Chapter 26

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Dean POV:

My omega and I are led to our hotel room by the J&J securities when we arrive at the hotel. I feel my omega tense up as we walk down the corridor, all eyes turning to check out. Even though I hold Sethie's wrist tightly, he is still nervous about being caught by others. The hotel has dealt with omegas and alphas before, so they know to keep alphas away from us. Also, other omegas can even be seen as a threat by the almost mated omega.

I look around coolly, considering the people are still watching us. "Don't worry," I whisper into his ear, hand skimming down his back to cup his rear. "Everyone wants you, Sethie," I growl under my breath. "But they can't have you."

The securities lead us to the honeymoon suite and desire me not to force him. I ignore them since my alpha has utterly focused on Sethie and the pleasure of having him close by. The J&J securities walk by, occasionally nodding at me. One reaches out as if to stroke Sethie's head but stops when I let out a deep growl.

Taking everything in mind one last time, I drag my omega inside and look around. The room is beautiful, with gold trim and royal purples. "Not bad!" I appreciate the view and kick the door shut, fumbling to lock it. My eyes then glance at him and try to figure out his mentality.

Smirking widely, I grab his hand and pull him against me. That's when he starts to struggle in my hold, trying to push me away a bit, so there is some space between us, but I push him back against the wall and press my lips onto his in a bruising kiss.

He squirms for a few moments but then melts against me as the scent spikes. And I take full advantage of it, pushing my tongue inside his wet mouth and tasting him for the first time, and damn, he tastes like the sweetest treat in heaven.

I don't want to pull back, but I have to breathe. And so Sethie does. When I part my lips from his mouth, my eyes stay there.. on his wet lips and how pretty they look, all red and swollen. I smirk and wrap an arm around his waist. I then reach up and cup his cheek, staring into his eyes.

Our scents are mixing around us and creating an enchanting cocktail of odors. My omega looks super nervous and shakes as I draw him close. He cries out softly in pain as he feels a wave of hot air blow over him. He whines as he presses against me. His knees shake as his heat seems to flare the more he's near me.

I blink my eyes and move to breathe in his scent, realizing that he's in heat. I speak softly to him. "Shhh, trust me. I will never let anything happen to you." I slide my hand under his shirt and peel it off before licking my lips and enjoying the sight in front of me. "You are beautiful." I've said it before, and I will never get tired of repeating it.

He shivers and glances at me, squeaking in shock when I trail my fingers over his hip. "No, I can't do this." He shoves me away and moves to escape the room. It raises anger in me. He brings out the best and, sadly, also the worst of me. And I'm practically being able to feel my lungs stop working to prove it.

I grab his wrist and drag him forcefully to the bedroom. There's a large four-poster bed in the center. I smirk, ruffling through his blond patch with a delighted sparkle in my blue eyes. "You are mine. To protect, to have.. to mate." Without giving him any damn chance, I push him down on the bed and stare at him.

Seth POV:

I look up in fear at Dean. From where I lay on the bed, he looks giant to me right now, and he's towering over me. My heat, though, cramps up my lower half, and I cry out in pain again. Slick is coming out and starting to coat my thighs. It's coming out so strong that it dribbles out my pant leg.

He stands at the edge and looks like he's about to pounce at any moment, which he does anyway. He growls softly and tries to undo my pants, but my hands fight and try to shove him away. He gets angry about my behavior and grabs my wrists, holding them in one hand and glaring at me. He then yanks down the pants and throws them to the side. He groans at the scent and runs his hands down my chest. "Mine."

I whimper and tug at his hands, "Dean... I'm scared. Please.. let go of me."

His eyes dilate to the point where they're almost black. He growls, "Nah. I'm going to claim you... make you mine forever. Make you as my mate." He smirks and pulls me into a kiss, nibbling on my bottom lip. He whispers softly, "Shhh. I will take care of you."

"Please.." I mewl softly. My omega flares as he presses more against me and keeps whispering how beautiful I am and how much he's going to enjoy making me as his. Ignoring my protests, he buries his face into my neck and presses open-mouthed kisses there. His scent makes my slick still come, and my body feels like it's on fire. His scent, though, is driving my omega into overdrive.

I pant and struggle with him, but everything is useless. For me, it is uncomfortable just the newness of this feeling. I mewl, though, when he moves and presses against my sweet spot. I gasp and arch into his touch, realizing that he doesn't give a damn to my words and does what he has planned to do to me. It's all my fate. Not only mine, the destiny of all omegas.

Dean POV:

I feel like staying in heaven for almost an hour as I bury myself in Sethie's heat. It's marvelous. There are no words to appreciate the moment. Everything seems dreamy. I still can't get from the high. I deserve it. Having immense satisfaction, I pull him against my chest and press my face into his neck. I then move and bite down hard where his shoulder meets the neck.

He cries out in pain as my teeth break his skin. His nails dig into my sides to hold on to something. He shakes and lets out a squeal as he feels my cum inside him from the act of claiming. Now he would understand whom he belonged to. That's what I want.

I collapse against his back, and he falls onto the bed. I start to rub his back as a form of comfort, and he relaxes slightly, but not enough to be entirely calm. A proud smile curls on my lips as my eyes land at the mark on his skin. "Finally," I whisper into his ear, hot breath ghosting over his sensitive skin while I rub a hand over his spine in tranquilizing motions.

He pants and whines softly in discomfort. His heat isn't breaking, so I know his bottom will severely hurt from the knot. It's the first time that he's ever been knotted, and it's stretched around him to keep him sore.

I roll us onto our sides and pull him tightly against my chest. "Shh." I hover over him, looking deep into those chocolate brown eyes that I love so much. I'm satisfied enough for now.

He mumbles and turns on his side, "Sore.."

It endures my brain and recognizes how much he's getting exhausted. Pressing a kiss on his back, I pull the blanket up and over us. I then wrap my arm around his waist in an instant and turn him onto my side, pulling him in close and pressing my nose against the slope of his shoulder. "Love you, Sethie." The slur of words is pushing into the muscle of the omega's shoulder and stopping my breath freeze in my lungs, but he's snoring with soft little snuffles against my chest. Whatever, I love him! That's it.

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