Chapter 39

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"Louis?" I whisper into the phone. I don't know why I'm whispering. I just feel like I have to out here in the hallway.

"Dani? What's wrong?" Concern is evident in his voice, he's probably wondering why I called him.

"What if she doesn't wake up?"

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing has happened. She hasn't even battered an eyelid." It's been a week now and Caitlin still hasn't woken up. On the third day my parents made me go home, but I have still been coming in everyday. School started three days ago, but I haven't been going. There is no way that my parents are making me go to school while Caitlin is in here. They're trying to make a deal with me though, that if she hasn't woken up by next Tuesday then I'm going back to school. Their argument is that exams are in 5 weeks. But I can easily study here or at home, they've been making me anyway.

"I wish I could come see you now." His voice breaks me out of my thoughts. He flew back to meet the boys, wherever they are now, to continue the tour. Harry stayed though. He said he didn't want to leave until he knew that she was alright. I know Louis had to go, for the boys. As much as I know he wanted to stay, I pushed him to go, even if there was only about two weeks left of the tour.

"Me too. But I will see you in 5 days."

"I know." He sounds disappointed. "So nothing has happened?"

"Well, they drained her lungs, and she had brain surgery yesterday."

"What? That's huge! How did that go?" It just feels like it changed nothing. I know that sounds ridiculous, because heck, if they didn't do the surgery then she could have died. But no physical changes have happened, which make it hard to believe that what they did to her changed so much.

"The aneurysm is gone. She's doing much better, but she just hasn't moved at all or given us any sign that she is still there." I feel tears sting my eyes.

"Well that's good news. Don't lose hope Dani, I know she'll wake up soon."

After talking for a little while longer, we hang up. Talking to Louis made me feel slightly better about the situation, he always knows what to say. I walk back into Caitlin's room and sit down next to her on the highly uncomfortable chair. Railene is reading a book, and Luke is asleep in his chair. I don't know how the hell he managed to do that. Derek had to go into work today, his boss already gave him a week off. He made sure that one of us would update him every 2 hours on how she is doing.

"How's Louis?" Railene asks.

"He's doing good, the tour finishes in 5 days." I tell her.

"Oh really? That's good news." I nod, leaning back in the chair and fiddling with my ring. Louis has been gone a week but it feels like forever, Caitlin is a lifeless body on a hospital bed, Harry still isn't allowed in to see her, along with other non-immediate family members, and I haven't seen anyone from school since before we left for the tour. It has just been a real crappy, lonely week. It feels like nothing will get better, like I have lost all hope in everything.

Caitlin's grandparents and cousins came a few days ago, but obviously they weren't allowed in, so Derek and Railene promised to call them all when they are allowed. I can't say how thankful I am that Railene persuaded the nurses to let me in here. I don't know what I would have done if I had to wait out in the waiting room for this long, not knowing what Caitlin was like. I would have gone insane, even if I did have company out there.

I see something move out of the corner of my eye, and I look down at Caitlin. I felt something, I swear I did. I stare at her hand, waiting for something, but nothing happens.

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