Chapter 43

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Dean POV:

An hour later, I find Sethie sleeping while holding onto me tightly but I am still awake and just enjoying him being close to me. The movie he had picked is finally ended. It isn't my type of movie but it is good enough.

I shift him to cuddle into the pillows and go the kitchen and pull out the food from the oven. I made roasted chicken with potatoes and veggies which is Sethie's favorite.

I make up some plates and hum softly. Actually, I'm a good cook but I just don't like cooking so I let others to cook for me. I put the plates on a tray for eating in bed that I stole from Roman's apartment.

I get some soda from the fridge which Sethie didn't drink yet. I carry it all over to our bedroom and put the tray onto the bed stand before crawl onto the bed. I shake his shoulder and try to wake him up.

He groans as he wakes up and rubs his eyes before looks at me. I kiss his temple and whisper, "Dinner is done."

He smiles softly and whispers, "What had you make?"

I beam and show it to him what I have made. His eyes go wide when he sees that, "Dean.. wow."

I grin and sit down beside him, "Do you like it?"

He whispers, "Nah." He throws himself against me and hugs me tightly, "I love it and it looks amazing."

I smirk when he moves away from me for tasting the food and shakes his head, "You are cooking more."

I laugh softly, "That's why I don't cook before."

He pouts at me and leans over before licks over my neck and whispers, "I'll make it worth your while."

I growl and rest my hand on his stomach as I lean over and nip his bottom lip, "Very worth my while?"

He nods and looks over at me, "Very."

I grin and whisper, "God, I love that you're mine."

He laughs softly and wraps his arms around me, "What if you're mine?"

I growl, "I'm the alpha.. so you are mine. My beautiful mate."

He blushes and puts the tray aside and curls against me. I lean back and whisper, "I wish that I have children but I never thought it would be awesome." He looks up at me and I nod at him as I play with his hair.

Seth POV:

I watch as Dean gets up after we ate dinner. I shift and try to get up but he gently pushes me down. I give up and lay down on the bed when he heads into the kitchen.

I chew my lip as I think about him and want to know how much he loves children. I really want to know what he is thinking. 

I shift and look up when he returns back to the room with a huge grin. I grab him by his hand and make him to sit beside me, "Dean, what do you think about the child of our own?"

He smiles as he pulls me against him before wrapping his arms around me and whispers softly, "I never thought.. that I would have a child and now you're giving me one. I want to give what's right for him or her."

I nod and look up at him, "Dean.."

He puts a finger over my lips and whispers softly, "I know your family will help us but.." I look at him and bite my bottom lip expectedly what he is going to say.

He leans over the bedside table and opens the drawer, taking an envelope and gives it to me. I gasp softly as I open it and find a deed of a house. It's not far from the apartment building.

I look at him and he whispers softly, "But I want.. I want to give them on my own."

I look up at him, "You have. Dean, you.. you are amazing."

He smiles softly and kisses me lightly, "Tomorrow we'll go and see it."

I shake my head and wiggle, "I wanna go now."

He shakes his head and holds me close against him. I sniffle and pout at him but he laughs softly and whispers, "Tomorrow, when the movers come here."

My eyes go wide when I hear that, "Wait.. what.."

He grins brightly and whispers, "Our friends will come here tomorrow. I figure that if the movers are here you can spend some time with them. Then we all going to our new house and see it."

I bite my lip and look up at him, "A house.."

He smirks and whispers in my ear softly, "Yeah.. our house." I smile and cuddle close to him. It makes me happy because it is the house which is bought by him for our unborn child.

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