Chapter 32

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Seth POV:

I lean back on the bathroom door as I sigh myself and turn, catching the sight of myself in the large mirror. I stand there and looking over my body which is covered with bites and bruises.

Dean fucked me hard!

I see the finger marks on my hips and let out a sigh before I move into the shower. I come out of the bathroom after finishing the shower. I am panicked when I remember my omega opened up itself for his alpha which can makes me pregnant.

I look at him when he comes towards me and holds me against him. Before he kisses me, I stop him and whisper, "Dean.. you.. I.. oh god.."

He nods confusedly and pulls me tightly against his chest, "Calm down.. "

I whisper, "You.. and me.. Dean I could be pregnant."

He whispers softly to me, "Calm down. We don't know if you are until we confirm this."

I look at him and my fear seems to get worse when I think that I can't achieve my dreams like other omegas. I know why he doesn't worry because he wants children and he told me that every time. I close my eyes and hide my face in his chest and try not to worry before I confirm this.

Dean POV:

I rub my face trying to process this. I pull Sethie tighter against me when I think about yesterday. I couldn't believe that his omega let me in. I told him that I want baby with him but I don't know whether I'm ready for that.

If my alpha calmed down then I won't be in this situation.

I close my eyes as I rub his back and whisper, "Lets just take everything slowly here. We'll deal each things as it comes. Okay?"

He nods and I watch his expression. What if he is pregnant? The thought of him large with a child appealing to the alpha in me. The fear streak through me as I think myself trying to be a parent to a child.

I bite my bottom lip nervously and lean my head back. He begins to calm as I rub his back. Suddenly I feel him poking to my side and moves away from me as he bites his bottom lip and whispers, "You can take a shower.."

I look at him confusedly then look down myself as I feel itchy. I crinkle my nose when I see the dried slick from him still on me. I sigh and nod at him, "Yes. You're right." I kiss his lips and then make my way to my bag and take the clothes before go to shower.

An hour later, I find myself at the gym and waiting for my friends while thinking about what Sethie had said earlier. "You okay? You seem out of it." I look beside when I hear the sound and realize Finn is sitting down next to me with his omega.

I rub my face with my hands and sigh, "Something happened.."

Finn nods and frowns, "What?" 

I bite my bottom lip nervously, "Sethie's omega.. let me in."

Bayley leans forward and looks at me, "Damn Dean.." When I look back at her, she nods and leans her head in her alpha's shoulder before whispers, "Anyways, you also want that Seth gets pregnant to your child."

I nod as I know what she means and look at him, "Yeah.. But I don't know if I'm ready to be a father to a child."

She looks at me confused and his alpha does too. She holds his hand and explains to him, "When an omega.. lets you in.. that's when they can get pregnant."

He nods, "Oh.."

She looks at me, "If you're scared then why you didn't use birth control. Huh?"

I look down and nod, "Yeah.. But, I forgot it at that moment."

She nods and leans back against his alpha. "So, our Sethie is pregnant? Wait, does he know?"

I sigh, "Yeah, he knew what happened that's why he is panicked. I don't think he knows though.. I just never thought that his omega will let me so soon."

She nods, "Maybe you force him because you're alpha is egoistic. When Sasha told me what happened between you and Baron in raw then I guess this will happen."

I hum and stand up from the bench and look at Finn when he grabs my hand and asks, "What's your plan if he is pregnant?"

I rub the back of my neck and look back at him, "Honestly I don't know what to do. Maybe I'll let him to stay at his dad's home until the baby born."

She starts, "What?"

I shrug, "Anyways, he needs anyone beside him when he is pregnant for support. He doesn't make friends with any of you guys, then what can I do?"

She frowns, "An omega wants his alpha more than anything when they are pregnant. If you said this as a reason to Stephanie and Triple H to stay their son at their home, they think they made a wrong choice to give Seth to you. If you're a good alpha then take a firm decision before you confirm this."

Finn stands up and grabs her hand and looks at me, "I also support Bayley at this time, not because of she is my omega. She is right so just take your own time and I have faith in you that you will never give up."

They leave me alone to think. I sit back on the bench and hold my head with my hands as I think what to do.

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