Chapter 44

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"Hey man, whatcha been up to?" Louis' smile is annoyingly huge as he appears in the doorway. When I heard a knock at the door I hadn't expected it to be him, I thought he would call first or something.

"Nothing, why?"

"I need help picking out a new tattoo." He fiddles with his keys as he smiles at me.

"A new tattoo?"

"Yea. I'm thinking of getting one on the back of my shoulder." He explains.

"Umm..." I scratch my head, weighing my options. I could stay at home and drown in my problems like I have been for the past week, or I could go out with Lou and maybe even get another tattoo myself. "Sure." I decide on the latter. He grins at my response and rocks forward on the balls of his feet.

"Ok cool, let's go." He turns on his heel and walks to his car. I'm guessing he wants me to follow. I grab the house keys from the hook, and lock the door behind me. I guess this is good, getting out of the house for a while. He unlocks his car and we both hop in. "So, how are you? You know, about Caitlin and all..." He asks carefully. I shrug and look out the window. I really don't want to talk about her.

"What do you mean, everything's fine."


"What? There isn't anything to talk about just leave it." I snap a little too harshly. "Sorry." I add.

"It's alright, I shouldn't have asked." I can tell he's slightly pissed, but at the moment I don't really care. I don't want to talk about all this, and I don't want to talk about her. I know she doesn't want to see me at all, she probably wants nothing to do with me. She doesn't know me, doesn't remember me, and I was stupid to think that she would. I was stupid to think that trying to get to know her again would change anything. I shouldn't have assumed that she would fall for me again. It's a different Caitlin disguised as my own.

"Yes, I do, I believe
That one day I will be
Where I was right there
Right next to you

And it's hard
The days just seems so dark
The moon, and the stars
Are nothing without you

Your touch, your skin
Where do I begin?
No words can explain
The way I'm missing you"

The next song plays on the radio and I almost laugh at the irony, but its too much. I quickly reach forward and change the station. I think that I'm saved, when I hear Say Something. I change the station again, and Nirvana plays. Thank god, I would have hit something if another relatable song started playing.

I feel Louis' eyes on me, and I hope that he doesn't say anything. He reads my thoughts and stays silent for the rest of the drive.

We arrive at the shopping mall, and it takes us 10 minutes to find a park. Tip, don't go to the shops at 5pm on a Thursday. We hop out of the car and have to walk for a good 5 minutes to the entrance. I realise that we haven't got any type of disguise on, then realise I don't give a shit. We don't usually get mobbed by fans much in here, it's pretty private I guess. The tattoo shop is near the entrance, so we walk in silence and get there without any disturbance.

"Oh my god yes, that is definitely the one." Caitlin tells me, a huge smile planted on her face. I twirl in front of her, the ends of the dress floating around my ankles. I look in the mirror at my reflection and smile to myself. This dress looks really good on me, I love it. It's a long silky-purple, with a slit up the side that reaches my mid-thigh.

"Good, because I really like it." I smile once more before walking back behind the curtain.

"Well, that's always good." Caitlin comments, making me laugh.

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