Chapter 29

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*2 weeks later*


I wake up to the sound of something smashing. I furrow my eyebrows and slowly open my eyes, rubbing my face. I look around the room and see nothing, making me more curious as to where the source of the sound came from. "Shit!" I hear someone cuss under their breath. I sit up and see Louis on the ground, cleaning up the biggest mess I have seen. There is shattered plate everywhere, and what looks to be like pancakes and maple syrup covering the carpet. My mouth drops and I start to laugh, grabbing Louis' attention. He gives me a look as if to say 'sorry'. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up like this. I was just carrying it over to you for breakfast in bed and I tripped on the mat and dropped it." He explains to me. A crooked smile makes its way to my mouth.

"You made breakfast for me?" I ask happily.

"I wanted to do something special for my girlfriend." He looks up at me and smiles cheekily. Last night we basically made our relationship 'official', according to Caitlin, we also had sex for the first time. Can I just say, Louis' bed skills are on point.

"Aww, that's so sweet." I say, getting up from the bed and wrapping the sheet around me. I walk over to him and grab his hands, stopping him from cleaning it up. He looks up at me and I lean in and kiss his lips softly. I feel him smile through the kiss and I pull away. "It's the thought that counts, and I love that you thought of this." I smile at him. He kisses me again, passionately this time.
Once we finished, it took at least half an hour to clean up, we decided to go downstairs to the restaurant to make up for the breakfast that we didn't eat. We show our room key to the man and walk inside the fancy place. I look outside and see fans crowding the streets. It's our last day in Barcelona today, and fans are still outside hoping to get photos and autographs. They never stop. We see Harry, Caitie, Liam and Niall sitting at a table in the corner and decide to join them.

"We've been waiting for you two. Had a big sleep in did we?" Caitlin asks amusedly, smirking at me and wiggling her eyebrows.

"Louis dropped the breakfast he made so we had to clean it up." I reply, the both of us laughing. I sit down next to Caitlin, and Louis sits across from me.

"Good one Lou." Niall comments, earning a 'shut up' expression from Lou.

"Where's Zayn?" I ask.

"He's still asleep." Niall replies.

"Absolutely knocked out. We shook him and yelled but he didn't even batter an eyelash." Liam adds, making me laugh. "You know what he's like."

"I want to know how the hell he always seems to sleep for so long." Caitlin blurts.

"We've all been wondering the same thing for four years now," Harry replies, making Caitlin and I laugh. I look up at Louis to see him already looking at me, smiling widely. I blush and look away. I'm so glad that I can actually call him my boyfriend now. Like it kind of already seemed like we were together before, but there was always times when it was really awkward and I didn't know how to act, but it feels so natural now, even though it has only been like 10 hours.

The place is a 'serve yourself' restaurant, so I decide on bacon and eggs. They look so great and it smells amazing, the bacon is steaming and looks so crispy, my favourite.

"So healthy." Caitie comments jokingly. I give her a glare as I sit down.

"We're on holiday, I'll eat healthy when we get back." I reply, digging straight into my food.

"No you won't." She smirks. I look at her and ponder.

"You're right, I probably won't." We both start laughing at my reply.

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