Chapter 42

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One week later..

Dean POV:

Sethie asks me that he shall pick up Kevin from his home. I accept and take Kevin from his home before we head to our home. Once we arrive our home, it is evening. I let him go and lay down on the bed.

I go to the kitchen to make food for us that I have pick up and Kevin walks around sniffing a little. I smile softly and pat his head before start cooking. I want to prepare the food fast because this month Sethie is always hungry.

While I am cooking, I hear a yelp from him. I turn off the stove and go to our bedroom and see him trying to stand up from the bed. I sigh and immediately walk over to him and gently make him to lay back on the bed. "No, you're suppose to be resting."

He sulks softly but let me to help him to sit on the bed and enjoys the attention, "You know I'm allowed to move."

I eyed him and growl softly, "You are resting, besides I don't want you to ruin your surprise."

He blinks and looks up at me, "Surprise?"

I nod and give a peck on the lips, "Yes and no ruining it."

He grabs my hand and tries his puppy dog eyes, "But.."

I smirk and take the remote before hand it to him, "Nope so not falling for that this time."

He pulls me down and kisses me deeply while wrapping his arms around me. I kiss him back and run my hand over his side lightly. He mews and leans into the touch but I pull back and whisper softly in his ear, "Still not falling for it."

He huffs which make me to smirk and I kiss his forehead, "I'll be back."

He nods and smiles at me softly, "Love you."

I grin, "Love you too."

Seth POV:

I shift around in the bed after Dean left the room and start to watch the TV. Some show that I can't even know the name. I never have been much to watch TV to begin with.

The show looks bored to me so I finally turn on the Netflix and find a movie to watch. I squirm and fidget more than Dean used to. I wonder if the baby is transferring Dean's constant need for movement to me. I sigh as I rub my stomach and bite my bottom lip.

I settle down and look up when the door opens. He walks in and crawls onto the bed. He pulls me against his chest and hums softly, "Dinner hasn't ready yet."

I nod and hold onto him tightly. All my tension and fidgeting melt away as soon as I'm in his arms. I finally realize why Finn told that he always wants someone close by, because the warmth and feeling of someone who loves close makes anyone to calm down.

I lay my head on his chest while wrapping my arms around him and whisper, "Don't let me go."

He smirks while rubbing circles on my back, "I thought you would get that, once I knocked you up now you are stuck with me for life."

I nod and then speak up, "Life is a long time to be stuck with me."

He laughs, "You're more stuck with me." He holds me little tighter and makes sure not to hurt me.

I shake my head knowing and look up at him, "I want the baby to be just like you."

He blinks in confusion and looks down at me, "Why?"

I shrug and whisper, "You.. You're a good person and you're very perfect."

He laughs softly and strokes my hair with his fingers, "Beautiful, I'm far from perfect."

I shake my head, "Nah, you're prefect in my eyes."

He smiles softly and kisses my nose before whispering, "I think you are riding some pretty wild hormones right now." 

I sulk and mumble, "You just don't like taking compliments." He smiles softly and kisses my temple, "Tell you what. The kiddo will get your perfectness if it gets my brain."

I peek up at him and nod, "Okay, I can do that."

He smiles softly and rubs his hand over my stomach, "There's still about an hour before dinner. You want to get a little more sleep or cuddle?"

I mumble, "You make me to sound like a girl."

He smirks at me, "A very beautiful girl who is always scared for everything."

I frown softly and nuzzle close to him, "You are not allowed to move."

He smiles and holds me even tightly, "Wouldn't dream of it." He kisses my head and I close my eyes.

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