Chapter 45

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Seth POV:

We all look up when Doctor Charlotte walks in the room with a smile in her face. She waves a hand at me, "Hey Seth."

I look at Dean and he lets me to move and helps me onto the bed. She checks me over and rubs my leg gently as she smiles softly at me, "How's the pain?"

I mumble, "It's okay, just uncomfortable."

She nods and smiles softly, "You are slowly getting ready but it's going to be a while."

I nod and lay my head down on the bed. She tells Dean to call the nurse if we need anything. He shifts and lays down with me as he curls up against my side. I mumble softly in pain and try to close my eyes.

Over the next couple of hours they all doze quietly between contractions. I wake up by Dean when my mom and dad arrive the hospital and hold my hands on either side by them. I smile weakly and try to sit up but my mom doesn't let me.

When I am talking to my mom, Roman comes there with a stuffed bunny in his hand. He grins brightly and puts the bunny to the side, "For your little one."

I smile softly at him, "Thank you."

I look at Dean, he smiles at me and rubs my arm. Before Roman leaves the room, I whisper, "Roman, please.. just take Dean with you and make him to eat something because he didn't eat anything since morning."

"No baby, I won't go anywhere." He refuses but my mom whispers to him, "Go Dean, just eat. We'll take care of him."

He looks at me, I nod and then he leaves with Roman. I yawn softly when he leaves and my mom rubs my stomach to make me comfort and has something to do with her hand.

I wince and catch my mom's hand when a contraction hits and she tells Bayley to call the doctor while she holds me tightly to her.

Dean walks into the room with a bowl in his hand and places the bowl on the nearby table as he looks at me. I am breathing and holding onto my mom tightly. He walks over to my side and runs his hand over my hair as he crawls onto the bed.

He gently pulls me away from my mom's hold and makes me to curl against him. I nuzzle into him and sigh softly, "I-I want this pain to be over."

He nods and whispers, "Soon.."

Five minutes later, Doctor Charlotte walks into the room and looks at us, "Are you ready?"

I look at her and whisper, "Yes.."

She checks me out and smiles softly, "You're almost ready.."

I whine as I hold Dean's hand tightly and whisper to her, "I can't handle the pain.."

She nods sympathetically, "Soon Seth.. most likely an hour or so."

I nod and curl more against Dean. He offers me chocolate pudding which he bought from the cafeteria. I shake my head and refuse the pain medication which ends up he holding me tightly through the contractions for the next hour.

As the hour passed, my contractions have speed up considerably and finally Charlotte comes and says that I'm ready. My parents and our friends leave the room since all of them can't be in there.

Dean looks and gives me a soft smile, "It'll be fine." I groan as the contraction comes and I lay on the bed with my legs being put up. Dean gently strokes my hair and whispers, "We're almost done."

I mumble softly, "I'm not letting you to knot me ever again."

He smirks softly, "You're talking like you're letting me in, I only force you."

I whine in pain and mutter under my breath. Charlotte shakes her head at our talk and looks over at me, "Push with the next contraction."

I nod and cry out as the contraction comes and I push. He holds onto my hand and whispers at me that I'm beautiful and doing well while he props me up when I'm pushing.

Finally, there is a cry and I smile weakly as he looks down at me. He watches as the doctor wraps our baby in a blanket. She gently gives the baby in my arms and whispers, "You have a son."

Dean's eyes fill with tears and he whispers softly, "A boy.."

I hold the baby and look up at him before touch his cheek and smile brightly, "Our little boy." He nods and kisses my head and also kisses the baby's head.

" He nods and kisses my head and also kisses the baby's head

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