Chapter 7

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Dean POV:

I haven't heard that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have an omega son before. It's weird! It means they have grown up their son in the palm of their hands and hidden him from the entire world. However, as they tried, their omega son got into my eyes and attracted me already. No one can change my mind from chasing after him because I have fixed my mind already that he's my omega. And he'll be mine soon!

Stephanie coughs slightly and turns toward me, crossing her arms over her chest. "What are you doing here, Dean?" Even if she tries not to lose her attitude in front of me, her vision reveals that she's nervous and worried about his son getting caught by me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I slide my hands in my pocket and explain my appearance. "Triple H wants to see me." My words seem to hang in the air because she's still wondering how to secure his son from me. Leaving her in her dreamland, I walk past her and continue my way to Triple H's office.

Once I reach his door, I take a deep breath and get inside. Maintaining my casualty, I sit in front of the boss and look up at him. "So I heard you wanted me for something," I speak with curiosity in my voice.

He shoots a grin toward me whilst going through some papers, which I don't know. "Dean, I decided to change your Intercontinental Championship match against Miz as a triple threat for the upcoming PPV."

"But why? I don't want any triple threat match. I want one on one with Miz." I pull up from the chair with anger and hit on his desk. "Cancel the triple threat," I growl, clenching my fists and trying to haunt him.

"No!" He says with a dark smile.

I glance around slowly before my eyes come to rest on him once again. I step forward, standing toe to toe and eye to eye with him. "Cancel the match," I demand through gritted teeth.

"Absolutely not," He replies, shooting daggers at me.

I move even closer to him, so we are chest to chest. "Cancel the match and make it one-on-one again." When I realize any of this is not going to work out, I decide to kill the third member of the match. If there's no third member, the game will be one on one on my wish. A chuckle escapes my lips when I imagine it. Loosening my arms slightly, I huff out a breath and turn my head to the side to look up at him. "Anyway, who's the third member?"

"Sit." He orders, but I don't give respect to him. Why do I? He doesn't listen to my words, so I do the same to him. Shaking his head, he ignores my daggers and spills what he's planning already. "You have a rematch against Dolph next week. If you win, you will get one on one with Miz. Otherwise, it's a triple threat match." His aggressive tone may hurt my ears, but not me.

"Oh, it's Dolph. That beta wants a championship match! You wanna see Hunter; I'll show him an actual hell the next week. A true hell!" I growl and clench my fists for putting a beta against me. It's really a tremendous insult for an alpha who's the primary dynamics of the world. Is he mad or something? Doesn't he know how insulting this is? There's no chance in hell that he doesn't know about it, but he does everything on purpose.

"Dad?" A voice echoes through the room and gets both of our attention. A moment of silence occupies the place as we stare at each other, trying to figure it out. Once I realize who's the voice belongs to, I turn around with a smirk on my face and expect my love of life. A growl escapes my lips when I find my omega hides behind the J&J securities like the moon floats in the sky and masks behind the clouds. My heart is beating out loud as I sit here quietly. Screaming inside with love, every beat of my heart echoes his name.

Just like a halt to the beat, the omega's father taps on the desk and gets my attention back. "We'll talk about your match later. Now, you may leave." He then gets up from the chair and shows me the door, trying to send me quickly. His actions prove he doesn't want me to see his son and have eyes on him. Whatever he does, I have my eyes on his precious son already.

Still having the smirk on my face, I nod at him and give him a two-finger mock salute. It's going to be crazy. I make my way to the door and open it, letting the J&J securities in. Knowing well, I walk then and bump into Sethie purposely to force him into eye contact with me. My baby blue eyes gaze up to meet with soft chocolate brown orbs.

His innocent look is adorable, just like when we have first met at the party. I glance at him with a smirk plastering on my face, which does things to me. Things I didn't know that I could feel. I watch him run a hand through his hair; it is a nervous tick that I have to be familiar with, and my eyes shift to his neck, taking in the expanse of pale flesh. Licking my lips seductively, I wink at him and mimic to eat him.

Seth POV:

When the unknown alpha is flirting with me, I feel sick to my stomach. My entire being shuddered at the superstar's touch when he knocked into me, but I thought it was an accident. Now it seemed like he did it on purpose. His eyes light up as he glances at me like he has known me from somewhere, but I'm sure I don't know him from anywhere. Who is he?

My thoughts are interrupted when Jamie taps on my shoulder and tries to get my attention. I nod at him and close the door behind me before making the way to my dad. Even though I'm doing another process, my mind is still thinking about that alpha. Is any problem coming to me because of him?

Oh, shit! I guess I trash my mind with unnecessary things. If my face expresses uncomfortableness, my parents will lock me in the house and treat me like a kid again. I don't want that horrible life. Staying within four walls and watching it all the time would sick anyone, and so was I. Just leaving this topic here will be great, I guess. If that alpha hits on me again, I will consider confessing my dad and making him fired from this company. I don't care whether he's fired or suspended.

Glancing up at my dad, I wrap my arms around him and breathe in his scent. "Love you, dad." My voice is laced with worry, sensing there's something wrong already. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and whisper against his skin. "Forgive them, dad."

He pulls me away from him and stares at me gently, trying not to show his anger at me. "How many times?"

"As much as I'm the only reason for it." I grab his hand, rubbing his knuckles and trying to soothe him. "They told me that they didn't want to leave, but I forced them to bring something from catering. I'm sorry."

His eyes turn to glare at them but soften a little when it returns to me. "Did they bring you anything?" He runs his fingers through my messy curls and smoothes them gently.

"Yeah, but I liked none of that," I mutter, leaning against his side and holding his jacket tightly.

"Oh!" He laughs and presses a kiss on my forehead. He then grabs his phone and dials the number of someone before ordering all my favorites. After hanging up the phone, he looks down at me and smiles brightly. He's indeed a great example of a dad that I insist on graciously.

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