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July 1st Wayne Enterprises 12:45

Damian was sitting on a chair in his fathers office while Bruce sat at his desk going through the companies analytics and Damian was doing somewhat the same but from a tablet, when Tim came in.

"Hey B, they want you in the board room. Something about a new division being opened without board permission" Tim said

"Okay, Damian wait there" Bruce said getting up

"I'm not a child, I know what I am doing" Damian stated

"Someone's in a bad mood" Tim teased

"Drake just don't" Damian replied

"What's up, Jon not giving you much attention" Tim asked

"Shut up" Damian replied

"So your jealous of the baby" Tim teased

"No I am not" Damian defended

"Yes, yes you are" Tim stated

"Jump off the balcony" Damian ordered

"Fine I'll drop it" Tim said

"With your body off the balcony?" Damian questioned

"I should get going, R&D isn't going to function without me" Tim said

"Yes, yes it will. Lucius is down there" Damian stated

"Haha" Tim laughed sarcastically leaving

Damian sat there for a few minutes before his phon began to ring.

"Hello" Damian said

"Hey Dami, about tonight.." Jon began

"You want to cancel again, Kent this can't keep happening you have cancelled five times in the last two weeks" Damian exclaimed

"Dami I have a kid I need to look after, and tonight is your sisters fault, Jackson is supposed to be with Lexi but Helena is bringing her out with Cassie and Rachel for a girls night"  Jon replied

"Fine" Damian sighed

"Babe, don't use that tone I already feel bad enough" Jon said

"No it's fine, let's just reschedule" Damian said

"Why don't you come over and spend time with me and get to know Jackson better" Jon suggested

"He's a baby, how are we supposed to talk to each other" Damian replied

"You know what I meant, just spend time with him so you two can bond" Jon said

"Fine, Jackson can crash date night I'll see you later" Damian said

"I love you" Jon said

"I love you too" Damian said hanging up

"Damian" Bruce stated

"Yeah?" Damian asked

"Do you know anything about a new division being opened in our medical research branch?" Bruce asked

"No, why would I?" Damian questioned

"Because it focuses on animals and animals alone" Bruce stated

"Oh that one, yeah I did that" Damian replied

"Care to tell me why you didn't run it past me" Bruce questioned

"Because I know what I am doing, I could take over right now and would increase our profit margin by two percent in the next hour and fifty-six percent by the end of the year" Damian replied

"Is that so?" Bruce smirked

"It is" Damian replied

"Well then, that's enough for today. Let's get you home so you can get to the Kent's house" Bruce laughed

"You think I'm joking, but look at my Math as Alfred drives us" Damian stated

They left the tower and got into the car, Bruce began to go through Damian's math which proved what Damian had said.

"You could have shared this information" Bruce said

"And let you steal my thunder, no way" Damian laughed

"Master Damian, I don't believe anyone could ever steal your thunder you always leave your mark on whatever it is you do" Alfred said

"Because I'm the smartest one in this family" Damian replied

"Well Master Genius, would you like to go straight to Master Jonathan's house or to the Manor" Alfred asked

"Jonathan's house" Damian replied

Alfred drove the car to the Kent's house, Damian left his father and Alfred in the car he got up to the door and knocked, Jon came to the door a good thirty seconds later with frazzled hair and tired eyes.

"Beloved you look horrible, go to bed" were the first words out of Damian's mouth

"Good to see you too" Jon chuckled

"Yes, it is good to see you. But I would rather see you less disheveled, you are going to bed right now and that's an order I'll look after Jackson while you sleep" Damian ordered

"Was my Mom talking to you because your quoting her" Jon said

"No, but great minds think alike and all that" Damian replied kissing him

"Fine, I'll take a nap but then we are watching a film and eating, and maybe a bit more" Jon growled

"You thought you sounded sexy there didn't you?" Damian questioned

"I did" Jon exclaimed proudly

"Sure you did" Damian said shaking his head and internally face palming

"Also Jackson is in the cot in the front room, his schedule is on the table and his diaper belay next to the cot and..." Jon began

"I know what I am doing, I did create that schedule because you and Lexi had no idea what to do, where is she by the way. I still don't know why she left the Manor" Damian said

"She's getting ready in the spare room, and she wanted the three of us to be together" Jon said

"You could have been, there's a free space in my bed next to me every night" Damian whisper

Jon just gulped from the feeling of Damian's breath against his ear lobe

"Now bed" Damian said hurrying him along

Damian walked into the other room to see Jackson laying there staring at the ceiling before looking at Damian as he began babbling.

"What are you looking at?" Damian asked

"Aghh" Jackson babbled

"Come on let's get you up, now there we go" Damian said lifting him

Jackson just blinked at Damian a few time before looking around the room. Damian sat on the couch with the baby in his arms. He talked with Lexi when she came down and before Helena picked her up and then spent the rest of the evening watching movies and playing with Jackson.

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