Chapter 28

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Seth POV:

When we arrive at Monday Night Raw, Dean leaves me with Roman's omega Sasha for his work and walks away.

Sasha smiles brightly at me and holds out her hand. "We didn't know that much. Anyways, here we start everything new. I'm Sasha, Romie bear's omega and much, better half."

I take her hand and shake it before whisper, "Seth. Romie Bear?"

She grins at me, "Yes, because Roman looks and growls like a bear but he is like a teddy bear on the inside."

I nod and look at Roman who is talking to Dean. I can see a softer side in him and look at Dean who is talking to him about something. Sasha moves over and whispers in my ear, "So what's Dean like? Hmm, I bet he's rough."

I shift and look over at her. "Hmm.." I don't know how to respond this question and she looks at me confused. 

As I am about to convince her, I feel someone behinds me. I turn around and see a male alpha, Baron. He bites his bottom lip as he looks at me up and down. I feel uncomfortable.

He speaks softly, "I don't know you are Vince's grandson that day. If I knew, I'm sure I would claim you before the tournament." 

Sasha looks over at him and whispers, "Baron, don't.." He ignores her and looks over at me. "You are almost mine."

I shiver at the tone and try to move away but he grabs me by my arm. He pulls me closer to his body and breaths my scent before bursts out laughing. "You don't even smell like that Lunatic. What's wrong? He is not taking care of you."

He then pulls me completely against his chest, "Maybe you need a real alpha."

I squirm to get away. The reason that I don't have Dean's scent is, I am using the suppressant again and don't let him to touch me. I hear a sharp growling sound behind Baron.

I look up and see Dean is standing there livid. Baron turns his head and smirks at him, "What's wrong Dean? You worry that this little piece wants a real alpha."

I scream when his fist collides with Baron's nose. Baron lets me go and stumbles backwards. He snarls and holds his nose, "You bastard."

Dean cracks his neck and glares at him, "Don't touch what's mine."

He rubs his nose and bursts out laughing. "He doesn't even scent like you. He is not yours."

Dean glares at him. I shake backing away from the scene. I don't actually know that's a bad idea until Dean turns to glare at me and I freeze.

Roman and Sasha try to stop the chaos but Dean reaches out and grabs me by my arm. His grip is so tight and it is leaving bruises on my arm. I try to pull away from him to put some distance between me and him.

He though reacts badly and knocks back by Baron. Sasha screams 'no' and it is heard through the arena. Roman surges forward and pushes Baron away from us, "Get out of here." Baron glares at us but leaves anyway. Also Roman pushes Dean back away from me.

Sasha moves forward and holds me into her arms. Roman then turns his anger to Dean. "I don't know what happened to you suddenly." He looks at Sasha and whispers, "Sasha, take Seth to our locker room."

Dean is about to snap but just the glare from Roman and Sasha at the same time is enough to make control him. She grabs my hand and takes me to the locker room.

Dean POV:

I try to get some control and my sense completely back when Sasha leaves with my omega. I can't believe that I scared Sethie. I sink to the floor just lost as to what would make me lose that much control.

Now I stand in front of Triple H's office because he called me and I know what he is going to do. I grit my teeth and enter the room and see Baron inside. I growl and pin him to the wall but Stephanie tries to calm me down.

Triple H glares at Baron but she holds me in place by my arm, "Dean, stop!"

I growl and keep pinning him on the wall. Finally, Triple H stops me and I let him go. Once I move away, Baron rubs his neck and glares at me. Triple H looks over Stephanie before glances at me and whispers, "Tell me what happened. Then we will decide what to do."

I explain everything to him which makes him angry and suspends Baron from the company for next eight months.

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