Chapter 12

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Seth POV:

After spending a couple of weeks in my house, I feel fresh and alive. I knew I would never like to lock myself, but this time I did willingly. It's all to clear my mind and be ready for anything. I missed messing with my securities and wandering around the arenas those times but returned with a powerful mind now. No one can consume my mind and torment me if they try anymore. Because I encourage myself enough to dare anyone and keep them away from me.

There's a significant reason for my arriving at the arena now. It's my family-related. Yeah... Today is Extreme Rules! My parents have a match against another power couple who will realize their failure soon. And I don't want to miss it. Even I want to go out and get a better view of the match, but they don't want me at the ring in fear of getting hurt.

Waving a hand at my parents, I sit on the couch and turn my attention on the television to watch their match. They put on an arrogant smirk on their faces and march down the ramp to the ring. Then they look throughout the arena at the fans. There's a chorus of boos along with some cheers. Stupid fans! How dare they to booing my parents?

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the door opening. Instantly, Dean comes to my mind. "What the-" The words stick in my throat when my eyes grow wide at the view in front of me. It's not Dean, it's someone else, and I don't know who this guy is.

The man standing near me wears a black suit, and he sounds working in an office. His shoes are shiny and well-kept. His body is toned and muscular. But what makes my jaw drop is the man's feature. He has a pair of piercing dark brown eyes with a bald. He smells of alpha pheromones, dominant and aggressive.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asks. His voice is deep and raspy.

"Hm?" I look confused. I was busy taking in the unfamiliar sight that I missed what the man said. "Uh.." I feel my feet starting to back away and plant them against the floor through sheer effort of will. No way in hell that I'm going to get scared of this alpha, even if the man has built like a brick wall in a bad mood.

"Don't you hear me?" His face darkens. He takes another step, bringing him close enough that I have to look up at him to meet his gaze. "Are you the omega son of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon?"

My heart is hammering in my chest, and there's a disconnect occurring because he's not a knowing member of me. "No, I'm just a guest." I lie, biting my lip nervously. I have a bad feeling about it. This alpha might think I'm a beta since I have put on scent blockers before arriving at the arena. It's more of a habit now.

Standing under the gaze of an unknown alpha terrifies me, but I have nothing to do about it. Clasping my hands together, I encourage myself and bring some bravery into my system. It's enough now. Not wanting to stay in this stranger's shadow anymore, I raise a voice slightly and show the door to him. "Mr. Triple H will be here soon, so you might wanna stick around for a bit. And you keep it in your mind not to get inside without permission, Mr.."

"Baron!" He says, sliding his hands in his pants pocket and grinning at me.

I nod and glance at him before pointing the door again at him. I can sense a bit of curiosity about how the man looks at me. But it doesn't matter because he swiftly turns around and walks out the door. I turn back on the television, running my hands up and down my face. It's time to forget that uninvited moment and get back to what I have done a few minutes ago. I push some hair away from my face before concluding to sit down like before.

Dean POV:

The sound of the referee's hand hitting the mat for the third time fills my chest with a bewildering feeling that I've never expected. I wanted to win the match, but I was not concentrated well. And I know it. Anyway, skip everything and come to the point. I'm the new Intercontinental Champion of WWE!

The crowd roars their approval as I get up and start celebrating. A referee steps over Miz's body to raise my hand. My music is playing in the background, and I'm certainly amazed by the result. Rolling out of the ring with the championship belt, I run my fingers over the white leather and admire it until heading over the back.

I want to go to the locker room and celebrate my victory with my friends. But before that, I have to meet someone very close to my heart. Holding the strap firmly in one hand, I make my way to Triple H's office and notice that Baron is leaving. What? Why did he come out of this room? Did he not know that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon were in the ring?

Damn, how did I forget Sethie was probably alone in the office? Fuck! Feeling restless from standing here and worrying about him, I begin rushing toward Baron and try to chat with him even if we're not on good terms. I need to know what has happened inside because I have to protect my omega and make sure he's healthy and happy.

"Hey, why are you visiting Triple H's office?" I ask, blocking his way. I sling the title over my shoulder in a not-so-subtle bid to show off. "Didn't you know Hunter had a match?"

He puts his hands on his hips and glares at me. His eyes spray a lot more venom toward me than even I expect to have. "I'm the acting general manager of WWE, so I don't need to answer any unwanted crazy alphas. Move away." He growls, shoving me away and walking over. He doesn't want to get into an argument.

My eyes narrow, and I shift my position, clutching the strap tightly as I glare at him. "It's okay. You don't need to answer me. I'll ask Hunter about it."

He stops in his tracks and turns to glance at me with a heated look. His whole body has tensed, seemingly understanding what I'm saying. "I heard that Stephanie and Triple H had a rare species of male omega from their flesh. So I decided to check out on myself." He says through gritted teeth.

My heart starts to skip beats inside my chest, getting terrified of this. I need to know there's nothing wrong has happened. "Did you figure out?" I breathe out the question, clenching my fist carelessly. Why couldn't I ever keep my mouth shut? Is it really that hard? The answer, of course, is yes. Yes, it fucking is.

The question makes him stiffen, and the look that flashes across his face makes me curse silently at myself. "Nah, I tried to figure out, but the beta inside it didn't give a right response." He grunts.


A smile curls on my lips when I hear that, but it doesn't last long as he continues what is on his mind. "Truth be told, I was not frustrated because the beta inside it admired me. He's cute and sexy. His image has still caught in my mind. If he was McMahon's grandson, I would claim him by the time, now. Just leave it. I have many works to care about instead of wasting my time with you." With that, he turns around and walks away from me.

I ball my fists up by my sides. It's not what I want to deal with right now. I have enough shit to sort out without Baron being all over my fucking case. If he wants to claim my omega, he can try, but I'll be the one who's going to win in the end. I will never let anyone even touch Sethie's shadow because he's mine, only mine!

If anyone tries to get near him anytime, I will lookout for a knife and dig it right into their chest. I make no attempt to move from here, just staring at Baron until he's thoroughly out of my sight.

"Fuck!" I kick my foot against the floor when I remember Sethie again. My heart refuses to go back to normal, and my stomach keeps doing flips on itself. I have to check him on myself whether he's safe or not. It's my responsibility to protect my omega from others. My feet carry me on, landing me in his room.

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