Chapter 34

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Dean POV:

Finally, Finn and Bayley also reach our room. We have been waiting for them to arrive to our room like thirty minutes. I hold Sethie tightly against me because I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

"Anyways, Bayley told you're pretty certain that you're pregnant." Finn whispers as he looks at Sethie and sits down beside Roman.

Sasha flips her hair and looks at Bayley before talking, "Basically, in order not to be pregnant you would have sterile." 

Sethie looks at her confused. She scratches her head, "Start at the beginning?"

Sethie nods, "Sorry.. but please.. I don't understand." I keep my arms around his waist and hold him tightly against me. "I don't really either."

She flops down, "So you know when.. your omega actually opens you up.. you are able to get pregnant, right?"

He nods as he leans against my chest and gasps, "So it is.."

Bayley smiles softly at him, "You are most likely pregnant." He chews his bottom lip and looks up at me. I tuck him closer to me and whisper, "We should get you check out."

He watches me and bites his bottom lip hard. He chews on his nail quietly but I don't say anything instead staying quiet as I look at my friends. They knew that I had a pretty bad childhood. I don't know clearly if I want children.

I snap out of my thoughts when I feel something warm against my neck. I touch my neck and raise my eyebrow when my finger comes back red. I blink in shock when I see Sethie biting his thumb harder and it is bleeding. "Sethie calm down.. stop."

I pull him back and cover his hand with mine and whisper, "We are in this together. Don't be tensed."

Sasha walks over and kneels in front of us. She then speaks softly, "Seth, don't be tensed. You are not alone. If your parents know that you're pregnant, they will be happy."

He whispers softly as he looks at me, "I.."

I shake my head, "You're never in this alone. You have me." He smiles and hides his face against my chest when my friends add, "And us."

One week later..

I look around the doctor's office and frown because I hate doctors with passion. I narrow my eyes at the nurse who is so chipper and keep smiling at me and my omega. Sethie is holding onto my arm to restrain me from snapping.

I shift in the chair and pull him closer to me. I'm unhappy when I can scent another alpha. It is probably the patient's mate but it is enough to cause me to be annoyed.

Roman and Sasha along with Finn and Bayley are also here. The two alphas are here to keep me from snapping and doing something. Bayley is sitting on Sethie's other side and watching over us.

Roman rumbles softly, "Dean calm down."

I mutter, "I don't like this."

Finn looks up from the book that he is looking at. "Dean, this is the only omega doctor in town. We're lucky to get Seth in with her. Unless you want an alpha looking at Seth, just calm down."

I have insisted that the doctor shouldn't be an alpha. I don't want any other alpha looking at my Sethie naked or touching him. The thought of that making my alpha flares and growls. Sasha and Bayley went to the doctor who is an omega so we get him in with her. It took a week but at least she is able to see him.

Sasha explained to her that I am still acting immensely possessive and our life. I won't let alphas other than Finn and Roman near him. The doctor says that she is expected and she has seen it before. That's why she agrees to see Sethie.

When the nurse calls out Sethie's name, I stand up and leading him into the office. I make him to sit on the chair and hold onto his hand. The doctor takes him for a pregnancy test after few minutes.

Sethie comes back alone and sits beside me. He moves and leans against my side. I hum softly as I look down at him, "You okay?"

He nods and whispers, "Nervous.."

I nod, "We're in this together. Remember that."

He nods and we look up as the doctor walks in. She smiles softly and offers her hand to me, "I'm Doctor Charlotte."

I nod and shake her hand. She then shakes Sethie's hand and shares a smile at us. "Seth, you're pregnant."

He swallows softly and I look at her, "Really?" 

She smiles softly, "Yes." She then picks up the clip board, "Sasha and Bayley told me a little about you so if you have any doubt about your pregnancy, just ask to me."

The rest of the appointment goes by in a blur for me. Finally, she gives us some papers and I take them. When she leaves, he looks up at me and whispers, "I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be okay." I pull him into a tight hug and think about the child. I don't know how to think at this situation.

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