Chapter 21

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Dean POV:

After the show is over, I load my bags in the car and check everything one last time. I haven't forgotten anything like last time. I stacked everything in the car except my friends. Where are they? What makes them this much time to get outside? I was the one who played the main event, but they were getting late. I'm lingering outside the arena, on my phone, leaning casually against the door of a car.

I lose my balance at the moment that Triple H spots me in the parking lot. He full-on stops in the middle of whatever conversation he's having on the phone. Good. Even better when he clearly says something into his phone about calling the other person back and hangs up.

"Dean Ambrose," He says, taking a furious step toward my car. He clenches his fist and raises it, trying to hit me, but I grab it at the right time and give him a daring look. Growling loudly, he retreats his fist and slams it on the hood. "I'll make your life a living hell. You've entered the game on yourself by touching my son, but I'm the one who's going to make the rules. I'll never let you win the tournament. Never. I'm the game!" He howls, pushing me away in one swift and glaring at me.

I growl, clenching my fist and stepping forward to attack him. But my friends reach there at the right time and shake their heads at me. They don't know what's going on between us, but they try to soothe the situation, whatever it is. Because they're also involved in my shits. I let out a frustrated sigh, leaning against the car and hunching against the bitter cold the best I will. What a crazy life it is!

"What-" Roman's sentence purges immediately as all three of them round up to our rental SUV.

There gleam in the bright white light of the parking garage is our black SUV, with a vast scratch into the hood, the paint specks of black coating the ground around it. Neither of us says a word for a few seconds, too stunned to speak before Sasha drops her bag and freaks out over the rental immediately.

"Jesus fuck!" She runs her hands across the hood, wincing as she does so. "How the fuck are we going to explain this to the rental company? How did this happen?"

I ignore them and unlock the door, getting inside soundlessly and stretching out my leg on the backseat with a sigh of relief. It's a way to keep some things as secrets. My friends tear their eyes off the hood and focus on me, understanding there's something bothering me. They all get in the car without saying anything and are ready to move on.

The mood inside the car is sour. Sasha sits like a statue in the passenger seat, dark eyes staring ahead as Roman drives. It isn't until about five minutes have passed by; that she doesn't like how awkward the mood is in the car, so try to lighten it. "A week after, Seth is going to join in our group. I can't wait to share our little secrets about Dean. It'll be awesome!" Her words hang awkwardly in the air as I budge on the anger with myself.

The sigh of disappointment from her hits me right in the stomach, making my gut twist, so I decide to ignore it by hoping that the headache will eventually knock me unconscious. Whether God hears my pleas or I concuss barely, that I'm not sure, but I've been shaken awake by her around midnight.

I crack open my bleary eyes with a groan, stretching out as best I can in the backseat and wincing when my ankle gets tweaked. I yawn, rubbing my crusty eyes before attempting to get out of the car without falling over like an idiot. The hotel lights are obnoxiously bright, making my head begin to hurt again and instantly put me back into a sour mood.

Roman POV:

Dean is uncharacteristically silent when he enters the hotel room, and I start to point this out but stop short immediately when I see the look in his eyes. I've seen it only a few times and known the reason instantly. The last time I saw it, he'd been through the difficulties of finding his omega. After the Masquerade party, he'd been.. wrecked for missing him without even knowing his gender. In the body, yes, certainly, but no, it was the mind that had been wrecked more than anything else. All of this stuff with Seth does no favors for him but affects him more than anything.

I don't speak, knowing it is brilliant not to at the moment, but instead am quickly off the bed and, in a couple of quick strides, have him in my arms in the biggest hug that I can manage. I can feel him shaking underneath the initial tensing that I first do. I ignore all of that, ignore his hands like claws digging in, and instead give him all the comfort that I can manage.

My heart fills to bursting; it is just the kind of person who I'm, filled with love for him, for Dean, my brother. It's true more than ever. Even if no one else has our back, I can at least have the comfort of knowing that we have each other.

We stand like this, silent, for a few minutes before he finally coughs slightly and releases me. He scratches his head a bit and jerks his head in the direction of the shower. "Think I'm gonna get one unless you wanna go first...?"

I shake my head and gesture at the door. "Nah, you go ahead. I'm going to get mine in the morning."

He nods and heads off in the direction of the bathroom, bumping a shoulder into mine as he does so. We know each other very well, so I know what it means. Thank you. I pat him on the back as he heads off. Anytime, he knows that.

Sighing loudly, I take my phone out and text Sasha, making sure she's all right about staying with Finn and Bayley tonight. I don't want her to suffer from Dean's frustrations. It's not good for an omega. I can handle Dean's anger and know what's going on once he leaves the bathroom. Wanting to comfort him is really necessary for me. I need to give him a shoulder for support. It's what brothers do. Right?

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