Chapter 38

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Dean POV:

I discovered that I like a lot of things about Sethie being pregnant. One is that he was always horny or wanting affection from me. If anyone had told me this a month ago then I would have laughed.

Having someone around me all the time isn't normally what I wanted. Not to mention, it is Sethie. Since now, he doesn't ask everything to me. He simply does his own things what makes him happy and cuddles with me for a bit when he feels tired. He is kinda like a cat if I have to describe it.

In the past, he tried and made sure not to get my attention towards him but now, it's totally different. He wants my attention now and he would get it and also 24/7, he is seeking attention from either me or my friends.

The other thing is I like the look and scent of his pregnancy. It softens his natural scent and adds sweetness to it. I can't explain it and it drives me wild sometimes.

He has begin to show instead of his normal stomach, there is the start of a real bump. He resorts to borrow his dad's shirts. He isn't huge but he don't want to stretch out his own clothing. I like that as well and he looks cute in pregnant.

Now, I look at my mate who is sleeping on the bed in our hotel room. The one thing that I can do without others is the up and down of his emotions. He can wake up one way and then in five minutes be another.

I don't blame him but some days I just want to shake him. Sasha and Bayley promised that it would calm down really soon. I am hoping they are right.

I finally gently shake Sethie's shoulder and whisper into his ear, "Babe, we need to head to the arena."

He mewls softly and catches my arm and pulls it against his chest, "Don't wanna get up."

I chuckle softly, "Come on." I lean over and nuzzle into his neck.

He yawns softly and smiles at me, "Mmm.. I could get use to you waking me up like this."

I smirk and bite down his shoulder. "Oh!" He yelps and glares at me.

I snicker and push his shoulder lightly, "Get ready."

He stretches and gets out of the bed, walking into the bathroom to get shower. "Fine, but you owe me more cuddles later."

I smile as I get up and change into some jeans and t-shirt. I arranged my friends to wait for us at downstairs before Sethie gets ready. When he is ready, I gently take him with me to the downstairs.

Once we reach the downstairs, Sasha pokes his stomach, "You're showing more and more."

He nods and looks down at his stomach. I take him to the car carefully before we are going to the arena.

When we reach the arena, I lean closer to him and kiss his forehead before I take him to his mom's room. I hear a voice behind me which make me to pull away from him.

I turn around and see Baron stands in front of me with a smirk in his face. I glare at him, "What do you want Baron?"

He laughs softly, "I didn't get what I want." My blood boils when he looks my Sethie over my shoulder. When I growl, Baron places his hand on my chest and whispers, "But now I'm not here for that. I want to give you a punishment for hitting me that day and made me to get suspend."

I pull his hand away from me and push him down. Before I hit him, Roman walks over and glares at him.

He slowly stands up from the floor, "You and I have a match tonight." He whispers and leaves with a smirk in his face.

Roman POV:

When I walk into our locker room, I see Dean holding Seth who is curled up on his lap. Seth looks tensed so he is rubbing his face against Dean's neck. He is taking comfort in Dean's scent.

Dean keeps muttering he is going to hurt Baron for his comments.

I sigh as I shut the door alerting them to my presence and Dean eyed me. I glare at him and growl, "Why you accept that? I think he comes with a plan."

Seth looks up at Dean and nods, "He is right. Maybe he comes with a plan."

He sighs, "I don't care whatever plan he made. I'll surely kick his ass for being stupid."

I nod, "Whatever, but be careful and think once before you fight with him."

Seth frowns and tips Dean's face to look at him, "He can hurt you."

He leans forward and kisses Seth and then whispers, "He can't do anything. Just trust me."

Seth frowns and goes to say something but he presses his finger against his lips lightly, "The match is happening." Seth nods at him and settles against his chest more.

I cross my arms and lean back against the couch unhappy and mutter, "I don't agree with this still."

Dean nods and hugs Seth tightly against his chest, "I'll be okay. Believe me, Rome. I'll take care of this."

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