Chapter 27

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"Ok boys, this is the first show of the tour, so we have to make it a good one. We are planning on having fireworks to start it off, then confetti throughout the songs." Paul announces to us all. We had just arrived at Aviva stadium and are currently seated on the edge of the stage discussing the concert. While Paul's explaining to us the details of the night ahead, I only think about last night. Not in the creepy way, just remembering the events and thinking how lucky I am to have her. She is so fragile and delicate, which made me fall in love with her even more. 

"Harry!" I hear a distant voice, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I turn my head in the direction of the voice, my eyes connecting with Paul's. His face is full of anger, the usual happiness to his eyes disappearing. Whoops, probably should of been paying more attention. "Sorry, I'm listening now."

"I need you to concentrate, alright? Tonight is important, just like every one of your shows." He looks at me with a stern look, the 'father' role rising from below the surface. He continues on, dismissing the smile that had made its way across my face, as he talks about the song order and the rest of the plans for the night. I decide to listen for most of what he is saying, as I can guarantee I will probably need to know what I need to do. Although, it's not like it would be hard to 'wing' a show, I can be entertaining without following a plan or routine.

After his surprisingly short explanation, we all get up and go through the the song list, learning the routine we "must stick to, to make tonight a great success" as said by Paul. Though none of us have ever really stuck to a routine that well, I don't really know why Paul wastes so long teaching us a routine that we won't properly follow.
It has been 3 hours of constant running back and forth and singing and I can definitely say that I am exhausted. I could not help but feel relief when we were given an hours break. Walking off the stage and down to our stuff backstage, I realise all the paps here and there around the stadium. How could I forget? They are never a step behind us. I used to be almost scared of them, when the band first became noticed. But now I am so used to it, it would be weird if they weren't around.

I grab my phone from the chair and decide to call Caitlin. She has been on my mind all day and I just really need to talk to her. I find her contact and wait for the ringing sound.

"Who you callin'?" Asks Zayn as he walks up behind me.

"Caitlin." I reply. He replies with a smile, nodding his head slightly. I wait for her familiar voice to answer the phone, when Messagebank answers instead. I can't help but feel a little worried, she always has her phone on her.

'Hey babe, why aren't u answering ur phone? xx'

I text her, eagerly waiting for a reply. While I wait for it, the guys and I walk across the street to Nando's.


"Where to next? I think we only have time for one more place." I say eagerly. Dani and I are seated at a small cafe' in the city, drinking coffee and hot chocolate. It's one of those places where you feel warm and cozy and at home. Like a cabin-in-the-woods type place. The walls are planks of light-brown wood, and the tables dark brown and circular. Although the cafe' seems tiny from the street, it is filled with at least 50 people. The waiters are extremely friendly, smiling every time you look at them, asking how your day is, apologising for doing nothing wrong to angry customers, asking if you need anything extra. I don't know but I always seem to notice things like that. We've already been to a small park to play on the swings and shopping at one of the huge malls here (I can't remember which one).

"We should go to the museum." She replies, after taking a sip of her hot chocolate. A rim of dark liquid surrounds her upper lip, making me giggle.

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