Chapter 17

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Dean POV:

I stand by the list of entrants for the tournament that Vince has put up. My name is on there, of course. I know it's placating my fan base. I have a shot, but it proves that I'm not worth the main event. I also know it's Vince's personal joke to have me there against Drew first. If I make it past, then it'll be me vs AJ.

The deck has stacked against me. Then there is Baron, the main eventer of tonight on the other side, who'll easily make it to the finals. He needs to enter the ring, that's it, then he'll get to the finals. I know the authority wants Baron vs Drew because they're assholes just like them.

I crack my neck and then look at the list again. It's not worse than I have thought. Whatever happens, I'll win. Not only to prove that I can but to prove that I'm better than everyone thinks. I'm not a joke. I can get the job done. It's my time to shine while letting others watch over me. I smirk, clenching and unclenching my fists repeatedly now.

AJ stands behind me and speaks up when I don't notice. "Plotting something, Ambrose?"

I turn sharply and look at him, furrowing my eyebrows a bit. "Who? Me? Why would I be plotting something, Mr. Phenomenal?"

"Because you have the omega to chase after since I don't have any interest in it, man." He shrugs, having something on his mind. Immediately, I stare blankly at him, not knowing how to react. It's what I don't expect from him. Is he playing mind games with me? Maybe.

I nod and cock my head to one side. "Really?" I can't help but ask. "Oh? Why?" I don't actually expect the answer from him, but I'm still curious.

"You sound surprised?" He brushes his hair off his face and gives me a casual look. "Anyway, I have a girlfriend. I don't want to leave her for the title shot or Vince's grandson. I can get a title shot on my own."

I look at him with slight confusion, as if I don't know why I will even question the fact. "Are you sure?" Understanding the look on his face, I scratch the back of my neck and hum softly. "She's a beta." Typically, even with a beta, most alphas will never turn down a chance to have an actual omega. Omegas are the prizes that alphas sold after. The one that biology has demanded them to seek out and considered by some to be the most desirable.

He nods. "So? It doesn't mean I love her any less. I know what society demands of us and think of us. But I love her. I will never hurt her." It means I don't want to put much effort into him, but I need to be careful with Drew and Baron to claim my omega. He chuckles and claps me on my back, talking friendly. "Dean, Vince is going to freak out if you win. You know he's stacking the deck so that Baron wins."

I nod and smirk at him. "I know."

He sighs softly. "You just can't stay away from trouble."

I shake my head and grin brightly at him. "Nope." Without waiting for another second, I slide my hands into my pants pockets and whistle low while leaving the hallway. I need to get ready for my match against Drew now. It's important to me. I had beaten him before, but people said it was just a miracle. But I'm going to make that miracle happen again.

The tournament announces to the world as just a title shot with a special prize. Vince, though, is quite sure one of his chosen will win. He has contracts drafted up. We all guarantee that if we win, we will be able to claim Seth Rollins as our mate and a title shot to cash in at any time. Stephanie and Triple H are protesting this, saying it's too risky. Vince has every competitor signed, completely ignoring his son-in-law and daughter.

Everything is going well, and I'm pretty sure that I'll win. I stand in the back, preparing for my match and encouraging myself to work hard to claim Sethie to be mine. I look up and grin when Roman walks over to me.

"Ready?" He asks, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

I grin and tilt my chin up at him. "It's too easy, Ro. I'm going to win and claim my Sethie."

He nods and turns me to face him. "I just hope you're ready for this." He then pulls me into an embrace, rubbing encouraging circles into my back.

I pull away from him and raise a confused eyebrow at him, not getting what he's about. "What?"

He sighs. "Tying yourself into a relationship. I know you love him and obsess over him. But there are a lot of things that you need to know.." He stares into my eyes and makes sure that I'm getting what he means to. "Dean, omegas are often sheltered and don't know a lot about the world. There's a fact they have been raised to be dependent and obey. You need to know there are a lot of things to make work. Also, there's the heat and your reactions... Are you ready for this?"

I nod and go through my ritual of cooling off, rolling my shoulders. "I'm ready, man."

A stagehand off to the side gets in our view and signals us for my cue. He nods and looks toward the line stage when Drew's music hits. He then turns to look at me before patting my shoulder and encouraging me to give my best. "All right, dude. Go to the ring and show everyone who's best." Providing a grin at him, I wave a handoff. It's time to rock and roll.

The psychopath makes a big deal of entering the ring, trash-talking to the fans who are booing him, going on about how he's way too good to be here. His music has cut soon while he's still ranting because I walk out to the ramp with the sound of electric guitars hitting the room.

I make my way up the stairs to the ring and glare at Drew, who's looking angry and dangerous. I start the brawl before the bell rings by slapping him hard on the face. It brings his control out and makes him run into me, pinning me in the corner as he starts throwing fists at my stomach. The bell rings in between the fight, along with my pain growl. I scream but am unable to free myself.

The tall man puts his arms around my waist and pulls me back just a bit to throw me over his head for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, throwing me far enough, so I will end up on the mat in the corner of the ring. I don't stay down, though. Instead, I get up immediately and stand tall in front of him with my eyes fixed furiously on his face.

I hit him again, hitting him back and forth before I can start landing a slap and chop combination over and over again until I push him into the ropes and ram my knee into his guts as he comes back. Then I go to move to the other side of the ring, leaning into the ropes, and in the exact moment he comes toward me, but I'm faster and throw myself onto him, hitting him down to the mat with a crossbody.

Immediately, I start throwing fists at him as I'm sitting on top of him. This I do, only as long as he can push me off. We get back to our feet, but this time, it's Drew who hits me down with a clothesline. I get up just to be knocked down again.

The fight goes back and forth for almost an hour. More punches and kicks have exchanged, pins have broken just as submissions until I finally manage to put on a move that first looks like a double chicken wing, but I raise Drew in the air. This I do slowly because of Drew's being heavier than me probably, and just as I finally have him lift off the floor and drop him down, face first and letting him land between my stretched legs.

Quickly, I move around him and turn him to his belly before pinning him. The whole arena is on fire and counts along with the referee. "1, 2, 3!" The bell rings, and the match is over. My music hit the room as I bound to my feet, screaming and ranting, arms raised to the air, sweat and spit flying everywhere. "Here is your winner, Dean Ambrose!" The announcer spills my name and lets the crowd realize who's dominating here.

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