Chapter 30

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Dean POV:

I stir from my sleep, my alarm raising me at the right time that I have keyed up. It's important. I yawn and try to roll over, but Sethie mumbles and nuzzles more into the warmth that's having on my back. I smile softly as the scent of my mate surrounds me. It feels like walking with the head in the shade of love. I entwine my fingers with his and bring our holding hands to my heart, locking him there forever.

He groans and tries to take his hand unaware, but I keep his hand still in mine. In a minute, he mumbles something softly into my hair and tightens his grip on me. All the desires that nobody has been it comes to our hands now.

I smile softly and peer over my shoulder at him. My omega is sleeping peacefully but with a slight worry hint on his face. I wiggle in his arms and manage to roll over to face him. I watch him asleep and brush my fingers through his hair. There's no right that the worry has settled on his face. I need to take all the pains away from his heart and bring happiness instead. I will do it.

Sighing, I shake him slightly and try to wake him up before we get late for our flight. "Sethie, wake up." I coo, nuzzling into his mating mark and pulling him against me. I can feel his eyes flutter against my chest, and it brings a cheerful hum to my lips. I press a kiss to his lips and brush a strand of hair off his face. "As much as I like to stay in this bed with you, we have to get ready for our flight."

"Hmm.." He stirs and hums at the contact, looking at me like I've ten heads. He rubs his eyes slightly and looks at me again with some thought in his mind.

I reach up and poke him in the cheek. "First, you fell asleep on me. Now you're thinking about something instead of taking care of me."

He looks around confusedly before settling his eyes back on me. He observes me as someone might look at a bug. "You... I.." Normally he's a confident speaker, but right now, he seems to be stumbling all over. "Did you the one take me here?" He asks, forcing the words out of his mouth.

I nod and pull him tightly to my chest before pressing my cheek against his hair. It feels good. Nothing can give me this happiness over him. Smirking, I pull away from him and hold him in my arms, rubbing his back. "Who has the guts to touch you none other than me?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him. As much as I'm good, I hope he'll relax into my warmth and feel alive.

He looks up into my eyes and stutters, wanting to say something, but there's no time for it now. We should get ready for our flight before getting late. We'll talk as much as he wants once we reach home. It will be helpful for our relationship. But now, it can wait. As he's about to open his mouth to spill what's on his mind, I cut him off with a kiss. It's a way to put an end to the conversation.

I smile and turn him around before resting my chin on his shoulder and rubbing my hand across his stomach. "It's getting late already. If we're not getting ready on time, we'll miss our flight." I whisper and press a kiss on his shoulder before shoving him gently off the bed.

He nods and moves to get up from the bed but stops when something gets on his mind. His eyes plaster on me while he plays with the thread on the blanket absentmindedly. "Can we take Kev with us?" He asks, his voice so close to pleading that it makes my chest ache.

I sigh and cup his cheeks, brushing the sides gently. "Nah. He's good with my friends until we return." I lean forward and press a kiss on his forehead, trying to comfort him. "Your parents are idiots. They don't have brains about what to do. Bringing Kev to us was a stupid thing that they made at this time." I snort and realize that I've probably said it out loud.

He pulls my hands off his cheeks and throws them away before growling. "Shut up. I can't hear anyone talk shit about my parents. Mating you don't mean that you can talk anything about them. They're not like you. They want me to be happy."

It brings all the rage out of me. I haven't expected any of this. Growling, I grab the younger man by his shirt and pull him against me forcefully. "Your parents want you to be happy, but not us. They treat you like a kid, but you're not a kid anymore." I sound angry. "Anyway, what do you think about you, huh?"

He makes no attempt to answer, which makes me mad. His hands try to lose my grip on him, but I never give him a chance for that.

"You're not theirs anymore. You're mine now. Do you understand?" I shout, instantly regretting it when I see his tiny frame flinch in fear.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispers, starting to cry. He holds his arms up to his face as a way of protection. Maybe he has learned to do that when things are out of control. It's all new to him, and I need to understand that. "I-I'm sorry." He sobs, waiting to be hit.

Watching him cry like a baby makes me feel like shit, and I haven't meant any of that. I feel like I'm going to weep. I don't know what to do. Seeing his body shaking with fear makes me feel terrible. I should have known not to shout. "Sethie," I say gently, but he still jumps. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm sorry for shouting."

He lowers his arms with caution but gets relaxed once he sees my concerned face. "I-I didn't mean to make you mad." He sniffs through the tears. "I'm sorry."

"You haven't made me mad, I promise. I want you to understand that you're mine. That's it. I could never get mad at you." I say, pulling him into my arms and trying to comfort him. "And I'm the one who should be sorry." I hold on to him as best as I can and rub small circles across his back.

He shakes his head slowly and clings to my shoulders. His body is still shaking. Soon my shirt is wet. But it's okay. It's not that wet compared to my heart, which's crying for hurting him. He doesn't understand why I want him alone. Not only spending some alone time with him and also wanting to know each other well through our cores.

"I love you," I whisper, knowing that this is the wrong time. But I hope it will remind the younger man how much he means to me. He's the prince of my heart. Each second with Sethie, I feel like I'm brought back to life. I rock him back and forth a little like we usually do a baby until his breathing starts to get back to normal.

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