Chapter 31

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Seth POV:

Dean closes the space between our faces and kisses me on my lips, "We're making a baby." He pants and his hot breath hits on my face. I try to say something but my words died in my throat when I look at his eyes.

"Relax Sethie.." He leans over and kisses me tenderly. My lips are swollen and pink from all the kisses I have been getting. "We're putting life in here." He shakily moves a hand to my flat stomach.

I mewl softly when he forces himself to me and my omega opens itself to his alpha. My omega allows him deeper, when it opens up itself for him then it will make me pregnant.

I cry out as I come from his knot popping deep inside me. He pulls me up and cups my face with his hands and I look at him in the eyes. I look away when he presses his face into my neck.

"Don't look away," He rasps out. He presses even closer to me and laps at my mating spot in wide strokes. I shiver but he holds me tight against him and keeps me steady as my fingernails dig into his back.

I pant and whine softly in discomfort. My heat isn't breaking and my bottom hurts from the knot and making me sore. He rolls and lays his back on the bed and then pulls me tightly against his chest, "Shh."

I mumble, "Sore.. "

He nods and whispers, "Once it goes down I'm taking you again.. and again until your heat breaks. If you are sore now.. just wait." I whine softly and press my face in his chest. 

I whimper softly when I wake up early in the morning and look around the room. My hip hurts like a hell when I try to move. He is still on top of me so I feel trapped. 

The memories of yesterday floods into my brain. He isn't joking about taking me over and over. He fucked me until I passed out. Now I want to get up so I shake his arm, "Dean.. Dean."

Dean POV:

I open my eyes slowly and look down at Sethie when he calls me. "Too early.." I mumble and lay onto his chest.

He whispers, "Dean.. I.. want to.. get up."

I rub my face trying to wake up and roll myself from him onto the bed. I look at him and he whimpers softly as he tries to stand up but he can't move. I stand up from the bed and hold my hand out for him, "Need some help?"

I know he is in pain and feel guilty but my alpha didn't stop until he passed out. The alpha part of my brain wants to ensure that I want to make him understand what he needs in his life.

The alpha in me also wants to make sure that every alpha including Baron knows who Sethie belongs too as well. I am pretty sure that everyone can scent me on him.

He gives up trying to move on his own and nods. I help him to sit up and he winces as he sits on his bottom. I crouch in front of him. His hair is messy in front of his face when he flushes in shame.

I tuck his hair behind his ear and look into his eyes. He looks up at me and whines softly, "My butt hurts."

I smirk and run my fingers over his jaw and kiss his mating mark which makes him squeal. The mark sends zips of pleasure through me and it looks like a set of teeth marks right now.

Some get tattoos over their marks, but I don't want any tattoos to replace mine. When the mark starts to heal I plan to bite him again. "I blame you for all of this because you cheated me so I claimed you five times yesterday is enough of a punishment."

"But you shouldn't have punished me like that, it's one day, fucking hell!" He whines as he pushes me away and stands up from the bed. I can't help the bit of smirk form on my face because everyone knows who he belongs to. 

"You know I also have a heart because I gave you some time to take rest yourself in between each of the fucking." I laugh at him.

As I lean on the headboard, I look at him taking his clothes from his bag. I smirk and ask, "Do you take your suppressant with you, baby boy?"

He looks over at me and mutters something under his breath. I slightly move forward and ask, "I can't hear anything, baby boy. What you said?"

His eyes are widened when I stand up from the bed and look over at him. Before I grab him, he quickly enters the bathroom and closes the door behind. I knock at the door, "Anyways, you want to come out then I will look at you."

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