Chapter 20

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Seth POV:

When Dean looks up, we make eye contact, and like always, it is electric. Something flashes in those clear blue eyes, but I can't bear to examine what it is. I push past him and go down the stairs. I feel the weight of his gaze following me as I go. I turn and make eye contact with him. I stiffen, my eyes going wide as I catch staring. Blue eyes narrow and try to say something, but I wince and turn around, placing my hand on my cheek and recalling the moment in catering.

I can't believe it. I talk with my securities and force them to convey the scene to my dad about what Dean has done. Because the lunatic crossed his limits, so I didn't want to risk my life anymore. As I walk carelessly, I can actually feel myself shaking. My eyes scan the hallway in search of any alphas because my anxiety sends tremors throughout my entire body. My legs stop moving when I hear my name being called.

The owner of the gruff voice is not the person to whom I want to speak, though. Ignoring Dean, I make myself keep going and try to pretend like I haven't heard him. "Sethie!" He isn't one to give up. He steps right in my way, putting his hands up to my chest to stop me in my tracks.

I try to push him away because I'm not in the mood to do this. But before I realize it, he grabs my wrist and forces me off the way. Then I feel my back hit the wall behind me within minutes. "Let go of me, Dean!!" My hands try to shove him away when I sense something is bothering this furious alpha, but he easily avoids me.

He turns to look at his coworker Baron as the alpha passes by before returning his gaze to me. It reflects something, so I manage to keep my mouth closed when he needs me to talk. He has always made a habit of shocking me. "If the world knew the existence of a male omega, it would be looking for that precious gem. Then who would blame the WWE? You have to hide behind closed doors until you're mated, then all of that horror will disappear in an instant."

I tilt my head up and make steady eye contact with him. My mouth is a grim line, so at least I have no illusions that this is going to be easy. "What if I don't want to be mated?"

"Fuck you, Sethie. I wish I have a good reason to bring some sense into you, but I don't because you will never listen anyway!!" His hands are still pressing me to the wall. "I know," He spits out. He'd meant for it to sound angrier than it did.

I try to pretend that I don't flinch at the words. "Of course. I don't. Why do I? Every time I look at you, I get headaches, and ugly shit starts happening.." I try to lower my hands and shift uncomfortably. I'm clearly at a loss now because I'm here.

"Oh!" He grabs my chin and turns my face toward him. "So you'll never listen to anyone's words? I have to take matters into my hands if I need to save what's mine. Yeah, that's what alphas do. To keep their omega safe and only for themselves." He's almost losing his mind. He glares at me; his eyes are demonic. "I'll prove to everyone that you're mine at the end of the tournament. But now, I'll prove to you to whom you belong."

I'm confused beyond belief. "W-What you gonna do?" I manage to form a question without looking at him. My heart is hammering in my chest with fear, so I want to say something but decide not to. Not knowing how to respond when we stand like this for a while.

He puts a hand on my face and strokes his thumb along my cheek. "I'm gonna kiss you." He closes in the remaining inches between him and me.

I look at him, shocked and terrified. "Don't.." If I can lean further back on the wall, I will be in the wall by now. "Please, let me go.."

"Why do I have to listen when you're not considering my words?" He growls. His voice reaches me as the tidal wave floods my mind. And I can't feel a word that he's saying, but I can feel the anger in his tone. "You belong to me!" He brings his hand to my neck and keeps me in position before leaning toward me.

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