Chapter 25

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I quickly look up as I hear the door open, revealing a surprised Caitlin. She looks so sexy in her bathers and a baggy sweater. Her eyes widen as she looks around the room, gasping. I had dimmed the lights, making it seem more romantic. There were rose petals on the floor, leading a path to the table I had set up for us for dinner later.

"Harry, this is amazing." I smile at her as she notices the table, making her smile widen. "What's all this for?"

"I just felt like doing something special for you." I smile, taking her hands in mine. "Come this way." I lead her down the small hallway and into the bathroom. I had set up candles and incense, making the room smell of lavender. There's wine and chocolate on the side and the spa is turned on and full of bubbles and water. I can tell by her face that she was even more surprised by what I had done in here. This did take the longest, and it was definitely worth it.

Caitlin covers her mouth with her sleeve-covered hands, making my smile widen. "I love it." She sounds out of breath.

"I thought you might like this part the best." I smile at her.

"Aww Harry," she turns to look up at me as her eyes sparkle in the dimness, "I love it." I smile at her.

"Happy 1 month anniversary." I lean down and kiss her on the lips, slowly and meaningfully.

"Oh my god! I'm so so sorry Harry, I forgot," she worries. "Oh god I'm such a bad girlfriend!" She covers her cheeks with her hands and bites her lip. I can't help but chuckle.

"Caitlin, it doesn't matter."

"How can you say this doesn't matter!? It's our first anniversary and you've done all this for me and I've got nothing for you!" She cries, stress evident on her face.

"Caitlin, stop stressing, okay?" I softly place my hand on her cheek and smile, "Having you is the greatest thing I could ask for, I don't need anything else." I reassure her, as tears swell up in her eyes.

"I love you." She leans on her tippy-toes and kisses me softly on the lips. She lingers there for a moment and then the kiss deepens. I slowly lift up her sweater and over her head and she takes my top off. I pull away but keep her hands held in mine as I step back into the spa. She follows after me and sits down next to me, my arm wrapped around her shoulders. "Ahh it's so nice and warm in here." She breaths out, leaning back against my arm. I chuckle at her statement and kiss her on the forehead.

"Wine?" I offer her. She smiles and nods.

"Yes please." She replies politely. I reach over and grab the two wine glasses, filling them up half of the way and handing one to Caitlin.

"Cheers." She says as we touch our glasses together, making a 'clink' sound.

"I got chocolate as well, and strawberries and whipped cream because I thought it would be fun." I muse smirking at Caitlin. Her eyes widen, her face full of amusement, and the room echoes with her laughter. I can't help but laugh along with her. In the ten minutes I had to prepare for this, I rang room service and ordered it all. I wasn't meant to order the strawberries and whipped cream but the man (who I assume was as far from straight as you can get) asked me if I wanted to add them on to make the night even more "fabulous."

"You did not!" She squeals while still slightly giggling. Her eyes light up when she laughs and I love it. I find it bewildering how someone's eyes can be so blue, translucent almost. She looks so happy and genuine and and I just want to kiss her.

"I thought we should try it, after all, I think it will be pretty fun." I muse, earning a smirk from Caitlin. I lean in and kiss her softly on the lips. "You're beautiful, you know that?" I whisper against her lips. I feel her smile against my lips as she leans in for another kiss and bites my lip teasingly. She straightens up and lifts herself onto my lap, kissing me again but firmer this time. She reaches behind me and I hear a rattling noise. She pulls out of the kiss and I see a strawberry in her fingertips. She reaches it up to her lips and bites into the strawberry, trying to be sexy, as she licks the smear of juicy redness off her lips. She giggles as I chuckle at her actions and bite my lip. She reaches for another strawberry and places it in between my teeth.

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