Chapter 39

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Dean POV:

I make Sethie to sleep on the couch in our locker room before I talk to Triple H about my match with Baron tonight. When I return to the locker room, I find Sasha is sleeping on the easy chair beside Sethie.

I smile and shake Sethie gently to wake him up from his sleep. He mumbles sleepily, "How long was I out."

I shake my head, "I'm not sure, maybe an hour. Did you ask any doubt about pregnancy to Sasha?"

He shakes his head and wipes his eyes, "I don't know when she came here." He sits up and looks where Sasha is. His shirt rides up when he stretches, showing his baby bump.

I smile softly as I watch and touch the bump, "Baby wearing you out?"

He nods and watches me, "Yeah. It kinda sucks at times."

I nod and kiss him on the lips lightly, "Just think of what it will be like, when they're here."

He blushes, "Maybe a little Dean running around."

I shrug, "No, I always thought it will be a little girl and she will be just like her papa."

He eyed me, "Why is the girl like me?"

I smirk and poke at his nose, "Obviously, you're the girl in this relationship."

He glares at me and hits me with the pillow. I grin as I catch the pillow and grab him and pull him into my lap. I kiss him hard and pull him tightly against me. He whimpers and then melts against me.

I pull away panting as I whisper, "I look forward to you trying."

He mumbles, "Unfair advantage."

I smirk and nip on his bottom lip, "Always."

He nuzzles closer and presses his face into my neck. I hum softly, "Want to get you know before I have to go out."

He frowns softly and looks up at me and chews his lip, "You're not going to back down, are you?"

I shake my head and kiss him, "Just watch on TV. You'll see, it'll be fine." He nods and I kiss him lightly on the lips before stand up and help him up.

Seth POV:

When Dean left the room, I settle onto the couch and see Sasha wakes up and flops down beside me. I look at her, "I'm worried about this. I mean, Dean is good but Baron.."

She nods, "Roman told me that he'll take care of this and keeps him safe if Baron planned something." I chew my bottom lip nervously as I watch the television.

Both men have enter the ring but before the fight, Baron stops Dean and grabs the mic from a girl with a grin in his face, "Good evening everyone, I'm here to talk about why I was suspended before the match starts." Dean looks bored as he crosses his arms.

He smirks, "Dean Ambrose thinks he can do anything by mating Vince's grandson. But he doesn't know he can't do anything with that, especially with me. He is an alpha who can't take care of his omega. Last time, before I suspended, I saw his omega without his scent in-"

He stops when Dean growls, "Don't.."

He smirks at him, "What Dean, you don't want me to talk why I get suspended? Your omega is the only reason that you can do anything here. Then there's the fact that your omega doesn't even want you."

Dean's eyes narrow when Baron motions to the Titan Tron, "Lets see how you forced him to take with you."

Dean glares at the screen as it shows he grabs my hand to the exit. It is the scene from the tournament night that I was claimed by him. Baron leans forward and growls softly, "Dean, he never wants you. Tell me Dean? How does it feel to know that your claimed omega doesn't want you and never does!"

Dean glares at him and I can't sit here anymore. So I stand up from the chair and walk onto the stage and down the ramp while Sasha goes to talk to her mate.

When I make my way to Dean, I can scent he is tensing and about to snap. I get into the ring and stand up by his side before he loses his control. I place my hand on his shoulder and watch him.

I know if I didn't come out, he may start to believe the crap. I lean against him and hold onto him tightly and whisper in his ear, "I'm yours.. He's playing a game. He's scared of you. I want you Dean, I always do."

He nods and Baron smirks at me, Dean moves me behind him. Baron points at me, "Maybe you should find yourself a real alpha."

I shake my head, "I have one. And he's going to kick your ass."

He snorts and pushes Dean. Dean stumbles backwards and into me. I yelp as I fall onto the mat and look up seeing his whole body goes ridged. I swear his eyes flash red as rage take over him. I watch him as I move to stand up, "Dean.."

He snarls and in a flash suddenly, he has speared Baron down. I look around and notice my mom comes down on the ramp and yelling for security. Dean comes towards me and helps me to stand up.

As I slowly get stand up, Baron pulls Dean away from me and hits me in my stomach. Dean's eyes go wide and Roman charges from the crowd and slides into the ring.

I fall back onto the mat, holding my stomach and see Dean punching Baron in the face wildly. My mom slides into the ring and gathers me up as I cry, "Dean.."

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