Chapter 40

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Dean POV:

Stephanie screams for medics and that echo in my ears but it doesn't snap me out of my rage. Finn grabs me and pulls me off of Baron. For a second, I beaten Baron bloody in the middle of the ring. He rolls out of the ring when Finn pulls me away and whispers, "Your mate needs you."

I snap out of my rage and look up at him. I pull myself out of his arms when I hear Sethie whimpers in pain. I crawl over and see Stephanie holding him against her chest while rubbing his stomach. I nod at her and pull him into my side and cup his face with my hands, "Sethie.."

"My baby! My baby!!" He is screaming hysterically. My friends are worried as they surround us. Triple H looking us as he screaming to get medics out here fast.

The medics run down the ramp with a stretcher to take my Sethie but I don't let them to touch him, because my alpha wants to protect my mate and doesn't want another alpha near him.

Finn and Roman pull me away and restrain me. The medics load my Sethie onto the stretcher. I starting to freak out but Sasha walks over to me and grabs me by my tank top, "Calm the hell down. Just try to figure out what is happening here."

I take a couple of breaths but I can't get rid of the fear that is coursing through me because Sethie got punched in his stomach. I collapse against Roman whimpering myself that I should have protected him better and gotten him out of the ring.

The medics nod at me because they want to rush Sethie to the hospital and they don't want to take any chances with the pregnant omega. I look at Sethie but he is still clutching his stomach.

"Dean, don't leave me, please.." He is crying.

I pull myself away from Roman's arms and catching up to the medics and hold his hand, "I'm.. I'm right behind you baby, don't worry."

The medics take him to the medic station and do an ultrasound. "There's a very weak heart beat so we need to get him to the hospital right now." The medic whispers.

"Baby, I'll get you to the hospital. I got you.. It's going to be okay." I whisper with tears in my eyes. I kiss his forehead and the paramedics arrive and take him to the ambulance while all other superstars surround us.

I look at the medic who is doing something at the door shut of the ambulance and I can barely hear Roman yelling that he'll meet us in the hospital. I kneel down on the floor as much as I can lay my head on his chest and whisper softly so only he and the baby can hear, "I won't let you go ever."

He holds onto my hand and my hair. The medic doesn't say anything as I rub his stomach gently with my hand.

We arrive at the hospital and I move letting them to take him into the exam room. I am standing in the hallway with tears in my eyes and notice Roman and Finn walking over to me.

I whisper when Roman places his hand on my shoulder, "They're checking him out, Ro.. I'm scared.."

He nods, "Dean, what the medics said in the medic station?" He asks worried.

"A weak heartbeat. And Sethie lost lot of blood. Maybe I lose them both. It's all because of me.." I fall to my knees as I cry and punch on the wall and the floor.

Finn nods, "You didn't know Baron would do that.. Hell, no one thought that he would do that."

I whisper, "I'm going to hurt him for this, Ro... I want to hurt him. I want to make him bleed and scream."

He nods, "You will Dean.. I promise you that you will."

"I can't lose them, I can't lose Sethie, I can't.. I can't.." I scream. He sits beside me and wraps his arms around me and pulls me close against his chest, "Dean, everything is gonna be fine. He should be okay and the baby should be as well."

I pull away from him when he nudges my shoulder. I look around confusedly and notice Vince is standing in front of me with a worried face, "Did the doctor say anything?"

"No. They took him inside and didn't say anything yet." I whisper kindly as I look at the door where Sethie is.

While Stephanie sits on one of the chairs, Triple H comes towards me and whispers, "I paid the medical bills for our son so don't worry about anything just be with him and take care of him."

I nod and wipe my eyes, thanking him. He pats my back and sits beside Stephanie and Vince. After a couple of hours, the nurse comes out and smiles softly at us. "You're here for Seth Rollins?"

I nod before stand up and whisper, "Yeah. He's my omega."

The nurse smiles at me, "He has been asking you."

I am happy to hear that, "Whether he and the baby are okay?"

"Yeah, they both are good but Rollins wants to be in the hospital for a few days. You can see him." She whispers and walks away.

I nod and head to the room quickly. As I throw the door open, I see Sethie laying on the bed in his hospital gown. I rushing over to his side and crawl onto the bed and throw my leg over his and settle into his arms. I look into his eyes and whisper, "Not letting you go."

He holds onto me tightly and whispers, "Please don't."

I kiss his forehead and nuzzle into his neck. He holds onto me tightly and I wrap my arms around his waist. I look around when I hear someone clears their throat from behind us and notice McMahon family and my friends are standing there.

"Your family and my friends don't have the brain. They don't leave us alone at least five minutes." I whisper in his ear only he can hear. I pull myself away from him and let them to see him.

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