Chapter 41

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"I can't wait to see you in two days." Louis says through the phone, as I look down at the ground and dig my foot into the edge of the carpet. He called as I started walking into the hospital. I told her I couldn't come in today, but I couldn't be bothered studying anymore and mum and dad are at work so I thought why not? No longer than an hour because dad gets home 5.

"Me neither. I've missed you." I say truthfully. It's been different without him around. When Caitlin was missing, we were always together. I was used to him always being there, where my best friend wasn't, where she couldn't. I didn't realise how much I love being with him until he left.

"I've missed you too Dani." I can tell that he is smiling by my words. "How's Caitlin holding up?"

"She's doing good. Except for the fact that she doesn't remember anything." My stomach sinks at the thought. This is my first phone call with Louis since the day she woke up, so I thought I should probably tell him.

"What? Nothing at all?" I can here the shock in his tone.

"Well, she woke up thinking it was 2009. So she remembers stuff from then, but nothing after that."

"Holy shit. That' I'm so sorry."

"It's ok. She remembers me, that's all that matters." I laugh, making him chuckle.

"So she doesn't remember moving here at all?"

"Nope. Well she has been getting little flashbacks that she doesn't understand, but yesterday she had one of when we were at the museum in Dublin, and I was telling her about it and then she started to remember more about that day. Hopefully it continues like that." I lean against the wall and put my hand in the pocket of my jacket. It's so cold outside, too cold, and every time the doors open a burst of chilly wind rushes in.

"Yes, let's hope so. Wait, so that means she doesn't remember Harry?" He sounds almost surprised.

"Yea, she doesn't even remember One Direction."

"Oh my god. How is Harry taking that?"

"Um, well, not too good, as you can imagine so."

"I should probably call him, being alone in that huge house of his won't do him any good. Have you gone to see him at all?"

"No, not yet. I will try tomorrow. He probably won't want to see me, or anyone for that matter."

"He will say that, but I know Harry, he would want the company."

"Yea." I sigh. I hate trying to get through to Harry when he's upset or angry. I want to help him but I don't want to make him more upset about the situation. I can just tell this won't go well.

"I'm sorry but I need to go now. Paul's calling us all over for a meeting about something. Stay safe babe, can't wait to see you." For some reason him calling me babe makes my heart flutter. I don't usually like pet names, but it sounds so sexy coming from him.

"Ok, bye Lou." I don't know what else to say, I can't help but smile as I lock my phone.

I walk down the corridor and to the usual room. Through the glass window I see someone next to Caitlin, no one else in the room. Where are Luke and Railene, and who is that? I walk closer to the window and see Caitlin laughing and smiling as she talks to the person in the chair. I think it's Harry. Am I missing something? I open the door and take a step side so I can see them. Caitlin looks up with a surprised expression on her face,and the person in the chair turns around. Sure enough, it's Harry.

"What's going on here?"


"Hello, Caitlin. How are you feeling?" Dr. Hogan walks into the room with a clipboard and a mysterious box in his hand. Great. I'm not sure if I like him or not. Sometimes he's rude and obnoxious, and other times he is helpful.

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