Chapter 16

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Dean POV:

I'm not just an alpha; I'm a pure breed alpha. I have all the confidence in the world about my strength. The strength of love! I will win this tournament and claim Sethie to be mine. I'll prove to this world whom he belongs to. This tournament is really my luck. I thank fate for bringing this opportunity to my life because I'm going to mate the one that my eyes lay upon. A creature that soon will be mine. I snap out of my thoughts when Drew gets the attention of the entire room to clear out something.

"..Well, I heard rumors that Stephanie McMahon had given birth to a little omega child. If I heard right that you were mentioning a male, it would be true!" He raises an eyebrow at Vince and makes sure that he has heard the right thing. It's no surprise that he has interested in this topic. Omegas are unique, but the truth is, this is a male.

Male omegas are rare and exceptional. So rare that the center for omega protection will take the child once it has presented and raise it to 'protect the child'. A couple of years later, they will return the omegas to their house and make sure to lock them inside until mating. In truth, it's all a money grab. They will take poor omegas and sell them OT, the highest bidder. Vince must have paid a heavy price to get control of his grandson for those couple of years that the omega stayed in the center.

Let's get to the current situation... The news has surprised no one in the room that Vince is having his rosters fight for the rights of his grandson. In fact, he did the same before in his daughter's life and selected Triple H as his son-in-law. Ensuring all of that, Vince thought his bloodline was strong. He must have crashed when Sethie came out as an omega. The only male heir is an omega.

The old man holds the desk for support and continues saying what he needs to be. "It's not what you don't know about omegas. Omegas need to be mated before turning 26. If not, the government will swoop down and take the unmated omegas into custody. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is.. the omegas in custody will hand over to the Omegan Annual Auction."

I know what he's about to say now. The Omegan Annual Auction is nothing but a place where alphas across the country come and bid for the omega they want to have. A live auction for those who wish to have a piece of sweet omega delight. I have been to the auctions before. 

Honestly, I don't see what's the point of it all. It's literally the act of selling omegas to wealthy alphas so that they can be their pet slaves or sex toys. Poor things! Omegas don't deserve that, especially Sethie. Something strikes my heart because it's him. And he's my responsibility to be protected. There's no way in hell that I'll ever let go of such a sweet, pliant little thing to become some sex object to filthy alphas who don't appreciate the wonders of omegas.


Vince coughs a little and grabs a water bottle from the desk, taking a sip from it. He's nervous about all this, but he doesn't want to show it in front of us. Clearing his throat slightly, he puts the bottle back on the desk and spills the remaining words that have been holding onto his heart. "It's been years since we're hiding our rare species from the world... I guess it's about time to show him to everyone." There's sadness in his tone. He shifts his position and gets a little comfortable. "So, at the end of the tournament, we'll introduce him to everyone!"

I look around the room, taking in all the alphas in the room that I know are going to be in this tournament. Baron, Drew, and AJ are Vince's preferred alphas in this competition. They will be the ones that the old man is looking to win the fights and the tournament.

I sigh and then look at Roman. He might be the chosen one because his breed to be at the top of the pool in the fighters. He, though, has an omega. So he isn't in this tournament, and that must be why I am.

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