Chapter 4

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Seth POV:

Just like a bird sitting on the porch of the cage and watching outside, I sit on the car's backseat with Kevin and watch outside while waiting for my parents to appear and take me home. Trying to cheer me, Kevin, the Yorkie, migrates onto my lap and lick on my body wherever it can reach me. I laugh loudly without caring about the securities who're standing outside the car to protect me.

Covering Kevin's mouth with my hand, I grin and stop the dog from licking me. But it moves away rapidly and looks around before nosing my hand and barking at me. I don't mind understanding its language until my dad knocks on the window and gets my attention.

"Hey, dad," I smile and drop Kevin on the seat before exiting the car and hugging him. In my world, he's my hero in so many ways. And I'm so grateful for having him. I respect the man he is and the kind-hearted things that he does.

He wraps his arms around me and soothes my back before pulling me away and glancing at me up and down. His eyes observe me thoroughly and make sure that I'm safe. He rests his forehead against mine and breathes hardly, thanking God for something. He moves away and presses a kiss on my forehead before holding me aside. He then walks over to my securities and slaps them hard on their face. "How dare you to escape my baby alone?" He scolds angrily and haunts them.

"S-Sorry, sir. We didn't expect that. We promise it will never happen again." They stutter in unison while cupping their bruised cheeks. Seeing my dad's fingerprints on their cheeks hurt me because it was all my fault. They would never be a reason for my mistakes.

His eyes burn in anger and gape at them wildly. If eyes burned at someone, they would be the ashes by the time now. He shows a finger to them and warns them coldly, "It's your last chance. Be attentive!"

After taking care of them, his attention turns to focus on me. Taking a deep breath, my dad opens the car's door and shoves me to the backseat before following me and sitting beside me. "I told you already not to come outside by yourself. Then why did you enter the party?" He asks in a concerned tone, trying not to show his anger at me.

"I felt bored, so I made my way to attend the Masquerade-" The words stop in my throat when I notice the worry on his face. The guilt dwells inside my brain to make the situation worse. I shouldn't have got inside even if I wanted to because he got hurt because of me.

Brushing a strand of hair away from my face, he stares into my eyes and tries to bring some sense into me. "What if something bad happened to you?" His fingers trail down to my hands and hold them together, squeezing them gently. "You know there's no reason for my alive if anything worst happens to you."

"I'm sorry, dad. And not to worry about it. I wore a mask when I came inside." I hiss and lean my head against his chest to hide my fear when I remember what has happened at the party. However, as I try, the fear drains every bit of confidence my body has left.

"It doesn't matter, honey, but the scent from you will show who you are. Just promise me that you won't wander around by yourself again." He holds his hand out and expects me to assure him while stroking my hair with his other hand.

"I promise.." I mumble and place my hand on his, holding it tightly. I then move away enough to put my head on his lap and curl on the backseat while holding Kevin in my arms and watching the moon through the window. Why is the moon staring at me again?

Maybe it's asking about the fear that is enduring in my heart. I don't know what to say. I have to pay for what I have done. My heart is hammering in my chest when I'm reminding the worst moment, so I want to cry. But I'll weep later and try to get over the fear. If my dad knows what has happened inside, he will lock me in the house. So I will never let him know about it. I don't want to stay behind closed doors... Blinking my eyes rapidly, I close them and try to drift off slowly.

Sasha POV:

As I'm looking for Bayley in the crowd, I notice Dean wandering around with something in his hand. It seems like he can't breathe for a second... many thoughts running through his head.. so many questions. Then my attention is brought back to Bayley, but I ignore it and begin to follow him, who's looking confused and pissed.

It takes 10 minutes for me to locate him. I find him up on the roof, where he is sitting on the floor and staring at the moon with a mask in hand. I doubt whether it's his or not because the color of the mask seems different. I walk toward him curiously as not to spook him, but Dean recognizes my presence and hides the mask in his pocket quickly.

It's weird. The pout on the lunatic's face turns into a scowl as he tries to glare at me but fails miserably. "What do you want, Sasha?"

I shake my head and pin him with a look that reflects I'm not in the mood for his attitude. Surprisingly, his scowl turns into a sad pout again, and he wraps his arms around his legs and rests his chin on his knees, diverting his eyes to the floor so he won't have to look at me anymore.

I sigh and drop on the floor, sitting crossed legs before him. I observe him silently for a few minutes, then reach over to brush my fingers against his forehead gently. "Why are you so upset?"

His scoff isn't surprising, and neither is his deflecting reply. "I'm not." It's a complete lie that I can tell. And it's a long time that I have seen him like this. Usually, he would engage in staying alone at frustrating times.

"You're lying. You are upset, and we both know it. Roman might not catch it, but I saw the look in your eyes when you wandered around the party a few minutes ago." I can see the moment his whole body tense up, how his eyes look into mine, and there is confusion and dread shinning in them.

"What the fuck are you talking about? What look?" He shouts suddenly and gets up from the floor, trying to scare me away. However, as he tries, I notice the tremor in his voice.. how it is almost a whisper even though he tries to sound threatening.. challenging.

I find myself tongue-tied for a moment because I can feel the frustration radiating from his alpha. Staying with a frustrating alpha alone is not safe for an omega, so I guess I have to step back now. If my guess was correct, there would be something fantastic happening in his life, and that would end within minutes. Nodding my head slightly, my eyes dart up to his face and get what I have needed. Not saying another word, I leave the roof with some satisfaction in my heart.

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