Chapter 27

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Seth POV:

I am sitting quietly on the living room couch and wrap up myself with the blanket. An idea pop up in my head when I am just mindlessly flipping through my worn out book about baking.

On the other hand, Dean is sitting on a bar stool at the kitchen counter and busy texting to someone that I have no idea who. I stand up from the couch and make my way to him, "Hey Dean, can we go somewhere outside?"

"Hmm, outside?" He looks up from his phone to me suspiciously.

"Well, I like to hang out." I mumble as I look down. "Please say 'yes' you stupid alpha." I curse myself.

"I'm sorry, Sethie. We need to go to Chicago for the Monday Night Raw. Get ready and our flight will be in an hour." He whispers and looks back to his phone and continues his texting.

"Okay." I smile as I go to our room and get ready to leave. I know if my parents know what happened here they must be happy. I will tell them whatever happened here once I land on Chicago.

Skip the flight journey..

I and Dean arrive at the hotel. I smile when I see my parents waiting for us in front of the hotel. I make my way to them and hug them. They hug me back and kiss my forehead.

My dad hugs Dean and pats his shoulder, "How is your holiday, man?"

"It's good. Hmm.. You shall talk to your son and I have a work to do." He whispers to him as he looks at me.

I nod at him and smile when my dad looks at me. After talking with my parents, I make my way to our hotel room with Kevin and J&J securities.

Bayley POV:

I look up when I see Seth walking to his room with his dog and J&J securities. I have been waiting for him to come back.

I walk over and smile sweetly at him and tell J&J securities that I'll take him to his room. They nod and leave him with me. He raises his eyebrow and picks up his dog.

"Hey, I'm Bayley and I know you're Seth. We didn't talk that much but I want to fix that." I try to start the conversation friendly.

He nods and looks at me, "Um.. okay.." He gets in the elevator and I jump in there with him. He looks at me confused when I immediately begin to talk to him.

He backs out of the elevator and moves towards his door. He looks at me shocked as I said, "I'm trying to get to know you. Everything about you."

He eyed me, "Um.. this is nice.. I need to go.. in now.." He points to the door where he is going. I frown and watching him go to his apartment. I sigh and walk back to our apartment.

As I walk inside to our room, Finn looks up at me from the couch. "What where you up to?" He asks.

I hum, "Well.. I saw Seth and asked him a million questions trying to be friend with him.. and well.. He ran away."

He sighs as he looks at me, "Baby.. that's.." 

I know what he means to saying. I shrug, "Hey, it almost worked."

He looks at me curious and asks, "You sure, baby?"

I nod and sit beside him and think how to fix everything in our friends circle. I want everyone in our friends zone to be safe and comfortable with each other.

Seth POV:

I lean against the door confused and think about Bayley. Why she questioning 'everything' about my life? I sigh as I walk in and look at Dean who looks grim. "Dean.. your friend Bayley is acting odd.." I whisper.

He looks up and then realizes that I am here. "Yeah? I think she is always acting odd." He laughs and shakes his head.

I nod, "She just.. jumped in an elevator with me and asked millions of questions. Then she told that she wanted to know 'everything' about me."

He pauses and looks at me, "Okay, that's a little odder then normal."

I nod and flop onto the couch with Kevin. He looks at me, "You okay?"

I nod and wiggle my way against his side, closing my eyes. "Mhmm.." He wraps his arm around me and rests his cheek on my head. "Sethie.. I have something that I want to talk to you about."

I whisper, "Okay."

Just then there is a knock at the door. He rolls his eyes and stands up from the couch, "I swear people are psychic. They only come to the door when I'm talking."

I smile at him and he goes to open the door. I don't know how to merge with his friends but I want to think about that.

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