Chapter 34

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*1 week later*


I pull up in the garage, resting my head on the steering wheel as I clench my jaw. Another unsuccessful day, driving around, asking people if they've seen her. My mind reels back to when I rocked up at Tyler's house earlier today, asking him about Caitlin.


I pull up in the driveway and kill the engine, hopping out of the car and looking around as I walk up to the door. There aren't many houses around, the street seeming almost deserted. I reach the door and knock, waiting for it to open. I hear shuffling and the door opens to reveal Tyler, shirtless and wearing khaki's.

"Look who it is." He grimaces, as I return his look with a hardened one. Caitlin is friends with him Harry, do it for Caitlin.

"I need to ask you something. Have you heard from Caitlin in the past week?" I ask him.

"I haven't actually. Jealous, over-protective?" He questions, smirking."She isn't replying to your messages or something?" He retorts. I clench my fists and step closer towards him.

"Fuck off." I threaten, then regain my composure. "No one has seen her for over a week." I tell him, shock masking his expression.

"She's missing?" He asks, astonished. I nod my head.

"So you haven't heard from her?" I ask him again.

"No, surely she's not actually missing, you're not just overreacting?" He pushes, amusedly. I look at him sternly. Hold back Harry, don't hit him. After I look at him with a hard expression for a while, he realises I'm being serious. "I'll keep a look out for her." He assures.

"Tell me if you hear anything." I reply, trying to sound calm and collective for Caitlin's sake. I turn around in head of the car, when he makes a sort of laughing sound, as if the idea of him making contact with me is ridiculous. I clench my jaw and tighten my fist, having enough of his attitude. I turn around and walk back up to him, punching him square in the face, making him stumble back. "That's for talking to my girlfriend as if you ever had a chance with her." I spit in fury. I punch him again, this time knocking him off his feet. "And that's for being a fucking dick." I turn and walk back to the car. I look at him after I get in the car, as he flips me the bird and slams the door shut. I sit there and stare at the dashboard, my knuckles growing white from my tight grip on the steering wheel. Why is he such a fucking asshole? I tried to act like I don't have a problem with him, tried to see the side of him that Caitlin sees, but it just wasn't there. I don't trust him, and I don't think I ever will. I suddenly hear a quiet scream that sounds like it's from inside the house. I feel alarmed, then remember that Tyler had no shirt on. He's most likely with some chick, a screamer I'm guessing. I shake my head, dismissing the thought as I start the car.


Hitting him might have been an overreaction, but I was mad and upset, and his attitude did not help.

I also went to the airport yesterday, I decided to ask if anyone saw her Friday night. I held up a picture of her, describing the clothes that she was wearing the last time I saw her. One lady said she might of seen her getting off the plane, but she doesn't remember where she went. 'I remember she looked really upset.' I felt my stomach sink when the lady told me that, guilt growing inside of me.

What is making the situation so much harder, is all the paps following me around, and all the headlines in the tabloids. At first it was things like 'Louis and Harry call it quits', 'Louis and Harry leaving One Direction?', 'One Direction continue Europe tour with just three', 'What made them leave?' At the same time, articles were coming out about how Danielle attacked me at the airport, what terrible thing I did to her or if it had something to do with a 'secret relationship' or some bullshit like that. I told some of them I came back for family reasons, which started this headline; 'Harry leaves tour to deal with issues at home'.

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