Chapter 3

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Roman POV:

I glance around the area, a sigh escaping my lips as I take another long drink from my glass; the liquid is now completely drained. I put the glass down and growl as I take in the scene around me. In every direction that I'm looking, I can see my coworkers scattering throughout the establishment. Some are dancing out on the dance floor while others are sitting at various tables, drinking and chatting happily amongst themselves.

Frankly, everyone is enjoying the party except me. Even my omega is happily enjoying on the dance floor with Bayley and reflecting her mood. However, as she dances merrily, she waves a hand at me whenever I'm watching her.

Shit! I still feel bored. Tugging my hair frustratedly, I move away from the wall and walk over to meet some other guests, hoping at least it will help. As I'm wandering around with another glass of whiskey, I bump into a masked man and make him fall on his ass. "Sorry, man!" I stop on the track and help him, clarifying that he's okay.

"You better be, Ro! You almost knocked me on my ass!" The man chuckles, fixing his mask and passing over me.

Once I figure out his voice, I smile and grab him by his arm, holding him in position. "Dean? What the hell are you doing here?" I can't help but grin at his presence, feeling grateful after a long time.

"I can't pass on free drinks, man!" He answers casually and steals my drink, waving a hand at someone who's passing on our way.

I doubt whether he knows for whom he has waved a hand. Swallowing hard, I stare up into the younger man's eyes without a clue what to say other than nod my head like an idiot. "Aww, I believe you, dude. If Dean Ambrose told, it would become true!" I tease, ruffling his messy hair.

He slaps my shoulder and grins wildly. "Shut up, Ro!" He then looks around and soothes me to my chest, whispering in my ear about how exceptional this party looks.

I feel the euphoria begin to take over me as well, so I hug him. "I told you already that it would be fun," I mutter into his shoulder as Sasha comes behind us and squeezes us both until we feel her presence.

She moves away from us and laughs brightly before curling against my side. She then glances at Dean with a smirk on her face and slaps on his shoulder playfully, "Finally, the lunatic had time to appear here!"

He gasps and removes the mask from his face, wanting to say something. "How did you identify me?" Having doubt in me, he glances at me, but I shake my head and hold my hands up in defense. After that, his attention focuses on her and gives her a questioning look. "Then how?"

The omega glances up at me with a sweet smile on her face before turning to look at him and shrugging her shoulders. "The costume that you're wearing has been picked up by me, so I can easily identify you. And I knew you would come!"

I kiss the top of her head and get excited about it now. Having a genuine smile, we spend our time chatting randomly and teasing some of our coworkers, who are dancing until he watches the crowd in awe. If he watches something as mesmerizing, then something gets his attention.

"Everyone is paired up here except me, and I'm surprised to find out an omega here." He pouts and takes another sip of his beer.

"Will you marry when you find the right omega?" I ask hopefully and expect that he will mate this year at least. His blue eyes light up at something course through his body and do a small dance that we both stare at fondly.

Averting his eyes, he stutters and drains his remaining beer in one gulp without answering me. "Hmm... I'm going to get another beer." He murmurs and walks through the crowd, getting away from us. We look at each other and grin widely at his attitude. Whenever we had talked about this, he would have told some reason and got escaped.

Dean POV:

I smack myself dramatically across the forehead and steer toward the backdoor when Roman's booming laughter follows at his omega. As much as I love them, I hate them also for torturing me. They want me to be mated with someone, but I'm not ready for any relationship. It's not that I haven't found any woman or man attractive, but I don't see myself with anyone whom I have met or seen with me forever.

Wanting to clear my mind, I try to escape to the garden, but the apex predator blocks my way and gives me a questioning look. I provide a fake smile and turn into the crowd helplessly, not having a way to go outside. Biting my lip worriedly, I stare at the alphas who're dancing with their mates and enjoying the party. Why does everything is bothering me?

All my thoughts are halted and fade away from my mind when I feel a weird vibe in the air that I can't just describe. I swallow hard and look around, trying to see a new face, but to my disappointment, they are all the same. Not losing my hope, I examine the crowd again and find a person in the corner, making my alpha scream in a very desirable tone.


I push through the tremendous crowd of people, not caring about whose toes I step on because my focus is only on the person who's sitting in the corner. I don't want to miss them by taking care of someone. It's the first time my alpha is too eager to approach someone.

Cheering heavily, I place my hand on their shoulder from behind to see their beautiful face, but the person who has a sweet scent turns around with a mask on their face. I get frustrated, but I don't lose hope because I'll see them, anyway. Now my mind commits everything that the omega offers to let me see.

The omega has beautiful big chestnut brown color eyes and two-toned hair, which is partially blond, and the rest is dark brown. It's enchanting. And I can commit that much only through their mask. I can't stop staring at them, so I hold my hand out and approach them. "Can you dance with me?" I'm sure we will know each other better if we hold in each other's arms.

Instead of taking my hand and dancing with me, the omega looks at me with wide eyes and tries to ignore me. "I don't really dance." Fluttering the eyes scarily, the person wails and tries to leave, but I grab their hand and take them to the dance floor forcefully.

I can't lose the omega that enters my life finally. The person whines, but I refuse it. I draw the little omega's hands in mine and put them on my shoulders before wrapping my arms around their slender hips and moving in time with the music. I lean forward and press my face into their hair, breathing deeply. It's like the scent of cinnamon and vanilla mixed.

I swallow hard and try to gather my senses. I'm almost overwhelmed with this omega already. Ignoring their protests, I force my face against their neck and inhale the scent further, figuring that the person is my mate.

I lay a hand and push a curtain of their two-toned hair out of the way so I can better access their neck. I press my lips against their soft, tanned column and feel the pleasure of it while rocking my hips back and forth against them.

A smile grows on my lips as I look back into the fearful chocolate brown eyes and lose myself into it. Every emotion under the sun makes itself known in my face. In an instant, they try to push me away, but I tighten my grip around those hips and pull them even closer to my body.

"I want to see your face," I whisper in their ear and feel the person wiggling in my arms to lose the grip, but I don't let them. I'll unmask them anyway and see their pretty face. As I pull the mask away, I don't leave my eyes from their face and wait for whoever to come out.

The lights go off suddenly and spoil my motive. However, as I try to keep the grip on the omega, they shove me away violently and escape from me. What the fuck?! When the lights go on, I look at the person's mask in my hand and growl for missing them. Maybe the omega could escape from me this time, but it was not perpetual. I promise I'll claim the omega who's the right person for this mask soon!

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