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August 20th 2020 Wayne Manor 12:45

Selina was sitting in her armchair reading while Helena was on her iPad looking focused as she she was planning out the entire school year, she planned on being a straight A student again this year, especially since it was the final year. They had a conversation going but with silences in between the talking and it was nice and calm until they heard the scream 'NOOOOOO!' the two rushed out to the hallway to see Bruce at the bottom of the stairs and Damian in tears walking up them.

"You should have let me die" he screamed slamming his door

"I guess he didn't take it to well" Selina sighed

"I thought that was one of the better outcomes" Bruce said trying not to seem worried

"We are going to have to call Dr.Quinzel, he just made reference to his attempt" Alfred interrupted

"What's going on?" Helena asked confused

"Damian is going back to school" Bruce replied

Helena's heart dropped for her brother, she was beginning everything that happened to him and everything he told her to keep secret from their family.

"I have all I can on the home schooling front, plus Master Damian needs to make friends" Alfred stated

"He can't go back" Helena blurted out

"Why can't he?" Selina asked

"He just can't, that's school is the reason he did what he did" Helena replied

"But you like it?" Bruce said questioningly

"I do because I get on with everyone, but Damian is the black sheep" Helena replied

"It sounds like your ready to tell us what actually happened six years ago" Alfred exclaimed

"I promised him I wouldn't of you want to know talk to him" Helena said turning

"Not so fast little Miss" Selina said grabbing her shoulder

"What now" Helena sighed

"Your going to talk to him, make him feel better because god knows he doesn't want to see any of us or Tim or Jason, and Dick is out with Kori so it's you" Selina stated

Helena rolled her eyes and walked up the stairs and walked into Damian's room, where Damian was just sitting on his bed looking emotionless.

"What the fuck do you want, can't anyone leave me alone" Damian exclaimed

"I just wanted to check on you, I am the only one besides you and Dick who knows what actually happened" Helena replied

"Well I'm fine now leave" Damian ordered

"Not until I know your not lying" Helena stated

"Well how do you think I'm feeling then, since you know everything" Damian spat

"I know your going through what happened over and over in your head, I also know your worried to know if he found out" Helena stated

"What no I am not, he doesn't know I exist anymore does he?" Damian questioned fighting back tears

"I say hi to him occasionally but we never talk" Helena replied

"Therefore I am not worried about him, he doesn't know I exist and I plan on keeping that way" Damian stated

"He was your best friend" Helena said

"Was, now he's the captain of the football team and dating your right hand cheerleader who just so happens to be the sister of the bane of my existence. The last thing anyone needs is me hanging around them" Damian said turning over to face away from Helena

"Then sit with me, we can arrange for you to be in all the same classes as me, and as head cheerleader no one will touch you I promise" Helena reassured

"Oh look here's the head cheerleader and her useless good for nothing gay brother. That has a ring to it" Damian mocked

"Damian your not useless or good for nothing" Helena exclaimed

"Oh great you know what I am now too, please fucking enlighten me, I would love to know too. Now if your done I want to be alone" Damian spat

Helena got up and walked to the door

"Damian I know that I don't know what your feeling or going through but you need to tell people" Helena said sadly walking out the door

Damian just grabbed a pillow and hugged it tightly against his chest and began crying into it. Helena stood outside the door and heard his soft crying before walking into her room and taking out her phone and dialling a number.

"Hey Dick, I need your help" Helena said

"Really one of you guys actually wants my help for once, best big brother moment ever" Dick cheered

"Dick seriously it's Damian, I tried talking to him but you know your the only one who can get through to him" Helena stated

"Why what happened? He didn't try again did he?" Dick asked going from joy to worry

"No he didn't but I wouldn't take it off the table, they want to send him back to school" Helena replied

"On my way" Dick said hanging up

Helena just started waiting around and she was waiting for about twenty minutes when the doorbell sounded through out the Manor. She got up and ran down the stairs beating Alfred to the door.

"Master Dick" Alfred exclaimed

"Where's Bruce?" Dick asked

"In the parlour with Mistress Selina" Alfred responded

Dick ran off and into the parlour

"You're sending him back to that hell" Dick shouted

"Dick" Bruce said startled

"Please tell me you aren't actually going to send him back there" Dick stated

"We are, he needs to go back and graduate it's one year" Bruce replied

"You don't know what happened to him, you can't send him back" Dick responded

"Then would someone please tell us what happened, because no one will" Selina said looking at Helena and then to Dick

"It's not our place" Helena replied

"But it is our place to look out for him, he can't go back" Dick stated

"He's going back, and if something happens I pull him out" Bruce said

"Fine but it's on you if he does something stupid" Dick said storming off

"I'm going to go check on him" Helena said following Dick

"Are we doing the right thing?" Selina asked

"I hope so" Bruce replied

Bruce and Selina went back to what they were doing, with more worry then before. Dick and Helena were talking to Damian through his door because he locked it, he wasn't talking back just whimpering and crying which made their hearts sink, they were both tempted to tell Bruce, Alfred and Selina everything but they didn't want to hurt him more then he was.

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