The Only One For Me

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July 25th Divinity Church 13:45

Damian and Jon opted for the small wedding, the only ones present were family so parents and brothers and sisters much to Damian's dismay because Tim and Jason were there. Once the ceremony was finished they kissed and then began walking outside where their friends had gathered unbeknownst to them.

"Well this is a surprise" Jon exclaimed

"We couldn't just wait until the reception" Cassie stated

"Well then let's get to the party" Helena exclaimed from behind the grooms causing a cheer

"Who said anything about a party?" Damian question seriously

"Yeah this was is it" Jon stated

"Jon, Damian would be cruel like that not you, so don't even try" Lexi exclaimed

"Fine I won't, we will see everyone back at the Hotel" Jon stated

They all left and made their ways to the Hotel where they sat and ate before the partying began, but before that there was the first dance.

"Dami" Jon whispered as they began dancing

"Mhm" Damian hummed

"I love you" Jon stated

"And I you" Damian stated

"I also can't believe we got to here" Jon said

"Why because you were completely oblivious to how I felt about you in the beginning" Damian smirked

"Well yes but you didn't tell me" Jon replied

"I shouldn't have had too, I think it was fairly obvious" Damian said

"Hey I wasn't the only one who dated others" Jon replied smirking back

"But I always knew you'd be the only one for me" Damian said

"How can you manage to be more sappy then me" Jon exclaimed kissing Damian

"Don't tell anyone it's a secret" Damian said placing his finger on Jon's lip shushing him

When they finished their dance other people joined them on the dance floor and Damian headed off the dance floor and took a seat beside Jackson who was sitting alone at a table.

"What's the matter?" Damian asked

"Nothing" Jackson replied

"Then get your little butt up off the chair and have some fun. You know as much as I love your Dad he's a terrible dancer, do you want to join me and show him how to do it properly" Damian asked

"Sure" Jackson beamed

"Beloved you'll have to find a new dance partner I got an upgrade" Damian stated

"I feel betrayed, but I'd say you have the best dancer here" Jon said

Damian danced with Jackson while Jon went around talking to guests, when Damian finished dancing he was pulled aside by Helena. After the party Jon said goodnight to Jackson who was staying in a room with Lexi before joining Damian in their room.

"How is Mister Wayne-Kent tonight" Jon asked

"Which one?" Damian questioned

"Well I know how I'm feeling so you" Jon stated

"Happier now that you're here" Damian said kissing him

"Well let's see if I can improve that" Jon smirked

"Jonathan" Damian stated

"Yeah?" Jon questioned

"I love you" Damian stated

"I love you too" Jon replied

"And I meant what I said, you are the only one for me" Damian said kissing him

The End

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