Chapter 23

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Dean POV:

I keep rubbing at the tape on my wrist while thinking about my match. I'm ready to fight with Baron tonight. I will win. If I make it correct, I'll not only be able to rub it in McMahon's face that I'm good enough, I'll also be able to show the world that I'm good enough. I stand up and take a deep breath before heading to the ring.

On the way, my friends are disturbing and encouraging me to do my best. Roman steps forward and runs his fingers through my hair gently. He knows it calms me down. Thankfully, the Samoan got over Bray and made the world realize that nothing would stop him. He then reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You knew we got your backs, right? No matter what."

I sort of nod at his words. I'm waiting to go out for my entrance while Baron is making his way there right now. I need to be aware of all things that are going to happen. The last thing I'm expecting is to have the asshole jump me before the match starts officially.

"My cousins Jey and Jimmy are coming over here to watch the ramp." Roman continues talking despite me barely acknowledging that he has spoken. "Finn, Sasha, and Bayley are gonna try to keep an eye on the crowd entrances. We're gonna hope we can intercept other superstars if they try to get involved."

Right. Them. I haven't been giving them too much thought. I suppose I should have. The authority is associated with some assholes, so I have a problem. But hopefully, Roman and the others can take care of them before they become an issue.

"Just worrying about the match. Come back here with your omega Seth Rollins." Roman holds out his fist, which I bump with my own. "Love you, brother."

I sort of nod before grabbing his head and planting a kiss on his forehead. I hear my music hit, and I take off through the curtain. The crowd roar, but I barely notice them. It is the match that everyone has been waiting for. My eyes have focused on the man in front of me. Baron is perched upon the turnbuckles, hissing and glaring at me. Hunter stands near the announcers with arms folded over his chest.

Before the match starts, Baron rolls out of the ring and rushes at me, knocking me to the ground for no reason at all. It brings all the anger in me out, so I snarl and get up, leaping on him and throwing punches wildly. I talk about all sorts of trash as I do so. The referee goes ahead and rings the bell, knowing full well that he will never be able to keep any sort of control over all of this.

Roman POV:

I chew on my lower lip as I watch the match unfold. Knowing that Dean is facing Baron for Vince's grandson means I don't want to wait backstage and hear from Dean about how it has gone. Fuck it. I need to be there to make sure that nothing wrong has happened.

I try to go up the curtain to watch it, but after getting harassed by the agents, I chop off up to the balcony seats that have gotten taped off. The view sucks ass, but I'm at least in the knowledge of what is going on. Watching it, I'm not looking any happier than I'm about this. I don't say a word, but I guess I should.

The fans are absolutely on fire for the match. I can't really blame them. Because it's not just an opportunity for gold, it's an opportunity for holding Vince's grandson. A male omega that everyone would kill to get one for themselves. The crowd is not only waiting for the winner but also waiting for the male omega, who's going to reveal his identity in the air after a few minutes. 

Sasha enters the balcony and breaks the silence, leaning her head against my shoulder. "It looks like Dean will do anything for Seth."

I look over at her, and she stares back at me with a slight smile on her face. I look back at the ring and observe Dean and Baron before looking at her once more. "Yeah."

She says nothing, just staring down at the ring and watching the match. "Will Seth be able to understand Dean's feelings?"

I have no answer for her. It isn't something that I have thought of. Claiming an omega would be easy, but getting the love was tough while they thought about themselves as low. I knew nothing about Seth, but Dean would. Love would never bloom in one's heart without having any connection. Maybe I can't bring a better answer to this question, but Dean will.

Dean POV:

The sound is too terrible for me to ignore. I turn and look up just in time to see Baron flying down right on me. I take him out with a jump, taking myself out of the game for a couple of moments as well. Once he's up, I feel myself being pulled up to my feet and rolled back into the ring. I start trying to shake off the effects of his jump, so I'll get back into the game.

I try to focus, but he grabs me and rams my shoulder into the steel ring post as hard as he possibly can. Pain shoots down through my entire arm. It's the bum shoulder; it's always the fucking bum shoulder they do this. A litany of curses leaves my mouth as I barely register the fact that I'm being pulled back and rolled up. The referee's hand is hitting the mat to clear the situation up for me. I start trying to escape, managing to get my shoulder upright.

I then roll myself out of the way, the sharpness of the pain dulling down at least somewhat. It's not dislocated again; it's good. The throbbing pain is much easier to work with.

Minutes have passed in a complete blur. Everything seems to be happening all at once. I feel like my head is on a constant swivel. I'm not getting anywhere close to ending the match. And he's not staying down long enough for it as well.

The confusion from the crowd and the announcers is evident. They are so used to us trying to kill each other anymore. The fans, though, while confused, seemed to be enjoying it. I get up and hit Baron with a tornado DDT. I go for the cover, hoping to end the match. It isn't going to be that simple, though. I get a two-count, and then the referee stops, saying something about the ropes.

I look over and see Hunter backing away, not so innocently. It isn't hard to figure out what he has done. He had put Baron's foot on the ropes to keep the match going. "You fucking asshole," I snarl. My temper flares, making me roll right out of the ring.

"Easy there, Ambrose." Hunter backs away with his hands raised in surrender. "Just take it easy."

I'm not going to take it easy. I reach forward and grab Hunter by the front of his suit. "Dean! Dean, look out!" The various fans screaming make me turn around. As I turn, I catch the sight of Baron slipping out from under the ring with Hunter's sledgehammer in his hand. My expression shifts, my anger turning into one of alert. Growling loudly, I move faster than him and land on the floor.

It causes Baron to get too close and smash the weapon against Triple H's head. And the asshole isn't even aware that he's falling. I get up instantly and reach out for the shocked Baron, smirking at him. "The game is over!" I shout, booting him in the gut and hitting quick dirty deeds. I then pull him into the ring and cover his body with mine, listening to the referee's hand hitting the mat and making the three counts. 1, 2, 3..

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