Chapter 10

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I looked up to find Tyler walking towards me with a smile on his face. Oh no. How should I do this? Should I even bring it up, or just wait for him to bring something up about us? There isn't even really an us? Uggh I hate this!
"Hey!" He said sitting down next yo me on the bench and kissing my cheek. Wait what!? This Where is Caitlin when I need her most!!?
"Hey." I said nervously.
"So I was wondering if... You wanted to go on a date with me tonight?" He said looking so confident with a huge smile on his face.
"Uhhh.... Tyler. I Uhh..." Why can't i freaking spit this out!
"Yea?" He asked, his dirty-blonde hair flicking in his eyes.
Uhh... I..." Just do it Dani! "Iwentoutwithlouistomlinsonlastnight."
"What?" He looked really confused. Uggh I had to say it again.
"I... Went out..... With Louis Tomlinson." I said looking down. I bit my lip as there was an awkward silence between us.
"I'm sorry." I said, trying to sound sincere.
"I..... Is that because he's 'Louis Tomlinson'?" He said kind of sarcastically.
I look up at him shocked and a little bit disgusted. "No! W... We had a really good time if you must know!"
He looked hurt, and I wish I could take back how harsh I just sounded. "Did you even like me?"
"Yes! I just.... I don't know what I was thinking. And I guess... I... I don't really like guys with Uhhh....... Blonde hair."
"Are you actually serious!?" He said angrily.
"I didn't m-" I stopped mid-sentence as he stormed off. Why he he'll did I say that! I'm such an idiot! At that moment I heard the very familiar voice.
"Oh no... What just happened?" Caitlin plumped down on the bench across from me.
"I messed up everything!" I said putting my face in my palms.
"Aww I'm sorry Dani." She said putting her hand on my back.
"Don't be. It's my fault!" The bell rang loudly and we got up and walked to class. It was a shame we only had two classes together today. Lucky Tyler was only in one of my classes! I walk to my locker and get my books out. I turn to find Caitlin talking to Tyler, they were both laughing. A shock of guilt went through me and I felt a pit in my stomach. How could I say that I don't like blondes to him? I mean for fuck sake I am so stupid! He must hate me! At that moment he looked up at me and our eyes met. I saw pain flash through his eyes and he looked back to Caitlin, said something then walked away.

I realised just then that there actually was something pretty big between us. In every class we had together we would sit next to each other and flirt. We helped each other with work and he always put his arm around me, even when we watched a movie in class or something. I think I actually kind of likes him. Uggh! I feel so bad... He'll probably feel better at the end of the day though because I'm pretty sure he's had a crush on Caitlin ever since they were little. And Caitlin said that a couple years after she left here, they would always message each other. There are times when it seems like Caitlin likes him. Or maybe that's just because she doesn't talk to many other guys, except Harry of course.


I walked into 6th period class, which was Art, and sat down next to Tyler, my usual seat since Dani wasn't in this class. I looked over at Tyler, he had his head down and was drawing a picture. I looked closer and saw it was a tiger lying down on a rock in a bushy landscape. Our current assignment was to draw an animal in its natural habitat. It was a very detailed picture and looked like an artist had drawn it.
I leaned over and he looked up at me. "That's amazing!" I said looking at the painting in awe.
He chuckled and said: "it's not that good."
I looked at him, shocked. "Are you kidding me? I bet you anyone would buy this if it was at the Art Exhibition."
"I really don't see how you find it that good."
"I don't see how you can't!" I said smiling as I saw a smile spread across his face. "Hey, are you ok?" He looked at me confused then realise he has no idea what I'm talking about. "About Dani I mean." At that, his smile faded.
"Yea. I mean..... I guess if it was between me and 'Louis Tomlinson', we all know she would pick him. I just didn't think she would be the one to have specific type of boy."
When he said that I felt my eyes widen. A memory of Dani saying something about how she doesn't like guys with..... Oh my god!
"Please don't tell me she said she doesn't like guys with blon-"
Knowing what I was going to say, he interrupted me. "Yep."
"Oohhh..... Oh my god! She actually said that to your face!"
"Yeaa. Didn't she tell you?" He looked over at me.
"Oh she most certainly did not! She said that she messed up but I didn't think she would say that. Bitch!" I said with a serious face. Tyler just started laughing. We wee always like this when we were younger before I moved. One of us would be serious and the other one would just start laughing.
"Ok everybody quieten down!" Ms Masters said, her high heels making loud squeaks on the floor.

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