Chapter 18

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Dean POV:

The match with Drew went well. He put me through hell, but I lasted and made the world realize that I was not a joke. And I can beat anyone coming on my way without needing any miracle because I'm the miracle, not the situation. I chuckle at that. Watching the crowd cheering for me brings pleasure to my body and makes me jump up and down excitedly. It's the support for me to chase my omega. I deserve it.

Sliding out of the ring, I hold the Intercontinental Championship up to raise over my head, wanting to show people who I'm before draping the strap over my shoulder. Just like this strap, I put Sethie over my shoulder with all rights in him and walk onto the ramp at the end of the tournament. I grin at the thought and brush the strap before heading to the back. My music is still playing even if I wander around a couple of hallways, though.

As I make my way into my locker room, I see Sethie is arguing with his securities in front of his grandfather's office. It seems he's really out of his mind and blabbering something like stupid. Really, something is bothering him, and that's this tournament. I walk over and stop in front of the little group, specifically in front of him. When my blue eyes lock onto him, and my thin lips curl up into a wicked smirk, he lets out a tiny squeak and moves to bury his face behind his securities' shoulders.

The J&J securities stand in front of him like overprotective and cross their arms over their chest. "What are you looking at, Ambrose?" They ask in unison, raising an eyebrow at me. "If Hunter knows that you're flirting with his son, he'll ruin you and your career. Just remember it."

"Oh?" I place a hand on my chest in mock-offense. There's a happy, bubbling feeling in my chest as I look over their shoulder to see my omega before glancing back at them. "Before he thinks to kill me, you're sprawling on the floor with blood-covered bodies. Because you're the ones who're letting him stroll out and showcase everyone how pretty he is." I wink at my omega before leaning down to whisper the beta securities about what they're doing. "I guess you'll reveal everyone who he is before Vince McMahon has announced!" I hold my championship belt firmly and give a two-finger salute as I walk out of the hallway. "Have a great night, guys!"

I hope the securities will lock Sethie behind closed doors until his parents are there to secure him. I want him safe and sound. I could stay with him, but it would get both of us into trouble if his parents saw me with him. There are many things going on around me, so I have to be careful with all this.

When I enter the locker room, I see my friends chattering loudly about the tournament. Smiling brightly, I shake my head and stare at them until their attention draws to me. Immediately, I grin at them and hold up two fingers. It's a signal of two more wins has left. Waving a handoff, I throw the championship belt on my bag and move to sit beside Roman, hitting my head with him in a jovial mood.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and beams back at me. "It's great to see you so happy than angry." The feeling carries me all the way into the back, where he ruffles my hair softly and brings me in for a kiss on top of my head. He tries to say something, but his upcoming words stop in his throat when his phone buzzes. He takes his phone out and looks over the text before excusing himself and exiting the room.

I clasp my hands and stare at nothing in particular but dreaming about my omega. It was an excellent start for me. I didn't expect a tournament would arise and bring a way for me to reach Sethie. It's what fate called! Our destinies are tangled together by birth and try to sparkle wholeheartedly. I hope everything will be this good until I reach him and claim him for my own.

Moments later, Bayley sits down next to me and leans over to whisper in my ear. "Judging by the glow on your face looks like you're dreaming about your omega again."

I whisper back, feeling pretty good. "What would I have to do, anyway? There's nothing to hide from you because you know everything that's happening around me. It's all so much means to me, and it's all that I want."

"Yeah." She laughs softly, her voice strained and foreign. She drums her fingers on her leg. "I know what you want, but you do know about a relationship before you hold hands with him since your omega is a precious male." She snorts. "Jesus, are you ready for this at all?"

"Well, yes," I say quickly. I don't need to think about this part much at all. I have no idea what I'm getting into, but nothing feels wrong. "I can imagine how a relationship will be, and I want to experience it with Sethie." I chuckle darkly, rubbing my forehead. "I'm doing everything right. It's what I'm supposed to do. I want a happy life with him. I want to make him feel good whenever he's with me. I want to make him pregnant with my child.."

"That's the part I need to talk about." She mutters, but still keeps smiling, which is nervous. "Having an omega is just not for your happiness, Dean. It's included their happiness as well. It's a bond that you have to take care of. Making them pregnant is great, but you've to teach them about the world before it happens. Because they don't know a lot about the world. If you lock them behind closed doors, they will feel like a slave and be act like that. So please know about your Sethie thoroughly before having pups with him."

I can clearly tell that this conversation is going south. It doesn't take me telling Bayley that I'm unprepared to know it. Not wanting to raise the temperature in the room, I shrug it off and look at her. "You sound like Roman."

She can tell by the tension in my back that I'm not crazy about it either. She grins. "I'll take that as a compliment. But I'm right. You have to know about Seth's dreams before making him pregnant."

"Don't give a lecture like a teacher. It's boring. I've heard enough of it." I mumble several seconds later, uncrossing my legs. "His dreams are me! And my dreams are him! Just like you've told, he's an omega and doesn't know a lot about the world, so I'll take care of what's good for our future. I know what I want to do and make him do because I'm an alpha, the responsible and dominant one." Usually, alphas don't like getting advice from omegas. If it keeps bothering us, we will do the exact opposite. Trying to drift her words away, I laugh slightly. "He'll be treated right. Don't worry."

She's about to talk something, but Finn's voice rings out as he pops up behind us, making us jump and giggle. Thank God for joining him with us, or the situation would get worse. Grabbing a chair and sliding down into it backward, he starts to exchange gentle insults as the rest of our friends jump in. I sit back and watch with a grin. I love the case that we fit in so well as a tiny group. These are the people that I've willingly chosen as family, and I want us to get along smoothly forever.

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