Chapter 33

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Dean POV:

I open my eyes when I hear a knock at the door. "Who the hell is knocking at this time?" I slowly sit up on the bed without waking Sethie up and look at the clock, it shows 9.00 AM.

I stand up from the bed and make my way to the door. "I'm coming." I whisper before they knock again. I open the door and raise my eyebrow at Roman and Sasha who is standing outside the door. "Ro?"

Sasha pushes me aside and makes her way to my bedroom. I walk forward and stop her from her track, "Sethie is sleeping so don't wake him up."

Roman walks past me and heads to Sethie. "No wait." I try to stop him but before that she opens the door and steps inside my room.

"Shit!" I go to my room and see Sethie blinks his eyes nervously when he see my friends in our bedroom. I nod at him as I try to make him feel comfortable when she sits on the edge of the bed.

Roman pokes my side and points me to the living room. I eyed him, "Are you sure?"

He nods, "She won't hurt him." I nod and cast one last look at Sethie and Sasha before going to the living room with him.

Seth POV:

I watch Dean as he leaves the room with Roman. I try not to nervous before turning to Sasha. I watch her stands up from the bed and moves closer to me and sits down next to me.

I move to the very other end of the bed just out of her arms reach. She eyed me and rolls her eyes, "I'm not coming here to hurt you. I'm here just to help you."

I nod and whisper, "I'm sorry.."

She looks at me and whispers, "When Dean met you in the Masquerade party, he talked to us about you every day and night and he tried to find you. When he found out that you're Vince's grandson, we told him to back up but he didn't. He proved that you're his omega when he claimed you."

I bite my lip as I watch her and mumble, "It's all my fault. If I didn't come to that party, he wouldn't claim me."

She looks at me confused, "You didn't like him?"

I am tensed and I don't know how to respond this question. "I like him but-"

"But what? You know Seth, if he didn't see you at that party then he saw you at the arena because you're his omega. You couldn't hide or move away from him." She whispers.

I nod as I play with my hands in my lap, "But I also have dreams. When I was a kid, I dream that I have a freedom life and I want to do something in this world. Its all shattered when I presented as an omega. I talked to my dad before the tournament and he told that the alpha who is going to win is a good alpha and he will fulfill my dreams. But Dean doesn't ready to hear any of my wishes. He only using me for his needs."

I move forward and hold her hand, "When we are in a holiday, he took me to a Meadowlands State Fair and presented me a white pegasus. The next day, he took me to a hockey match and Paris. I felt like that I was in a heaven and thought he will fulfill my dreams but-"

"Did Dean give those to you?" She cuts me off as she looks at the bruises in my hand. I flinch when she trails her fingers over it.

I nod and pull my hand away from her, "It's all because of me. I hid my natural scent by using the suppressant again."

"Don't you know an alpha becomes violent when his omega hides its nature from him?" She asks.

I shake my head and look at her in the eyes. She holds my hand and whispers, "Don't worry about that. You know I can't ask him about this because this is your bedroom secrets. But I can try to make him understand about your dreams. Everything in this world has the rights to fulfill their dreams. You don't deserve to be treated like that you don't have rights to fulfill your dreams. I will talk about this to Romie. He only tries to convince him and makes him realize what he is doing."

I smile and hug her. She wraps her arms around me and rubs my back. "Thank you." I whisper softly.

She nods and holds onto me tightly, "Shh, no more thanks because we're friends." She runs her hand over my hair as she holds me.

Dean POV:

I peek at our bedroom as I am in the living room and see Sasha holds my Sethie against her. I look back at Roman, "She is lucky because she is an omega and also I like her."

He looks over my shoulder and pats my back, "She is just the boss. I think she is trying to make friend with Seth and tries to comfort him."

I nod, "I know but I can't believe that Sethie is this much close and shares his feelings to her." He smiles and we make our way to my room.

As I enter the room, I see Sasha pulls back and smirks at Sethie, "Pregnant, huh?"

He whispers, "Maybe."

When he looks up at me, he quickly puts space between him and Sasha. I sigh and pat his back, "Calm down. Neither of us are mad and well I know that she easily convinces anyone but I don't think that you will share your feelings to her."

"Ohh.. Our Deano is jealous that his omega sharing his feelings to someone other than him." She whispers in a teasing tone.

"Nah," I reply as I sit on the bed and pull Sethie into my lap. I cup his cheek and make him to look at me, "If you want to share anything with me then share. I don't back away because they're right, I am worried when you are sharing your feelings to anyone other than me."

He nods and I press my lips against his beautiful lips. I hear the whistle sound behind us but I refuse and continue kissing him on the lips.

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