We're done

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November 5th Metropolis Mall 14:00

Jon was walking slightly behind Lexi carrying her millions of shopping bags as they walked from shop to shop. He knew the longer he kept this going, lying to her, the worse the outcome would be. He wasn't even listening to her, she was talking at him and he did the occasional nod or yeah, but he was in a world of his own, that was until she stopped and he bumped into her.

"Have you been paying attention at all?" Lexi asked

"No not really, you lost me at the bit where Yara and Jessica started fighting" Jon replied

"That was forty minutes ago" Lexi exclaimed

"Sorry, but you know I don't care for all the drama" Jon replied

"Or me, what's been going on your preoccupied, you won't kiss me and when you do you hold back and you haven't stayed over in a week, I miss the view" Lexi said approaching him as he stepped back

"I've been busy" Jon replied

"With what, Jon what's really happening?" Lexi asked

"Nothing, I've just been thinking about life" Jon answered

"And that takes up so much time that I'm not a priority" Lexi responded

"Why are you like this, making everything about you. For once it's not about you Lexi, I have personal stuff I want to work through and if you can't let me do that then..." Jon began

"Then what?" Lexi asked

"Maybe we should stop" Jon replied

"Your not serious, five years and then you drop us because of stupid problem" Lexi asked

"I kissed someone else" Jon finally exclaimed

"You cheated on me, with who?" Lexi asked

"No Lexi that doesn't matter, what does, is that it showed me that yes I think your pretty and I like you but I don't love you" Jon replied

"Jon" Lexi said

"Lexi, I am always there for you and I always will be when you need me to be. But your not the one for me" Jon replied

"This isn't something that is just you, this ours it's both of us" Lexi said

"I know that and I thought you would understand" Jon replied

"I'm not talking about the relationship, Jon I'm pregnant" Lexi exclaimed

"Our parents are going to kill me" Jon said fainting

Jon woke up in the Mall's Doctors office with Helena up in his face

"He's awake" Helena exclaimed

"Helena?" Jon questioned

"Are you okay?" Lexi asked

"Mhm" Jon nodded

"Great then we can go" Damian stated

"Damian" Jon said surprised

"Good you can remember our names, I'll be outside" Damian snarked

"He's upset" Helena stated

"Why did my brother do something again, because I can deal with him" Lexi said

"No this time it wasn't Alex, apparently Colin is with someone new in New York and they broke things off" Helena replied

"Funny, Jon tried to break up with me earlier" Lexi said looking at him

"Tried?" Helena questioned

"I fainted" Jon replied

"So I'll let you two talk, Damian and I have to get to our class anyway" Helena said leaving

"Class?" Jon questioned but she was gone

"So what is it, are we over or together?" Lexi asked

"You aren't just saying your pregnant to keep me are you?" Jon asked

"No I'm not" Lexi replied

"Lexi I do want to say I'd stay with you, but I can't do that to the both of us have us in a relationship that's not true. I will be there for you don't get me wrong, your going to be sick of me by the time that baby is born" Jon said

"That was the most Jon thing you could have said" Lexi laughed

"I do specialise in that field" Jon stated

"So you and Damian" Lexi said

"What about me and Damian" Jon replied

"I know he's the one, I'm not blind" Lexi stated

"We haven't talked about anything, we just know there's something there, well I do I'm not sure he does" Jon replied

"Well I'm not upset, well I am but I know your right and it would only be damaging, back to being friends" Lexi stated

"Yeah back to being friends, with a child" Jon added

"My Dad is going to kill you, I'd start running if I were you" Lexi laughed

"Make sure my parents pick a nice coffin" Jon laughed nervously

"I will, but for now your carrying my bags, and we still have a few shops left" Lexi smiled

"What really?" Jon asked

"You said you'd be there if I needed you, I need you to carry bags" Lexi stated

While Jon and  Lexi ventured back onto the shop floor, Damian and Helena were making their way up the escalator to the top floor.

"Damian why am I with you?" Helena asked

"Because I thought this would be an opportunity for both of us to bond" Damian replied

"Self-defence and Martial Arts is bonding to you?" Helena questioned

"Yes" Damian replied

"I know your upset and heart broken at the moment but is Martial Arts really the best outlet, have you heard of sad movies, Ice cream and crying" Helena asked

"If you don't want to help I'll just do it with Cass, now come on she's waiting" Damian replied

"Cass does Martial Arts?" Helena questioned

"She does a lot we don't know about" Damian said as he continued walking

The two walked into a dojo where they were greeted with the sight of Cass pinning someone to the ground. She looked up and saw them, smile and waved before going back to her 'prey'. Jon and Lexi continued walking around the store they did eventually go for food which was the only part Jon was looking forward too. But he was now free to ask Damian out and Lexi was super cool about it, he was just hoping Damian would take the news good so he sent him a message to meet him in the treehouse in his backyard where they used to hang out later that night.

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