Chapter 14

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Seth POV:

Forty birds had visited the big cherry tree in the last one and a half hours. I've been sitting at the window and staring at the tree in the backyard, which is just a couple of meters away from me. There are many thoughts in my mind, but staring at a plain wall will make it even worse, so I sit here, and it's pretty cool, too.

However, as I try, my mind goes back to Dean and thinks about the moments with him. I can't focus on anything else than asking myself if I should believe him that not all alphas are bad. Maybe there's a chance for it, but he's a bad guy. Thinking about him will thrash my mind, so I decide to leave the thought out the window and close it enough so no animal or worries can come in.

After taking a deep breath, I shake my head and return to bed. As I arrange the pillows and blankets, my mind wanders back to Dean. Maybe letting him near me is not safe for me always. It isn't such a good thing as well. Oh, shit! Why am I continuing to think about him?

The more I'm thinking about him, the more my head starts hurting, so I elect to get some tea before going to bed. With pretty slow motions, since I'm kind of tired, I make my way down the hall to the kitchen. While the water takes its time boiling, I go into the living room to check if my parents are still up.

"Hey, honey." My mom says as I enter the room. "Don't you want to go to bed?"

"Yes, just making some tea before I do." I convince her and give her a small smile before glancing at my dad. His eyes gleam in happiness as he sees me and nods at me.

"Sure, honey." She gives me a big smile before putting her head down on her husband's chest again.

I turn around to leave the room and return to the kitchen, letting them have their moment. I grab a cup and put the teabag in before pouring the water on it and letting the whole thing rest for a couple of minutes. I then throw the teabag in the trash and take the cup to my room.

"Good night." For just a couple of seconds, I poke my head back into the living room before reaching my room. I sit on the bed and take a sip of my tea, trying to clear my mind. Instead of every nerve settling down, it brings the thoughts of Dean back.

He's not a good guy. He is crazy, not just in the ring, as I have already experienced it. His mood swings were scaring me. Not terrified, but definitely uncomfortably scared. He's unpredictable, so getting into his eyes always is not safe for an omega, especially me. He's always looking for a chance to flirt with me and claim me.

First, he kissed my stupid hand! My eyes glance at my hand and recall the moment with him in my dad's office. Then he held me in his arms and rubbed his cheek with mine! My fingers reach over my cheek and rub it gently, feeling the worst moment again. What he's planning next, huh?

Suddenly, he appears in front of me and pushes me down on the bed before climbing on top of me and kissing me passionately. What? My body shudders and covers with wetness all of a sudden. I shake my head and get into reality, understanding that it's the worst nightmare. And the liquid that has covered me is the tea, nothing more!

I place the cup on the bedside table and caress my chest, trying to calm my throbbing heart. "Damn, that Ambrose! I hate him!" I can feel the heat rising to my face. I can't stay alphas throwing me off guard like this. I feel vulnerable!

I calm down a bit and regain my posture. All alphas are the same. There's no difference between them. They look for dominancy and try to make the omega's life a living hell. I'll never fall for Dean's tricks. Maybe he thinks he's different, but to me, he'll never be. Because he's an alpha!

Dean POV:

I know this is a bad idea at the moment that I'm sharing with my friends. It's our monthly movie night, which means piling as many people into a hotel room as possible to binge Netflix. Currently, there's me and my friends Roman, Sasha, Finn, and Bayley situated precariously on the queen bed and the couch tiny that's been moved next to it. Roman and Sasha have the bed, and Finn and Bayley are squished together on the small loveseat. I'm probably on the floor now.

I try to pay attention to the conversation about what movie to watch, but their flirty eyes on one another make coherent thoughts harder and harder. I don't contribute much and can barely think about anything. I know their intention well as soon as my alpha friends suggest a horror movie. Because their omega girls hate horror movies. They get scared easily, and they're too paranoid to see them any fun.

Everyone knows this, but apparently, it has been a tiebreaker, so no one calls them out on it. What's worse, the romance they're having without caring about an unmated alpha beside them! I have told them several times not to flirt in front of me, and it will make me long for my omega and dream about him, but neither of them cares. Why do they? Is it their life to worry about? Nah!

Three minutes into the movie, I won't be able to tell anyone what we're watching. All I can focus on is the lovely couple behind me. "Ro, this is not fair." Sasha slaps her husband playfully on the shoulder and giggles like a Cheshire cat. Do they have a heart, at least? I guess not. If they could, they would help me claim my omega and do the exact to him.

Fifteen minutes into the movie, my head turns toward another couple on the loveseat where low moans and groans are coming from. Hmm... it's really awesome! So everyone here is taking care of themselves, not me. There's no one to care for me in this place. Not caring, okay! At least, they should consider me. What can I do to spoil their mood?

"I hugged him.." The words leave out of my mouth automatically and get their attention. It's not enough for me, so I spill some more that will halt their hearts for a second. "..And kissed him!" Smirk curls on my lips as the four of them turn their heads to look at me. Their eyes must have almost fallen out of their head since they have never expected it.

"What?!" They all ask in unison, and it brings a big grin to my lips. "What had you done, Dean! You were not only risking your life but also us. McMahon will kill us and make our body hang in front of the arena to teach others a lesson about what will happen if they try to get his omega grandson." Soon the smile fades away from my face when Finn dramatically pulls his omega against him and nuzzles her neck, taking in the scent. "We're going to die, baby. I don't know if this is the last day that we're gonna live!"

I clench my fists at my sides and growl at him. "Stop it, Finn. I have kissed him only on the hand, but if you keep dramatic, I'm sure I'll kiss him on the lips the next time." My eyes narrow angrily at each one of them. "Okay! Just tell me, guys, do you really care about me?" I suck in a harsh breath, and my voice cracks as I speak again. "I feel like a piece of fucking trash because you're not taking any steps in my life. I thought we were friends, and you would do anything for me, but I was wrong. I didn't expect this from you."

They don't dare to say a word that makes me chuckle helplessly at them. Shaking my head, I stomp on the floor and rush out the door without caring about any of them, just like they are. If they try to tell me something, I don't actually go to listen to it. I need air. In lieu of going for a smoke anymore, I go out to get some air. So I keep going and getting myself out of the hotel to where all the cars are parked.

I pace back and forth while clenching and unclenching my fists. I don't look over at Roman as he approaches. I keep walking and muttering under my breath. The words that leave my mouth are too quiet for him to hear. Anyway, why should he need to listen?

He thinks about getting closer but then opts to keep his distance. He knows I'm aware of his presence. He can tell from the way I tense up. But instead of crowding me, he decides to give me the space to sort myself out.

The pacing continues, making for a very long few minutes. Finally, I stop to look up at Roman. Blue eyes are blazing angrily, making him swallow nervously. "Don't pretend to be caring. I'm angry at all of you."

"I know." He tries to keep his voice from wavering as he replies. He knows I still have the right to put venom in my voice and get angry at him.

"I'm serious." I clench my fists and keep them that way this time. "And my obsession with Sethie is also serious. We were sharing small moments, but that was not enough for me because it was behind closed doors. I want to claim him and mark him to be mine. I want to show this world that he's my omega!"

"Dean-" He places his hand on my shoulder and squeezes it gently, trying to comfort me.

"No. Just don't." I swat his hand away and look at him once more, my eyes narrowing in anger. I glare at him, my fists ball up at my sides. For a moment, he thinks I'm going to lunge and attack. But then I shake my head and take off, knocking over anything that I can get my hands on as I return inside. Not going to their room this time!

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