Chapter 38

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"Caitlin?" I whisper, getting no response. I hold Caitlin's hand as she lies silently on the bed. Her chest is slowly rising and falling, but you would miss it if you weren't looking closely enough. Her face is cut and bruised, making her almost unrecognisable. The machines beep away in the bland hospital room, the only noise that I can hear. The heart monitor is beeping slow, painfully slow. The doctors said there is something wrong with her heart, but they haven't told us what yet. I think they said they will know everything soon.

She hasn't woken up since last night, it's been 24 hours. It doesn't feel like just yesterday we barged in on Tyler and rescued Caitlin. I still can't believe that this has actually happened. That Tyler would actually do something like this. I disliked him anyway, and so did Harry, but I definitely wasn't expecting this. No one was. He's in jail now though, a 10 year sentence. I wish he got a death sentence. I'd be much more happier with that. The thought of him being able to walk around like a normal person in a few years makes me want to punch someone.

"Danielle." I hear someone's quiet voice from across the room. I look up and see Railene sitting across from me in the small room, holding onto Caitlin's arm. I forgot she was here, I think she was sitting there the whole time. She looks at me sadly, getting up from her seat and gesturing behind me. I look behind me and through the window I see the doctor with a clipboard in his hand, gesturing us to follow him. I stand up and we walk outside, down the corridor as we follow the doctor through the glass sliding doors to the waiting room where everyone else sits.

We haven't seen the doctor in a while, so hopefully this means he will tell us what's going on. I open the door and see Derek and Luke walking up from the water machine, and my parents, Louis, and Harry stand up from their seats. Only family members are allowed in so far, me being an exception. The pained expression on Harry's face nearly brings tears to my eyes. The bags under his eyes are evident from far away and his eyes are full of sadness, anger and hope. I know he's been here all night, just like I have. My parents walk up next to me and my dad places his hand on my shoulder. As soon as Louis sees me, he comes up next to me on the other side and hugs me tightly, kissing my cheek. I lean my head on his shoulder as the doctor starts speaking.

"Ok, the tests are in, and things aren't looking great, but let me explain it all to you." His tone is serious, his words making me anxious. I'm not sure if I actually want to know, it will just make it worse. "I'm just going to lay it all on you, and if you have any questions, ask at the end. She is malnourished and underweight, the bones in her arms and legs are badly bruised, her iron levels are extremely low, 4-5 ribs have been fractured, which will take a few weeks to heal, her right leg is broken, she has congestive heart failure, and she has a Cerebral Aneurysm." My eyes widen in horror as I stare at him. Wow, he really did just lay it all on us. He wasn't subtle at all. I was right when I said it would make it worse.

The speech seems to surprise everyone, as we are all silent, unable to speak. I knew she wasn't doing well, but the sum up of everything is more overwhelming than I thought possible. I see Railene start to sob across from me and Derek wraps her in a hug. Louis squeezes my shoulder, but nothing is running through my head, every thought is blank.

"Congestive Heart failure?" Luke asks him.

"It's when fluid builds up in the lungs because the heart is weakened and can't pump as well as it usually does. We need to drain the lungs and put her on medication, and the chance of her having to go through surgery for her heart are slim. What caused this is her high blood pressure, which is most likely from stress. She will have to go on more medication to treat that."

"And what about the Aneurysm?" Derek speaks up.

"It hasn't ruptured yet, so you have a choice for her to have surgery or not." He looks at Railene and Derek carefully.

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