Chapter 26

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'You'll never know what went well, then again it just depends on...'

"Nope." I lean over and swipe my phone screen, resolutely silencing the alarm. There is no chance that I am getting out of bed at 5 and going for a run now. The idea of getting out of bed late for the first time in a while on a weekday automatically calms me. I roll over and scream, jumping back and hitting my head on the bed head. I ignore the pain, looking straight at the dark silhouette standing at the front of the bed. I hear a familiar laugh and relax back against the bed. "Holy crap Harry don't do that! You scared the shit outta me." I exclaim, rubbing the sore spot on the back of my head, a bump already appearing.

"I can see that." He comments, his voice dripping in amusement. He climbs back onto the bed as I throw a pillow at him, a clean miss by at least a metre. What can I say, I've always been a great thrower. His laughter echoes through the room once more, bringing an unwanted smirk across my lips. "Don't you have the best aim." He says sarcastically.

"Shut up, I can hardly see you!" I complain. That is partly true, I can only just make out the features of his face. Which are not necessarily needed to throw a pillow at him, but oh well.

"Oh excuses, excuses." I can tell he's smiling by his amusing tone, which makes me want to throw another pillow at him. I hold back though, not wanting to give him another reason to tease me for. He leans over me and bends down, somehow, in this lighting, landing his lips perfectly on mine. The sweet taste of his soft lips makes me feel all gooey inside. I rest my hand on his shoulder, pointing one finger at his chest.

"You're lucky that you're hot." I whisper against his lips, causing a smile from both of us. Thinking about it, I don't think we've ever had a kiss where someone is not smiling. There's either always a cheeky remark to make, or one of us just feels really happy. This thought makes my smile widen, forgetting the slight anger I felt towards Harry less than 20 seconds ago. I reach my hands up and lightly place them on the back of his neck, laced together. His hands find themselves on my hips, pulling us up into a sitting position, me on his lap. He slides his hands soothingly up and down my back, goose-bumps rising on my skin. The feeling makes me feel all fuzzy, warm and cozy in the chill of the room.

My mind suddenly reels back to last night. The way the room smelled so lovely of candles, the proud yet nervous gleam to his eyes as I walked in. It must of taken so long to set it up, I can't imagine how he could have done all that in just 10 minutes. I hope he knows how thankful I am.

As if reading my mind, Harry slowly pulls away and says, "did you enjoy last night?" A hint of uneasiness enters his voice, surprising me.

"Harry, how could I not." I reply softly.

"I-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his plump pink lips.

"Shh." I whisper, smirking. Thinking of last night has made me feel, shall we say, stronger towards Harry. I lean in for another kiss, planting my lips eagerly on his. He seems surprised as I roughen the kiss, but he doesn't complain, as he leans in and cups my face. My hands search his body, my fingers running down his chest and over his toned stomach. His hand still cups my face, as the other ones slides up to my waist. He lightly pushes me backwards, and I pull him down so my back is against the bed. I was so caught up that I didn't even think about what was about to happen. My heart starts pounding as his hand skims the edge of my shirt. I think he senses my nervousness as he pulls back.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me softly. I bite my lip, closing my eyes as I nod. "I don't want to rush you into anything you're not com-"

"Harry, it's ok." I smile reassuringly. It turns into a genuine smile as I search his face, concern written all over it, realising my feelings is all he is caring about at this moment. I relax a little, feeling more calm and almost excited about the situation. I tilt my head up as my lips press softly against his, completely ready for the events about to unravel.

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