Chapter 23

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"Are you ready?" Mum asks from the doorway. I have finished packing and am currently sitting on my bed, thoughts running through my head about the trip. What places will we go to in the UK? What will we do? Am I going to enjoy it? Seriously Caitlin? Of course I will enjoy it. I am actually going to be on tour with One Direction.

"It feels so surreal." I blurt out. I hear my mum chuckle as she walks over to the bed and sits down next to me.

"It's an amazing experience, and you are very lucky." She states.

"I know." I smile.

"Make sure you remember that there will be crazy fans around them twenty-four seven. So you need to be careful."

"Yes mum."

"I want you to behave. Their every move is reported, which means your every move will be reported. And just remember, I can see everything you do, as well as every other person in the world."

"Yes, mum. I know all this already. Harry told me about it all yesterday." I confirm, smiling at her.

"I'm just making sure." She smiles back. "I'm going to miss you." She leans in and hugs me.

"I'm going to miss you to, mum." I reply.

"How long are you gone for again?" She asks.

"6 weeks."

"Remember to take your school stuff, you need to study for exams." She says, giving me a pointed look.

"Already packed in the bag I'm taking on the plane." I gesture to the aqua coloured handbag sitting on top of my suitcase. "Should we leave now?" I stand up, taking in a breath.

"Yep." Mum gets up and takes my suitcase while I take my handbag.

We walk downstairs and I see dad walk out of the bedroom. "Are you leaving now?" He asks. I nod while mum takes my bag out to the car.

"Have fun sweetie, and remember to study, exams are soon."

"Exactly what mum said. And I've already packed my work." I smile, hugging him tightly.

"See you dad." I call out as I walk out the door. He waves goodbye, taking a sip of his coffee. I walk to the car and get in, turning the heater on straight away.
"I've had to say goodbye to both of my children this week. I'd say this has to be a pretty bad week." Mum says, chuckling when I hug her.

"I'll call you when we land in Ireland."

"Ok, talk then. Love you and see you in 6 weeks." She waves as I walk into the huge airport of Richmond. I look around and remember when we were leaving to Australia. I was bawling my eyes out because I thought we were never going to come back. Now I've never been happier to leave, although I will be coming back soon. I scan the large place to try and find Danielle. I can't find her, so I decide to text Harry.

'When are you getting here?'

He replies straight away.

'We're nearly there, we will pick you up out the front soon. Is Danielle there yet?'

'No, I've been looking around but I can't find her, I'll text her now'

I scroll through my messages and click on the ones to Dani.

'u here yet?'

'Turn around'

I frown at the message and slowly turn around, to find Danielle standing a few metres away from me, a large grin spread across her face. I smile and walk up to her.

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