Chapter 31

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Seth POV:

The flight to Las Vegas doesn't take us long, and we reach here before dusk and vibrate through the cab ride from the airport, the silence and the surroundings giving us a comfortable glow. The pure look of shock on my face to the distance the car has carried us can't describe. Dean's mansion has privately built on a piece of land that's as far away from the rest of the world as possible. Or at least as far away as anyone can go and still get internet. It's obvious there is no respect for my dreams and desires.

"Welcome home." He steps out of the car, moving around and opening the door to allow me to exit from the vehicle. Getting tangled up in my thoughts, I don't remember that he has paid the driver, but it doesn't matter now.

We head inside, and I'm still walking a few steps behind him, as a typical omega will do. He shows me around the place briefly, showcasing all the rooms and ending the tour in the main room so we can sit down and get to know one another a little better. During this, he takes his phone out and looks up at me. "Think we should order some food?"

"Um.." I trail off, not catching up with his words still. It was not me. Usually, I would be bright and active, but after being claimed by him, I lost the belief in myself. It's getting hard now to know what is flying around me because I'm too stressed about thinking about my life to care even perfectly. I look at him and swallow hard, not knowing what to do.

"I think we should get some pizza." He smoothes my hair out of my face and presses a kiss on my forehead, which at least makes me feel the tiniest bit better. If his calmness stays a little longer, it will be good.

My foot taps on the floor nervously as I play with the strap of my bag. I don't know whether I can ask what's on my mind. Glancing up at him, I try to say something, but nothing comes out of my mouth in fear. I don't know what to do. Nothing seems helpful. After what feels like a long moment, I bring some courage into my system and approach him. "D-Dean, shall I use the guest room?"

He has a little taken aback at the question and turned to look at me. "What?!" He's getting back to angry and averting his face, not looking at me now, which I guess is at least closer to normal.

My shoulders tense up, so I close my eyes and try to regulate my breathing. I knew what I said was stupid, but I didn't want to stay with Dean in the same room, and it would make me feel uncomfortable. I look down and play with the strap of my bag again as I feel him glaring at me. "I-I need privacy," I mumble, giving him a perfect reason. It gives him a hard time, but I have no other choice.

"Privacy?" Reddish blond curls bounce as his head cock to the side and shoot me a weird glance. He rubs his temple and tries to keep his temper at bay. "There's no privacy between us. You have to stay where I am. Got it?" He growls after making his point clear.

I nod, not daring to go against his word. My body shudders at his sudden growl and fear of even standing near him, but he doesn't seem to understand. Watching the situation unfold, I wished I hadn't said anything. His alpha doesn't realize that I'm scared of him. Seem like luck decides to remind me painfully that so much in my life is out of my control.

"Good boy." He moves and kisses the tangled mess of my hair. His mood is going to be good again, so he remembers what he's been doing a minute before. "You like Pepperoni?" While he's asking, he is already dialing some number. If his alpha behaves like this, I don't know where we will be in the future. But definitely not on good terms.

"Sure." I huff, anxiety mounting in my chest, my usually happy-go-lucky omega scent souring.

As he speaks to the pizza delivery on the phone for a moment, he pulls my bag from me and takes it along with his before making his way upstairs. In a blink of an eye, he comes back to sit with me again. Immediately, he pulls me into his lap and runs his fingers through my hair. For a moment, we are just quiet and look at each other. There is still fire in his eyes, so I don't say anything.

A few minutes later, someone's knocking broke the silence in the room. And I turn my eyes to the door immediately, staring at it. Whom might it be? I don't have any idea. Swallowing hard, I get off his lap and move to take care of it, but he grabs my wrist and nods at me. Biting my lip, I watch him going to the door and returning with a pizza box.

Without having many conversations, we have dinner. After that, we're collapsing on the couch and getting comfy with the other's presence. It feels good until Dean pulls me into his lap and gives a peck on my lips. "You're beautiful. You're the prettiest thing in my home." There he's starting again with the sugar coating words.

Swallowing hard, I stare at him and try not to let my shoulders tense up. A hand comes up, sweeping tenderly through the loose strands of my hair, then a nose and a scruffy cheek nuzzle a sensitive spot on my neck. The intimacy of the act throws me off, and my usually rational mind stutter to a stop. "N-No," I murmur and try to shove him away when his breath tickles my skin.

"Please, Sethie. My alpha needs you. Your delicious scent doesn't let me think straight, you know." He buries his face into the crook of my neck, worrying about the love bite that he has given to me a couple of days ago, just above my collarbone. Then he turns me around to face him, and I open my mouth to protest, only to have him swallow it with a kiss.

He starts kissing me again, and I give up caring. Slow, thorough kissing that gets me to work up and gasp in no time like I'm a meal that he's determined to savor. He chuckles and is about to say something, but on the coffee table, his phone starts buzzing. "Hand me that?" He asks, still holding me in his arms.

I reach for his phone and read the name on the screen accidentally. It's from his friend Roman. Worrying my lip, I hand the phone to him and try to move, but he doesn't let me. It's useless to use my strength against him, so I sigh overwhelmingly and lay my head against his chest.

"What's up?" He shouts at his friend on the phone. It isn't all too nice.

I shut my eyes and try to stay calm as he places his free hand on my waist. With his thumb, the alpha rubs over the skin right above the edge of my tight jeans. The hot exhale of air against my neck causes my pulse to spike even higher. Suddenly, I feel less tired and open my eyes accurately to see what he's doing. While listening to his friend's speech, he throws back his head onto the couch's backrest.

Getting this as a chance, I pull his hand off my waist and get up from his lap, in need of doing something. I head to his room and look around, seeking to recall why I'm stumbling here. Shit! I forgot about it in fear. I remember searching for less than ten seconds before finding what I have been looking for. "Suppressant, suppressant.. where the hell is you... ah!" I rummage through my bag and find the pills, swallowing two of them dry.

I have to take this medicine constantly again. It's dangerous for my health, but if it means I can't be induced into heat, then it's okay with me. I can't take this anymore. I feel like I'm a slave to him. His alpha will never get near me if I have no delicious scent on me. Yeah... I know that if I continue to take the pills, I'll die within a few years. Death may not sound so bad since I don't have anything else to do in this realm. But that's another time to think about. For now, I want to sleep. I feel tired...

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