Chapter 24

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Seth POV:

I wake up with the sun. Even though the city is filled with skyscrapers reaching for the heavens, I still manage to wake up at sunrise. I look at the bedside clock, it shows 5.21 AM.

I move carefully from Dean's grip without waking him up and go straight to the bathroom, splashing some water onto my face, making me more alive and refresh.

"Maybe I should make some breakfast before he wakes up. It's still pretty early. Waffles seem nice." I think myself before make my way to downstairs.

I reach downstairs and make my way to the kitchen. I grab the ingredients which I need and proceed to make breakfast.

My mom taught me how to cook so it have be a perfect time for me to practice my cooking skills. Now I want to prepare the breakfast for two. "I don't know whether Dean likes the food which I'm going to prefer?" I ask myself.

"Don't think that to yourself, Seth Rollins McMahon. Whatever your mom taught to you, they all are best. If Dean doesn't like your food then he has no luck to eat." I whisper to myself.

Few moments later, I prepared the breakfast in success. I grab the untouched plates of food and place them on the dining table.

Dean POV:

When I wake up, I find Sethie is not here beside me. I growl as I make my way downstairs and see him waiting for me in the dining table.

In front of him, there are two plates of freshly made waffles with a side of cinnamon roll and two tall glasses of orange juice.

I calm down myself when I see him prepared the breakfast for both of us. "Morning babe," I kiss his cheek and sit on the chair beside him.

"Morning," He smiles and looks at me.

I can't believe that he made this for me once I taste the cinnamon roll. "Did you make these?" I hold up a cinnamon roll in front him and he just nods.

"They are friggin delicious!! You are an amazing husband being able to cook like this. I'm the lucky alpha to have you as my mate." I smirk and take another bite.

He stops chewing his food and swallows thickly. The light tint of blush red on his cheeks continue to deepen in color. "Thanks. But if you want to thank really, you need to thank my mom because she is the one who taught me how to cook."

You always prove me that you're a Seth Rollins McMahon, not Seth Rollins Ambrose! 

If he doesn't mention his parents for something then I'm sure the rain will come that day. I'm sick of being heard about his parents. I try to change the subject by whispering, "I want to ask you something.." 

"Why are you moving away from me?" I ask and watch his reaction carefully before continue saying, "It's because you have no interest in me."

"No, I like you but I hate you." He picks up the fork and stabs his honey lathered waffles. "Because, you're an alpha. I don't like alphas."

Then who is your dad, grandfather, uncle.. I know already who they're, now you also know!

I hide the smirk which form on my face by grabbing the water and drink it. "Why you hate alphas?" I ask as I place the glass on the table and curiously waiting for his answer.

"Cause I'll only be used as a trophy husband and be shown off to other alphas since I'm so damn rare." He looks at me and adds, "If you get your hands on a male omega, you'll certainly show up at profligate dinner parties, presenting the omega you have claimed."

"Who told these lies to you?" I ask. He glances at me and gives me a knowing look. I shrug, "Yeah, I know some of them are true but not all of them."

"That's what I learned from my home school teacher when I was a teenager." He admits.

"Well your teacher is wrong and doesn't know shit about life. Forget whatever they have said and let me show you what an alpha is really like." I flash a smile at him.

"I don't want to know that." He replies and continues to eat his food.

I know I spoiled his mood so I try to change the topic. "Baby, I want to ask you one more thing.." He looks at me little annoyed but I'm going to ask what's on my mind.

"On that day, you told me that your dad had shown you the WWE belts." I whisper. He looks at me confused but I continue what I'm saying, "Did your father teach you how to wrestle?"

"I love wrestling.." He bites his bottom lip and looks up at me, "But he didn't teach me how to wrestle because I'm an omega. Basically, the omegas are not allowed to do-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips against him. "If you want, I'll teach you." I whisper and see the lit in his eyes. I grab his hand and gently squeeze it, "But one condition, you won't dream yourself to wrestle with someone."

"Okay." He replies with excitement. I want him to be happy like this whenever he is with me. I'll do anything to make him closer with me, forever.

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