Chapter 44

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Months later..

Dean POV:

I can't forget the past months, I took Sethie to our new house and he was happy when he saw that. And our friends really helped us, especially Sasha and Bayley helped him and told him about the pregnancy.

While I am talking with Finn in the living room, I hear Sethie calling me from our room. "Okay man, I think my baby needs me." I whisper to Finn before stand up from the couch and make my way to our room.

Once I go to our room, I see Sethie breathing heavily and tries to say something but he can't. He grabs his stomach and lets out a cry of pain.

My eyes go wide and I go near him and grab him by his arms before gently make him to lean over my side. "Baby, what happened?" I ask. Instead of telling anything, he just cries heavily as he clings onto me.

I have a doubt, maybe it's a time for our baby to come to this world. I sigh as I gently take him in a bridal style before going to the living room. My friends surround us and Sasha looks up at him and asks softly, "Seth, is that?"

He nods and whimpers softly, "Yes.. I think.. the baby is coming.."

Roman looks at him and his eyes go wide, "You sure?" He whines softly as he has a contraction, "Yes.. I'm sure.." He is breathing heavily and I hold him tightly against me and whisper, "Shh, I'm going to get you to the hospital."

He nods and wraps one arm around me as he places his other hand on his stomach. He leans closer to my ear and whispers, "I want my mom with me at this time."

I nod as I kiss his forehead and tell Finn to call his parents and tell them that he needs them now.

Once we arrive at the hospital, he is quickly taken into maternity. I watch and follow as soon as the nurse says that she can take care of him. I go into the room and watch as the nurse struggles to help him into a gown.

Because he keeps fighting her not wanting a stranger to see him naked. Also his omega is crying out for me to protect him and our child. The nurse is an alpha so her scent is putting him on guard since he doesn't feel well.

I move forward and take the grown from her hands and whisper, "I will take care of this." She nods and looks at me, "Thank you. I don't normally work maternity."

I help him to strip his clothes and help him into the gown. He whines and looks at me, "Don't leave. Please.. I know you don't like hospitals but I don't want to be alone."

I smile softly and kiss his forehead, "I'm not going anywhere. Our baby is coming and I have to be here for that."

He holds onto me tightly and I manage to get him into the bed and look up when Sasha and Bayley come in. Bayley walks over to the other side of the bed and talks to Seth, "Hey."

He looks up at her and smiles a little. He still doesn't let me to go right now. His omega finally calms once I hold him. I whisper to Bayley, "I think he's little scared."

She nods, "Yeah, can't blame him. I would be too."

He moves and nuzzles into my neck as I hold him. He breaths into my scent as a comfort. Bayley sits down and pats the other chair for Sasha to sit down. "Sit, Sasha. We'll be here for a bit." She nods and sits down beside her.

I crawl onto the bed and pull him against me. I run my fingers through his hair and hum softly. Over the next few hours, I feel helpless as I hold my mate tightly against my chest.

Finally, Sasha stands up and stretches her back out. She walks over to the bed and rubs his arm and whispers, "Maybe we should get him up and let him to walk around."

My eyes go wide when I hear that and ask to her, "What if the baby falls out.."

Instead of tell anything to me, she just laughs and whispers, "If it was that easy.. Then Dean, I promise it won't fall out. Helping him to walk will help with the pain and maybe help to progress the birth."

I shake my head and whisper to Sethie, "Come on, beautiful. Lets get you up."

He whimpers softly but moves with us. Sasha and Bayley also help me to get him stands up and walks around the room a little bit. I rub his stomach and whisper, "How are you feeling?"

He moves and leans against me, "I'm tired.. and want our to baby out.. Can the baby come out now?"

I hold him tightly against me, "If I can make that happen then I will."

He looks up at me and asks, "When will mom and dad come?"

I smile at him, "Don't worry, baby. They'll be soon and I talk to them few minutes ago, they told that they just got a flight and they want you to be strong." He nods and I kiss his forehead.

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