miss any of it. I bring a couple of fingers to my lips and press a kiss on it before directing it to him and making my point clear. My love is only with this omega in all my life, always!

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