Chapter 25

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Dean POV:

Shuffling through the arena on dead weight, the noises from the music and the fans giving me a pulsing headache, I avidly search for my friends throughout the throng of people. I roughly shove past Baron, who stops abruptly, ready to lie into me when I hear my name being called farther down the corridor. I grin and walk over, hearing the scream of Vince. I had won and beaten Baron. I wasn't even sure how I pushed past all the difficulties, but I had won.

The old man, though, is angry. Hunter looks at him and then shakes his head. He doesn't say anything because the deal has been made. He watches silently and vows, deciding to watch me closely.

I look at Vince when he glances at me and speaks up, "How much to keep my grandson from mating you?"

I pretend to think as I eye him closely. I then smirk and shake my head. "No, Vince."

He grits his teeth and walks away. Stephanie then looks at me and shows a finger. "If you hurt him.." She doesn't say anything after that, just letting the threat hang there.

I shake my head and walk around her. I'm tired of this already. Making it even worse, Sethie pulls off my hand and runs away. When I realize what he's done, I waste no time going after him. As I get a hold of him, he panics and struggles against me. I can feel that he's going into heat. I stiffen against him, and he looks up at me and knows that I've scented him.

A wave of fire hits me when I smell it. It's like the scent of cinnamon and vanilla mixed. I inhale my mate. I then move and press my face into his hair, breathing deeply. "You're mine!"

He whines in fear as my alpha scent assaults him, which has the scent of cinnamon and berries. He knows I'm his alpha. He, though, whimpers softly in fear. He struggles against my grip and tries to go away.

I growl softly when my alpha scent spikes because of his whimpering and fear. My alpha doesn't understand he's scared of me and that there is no threat. I stun when he manages to force my hand off him and run away again. The scent of my mate has pulled all rational thought from my brain.

He tries to run in the hallway to put some distance between us. It's not good while he's going into heat. If he gets into another alpha's hands, I will lose him permanently, even if I have won the tournament. Growling loudly, I run faster and tackle him down onto the floor.

Roman POV:

I stand in awe, watching the situation unfold right in front of me. I don't want to get involved with Dean while he is like this. His growling and alpha scent are spiking like crazy, keeping everyone at bay. He can even turn on me and do something more violent to me than just being slapped if I interrupt.

Triple H isn't sure what to do as he looks at me. He knows if he approaches the lunatic right now, Dean will seriously hurt him. Maybe Seth will get hurt, too. Everyone here knows enough that when alpha is like this, we don't screw with them. So Hunter keeps others at bay and pleads me to handle the situation because I'm the only alpha out that might be able to do something.

I hold my hands up, not sure either, but take a step toward the new couple. Dean has Seth pinned under him on the floor as an act of possession. The male omega whines softly in fear, and I find his voice has gone.

Dean's alpha is almost feral at this moment. It got angry from the moment his omega tried to run away. It is driving him into a primordial state. The alpha has a source of aura to make sure that everyone knows to whom that omega belongs. Anyone who steps close is risking losing their life.

I speak softly, though, trying to get him to realize what he's doing. "Dean, you need to let him go and take him home. Hey, come on. You can't do this in front of others."

He growls softly, "He's mine."

I nod. "Seth is yours. No one is going to take him from you... but you have to get away from others. He's getting scared."

He looks down at him and starts to get some control. He then stands and gets a hold of him by his arm and pulls him to stand up. He nods and still can't find a way to speak right now. He notices that his omega's hand is shaking. His instinct is to pull him close and protect him. He acts on that and pulls him against his chest, trying to comfort him. "I'll take care of you." He says and nuzzles into his omega's neck. He takes a deep breath and sighs happily at the scent.

Hunter watches and then speaks firmly. "You should move... into somewhere more private."

Dean's head turns sharply to the sound that he has to pull back. His alpha instincts are tugging at him to protect the male in his arms. He forces himself to calm and then nods. "Yeah, we should." He firmly wraps his arm around Seth's waist and pulls him through the hallways, refusing to let him go.

Seth holds onto Dean's arm with one hand and then the back of Dean's shirt with the other. The securities clear the hallways and make sure none of the alphas are blocking the way. Hunter looks upset but mumbles out. "There's a limo to take you to the hotel." He walks with them to make sure it goes smoothly.

Dean POV:

Sethie and I climb into the limo that Hunter has arranged for us. The car rides start along with our life rides. I swallow hard and shift on the seat to look him straight in the eyes. The look in my eyes is contemplative, almost as though I'm searching for something inside him. I stare at him for a bit before abruptly speaking up. "You're mine."

"Y-Yeah.." He nods, trying to act all confident. But then again, he sits beside me, annoying and looking like a deer has caught in the headlights, all adorable and insecure. He's cute, and I can't wait to claim him.

For a moment, I put my hand on his thigh and clutch it, resulting in the breath of him stopping just a second. The voice in my head might be right. "I'm going to claim you.." The words are flowing out of my mouth, little thought backing them up. It's a strange feeling for me to pour out whatever comes into mind. But I don't wanna revoke any of it. "..Tonight!"

He looks at me with wide eyes before swatting my hand away and moving to sit farther at the door. His actions should make me furious and bother me, but the thing running through my veins helps me stay calm and collected. My omega doesn't even know how lucky he is.

Smirking brightly, I wrap my arm around him and pull him closer to me. My heart is pounding in my chest when my fingers touch him. Every nerve in my body feels like it has electricity coursing through it. I don't know what to say. I want the scent to calm my nerves. I pull him into my lap and hold him tightly, feeling like staying in heaven.

The scent and the feeling of the omega in my arms get me hard and my instincts are screaming to claim him. I shake my head and wonder if this is the same thing that happens to all the alphas. Maybe. I need to protect him. I take his hand and stare at the ring before pressing a kiss on it. I then shift again because the hard-on won't calm down. I'm going to claim this omega tonight.

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