The Wedding

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Wayne Manor Dec.5th 10:30

Helena was in her room with Selina, Cass and Steph adding the finishing touches to her look for the wedding. Bruce was told to wait outside as he hadn't seen her dress or anything yet and they wanted to keep it a surprise for as long as possible.

"You look beautiful kitten" Selina stated

"Thanks Mom, you know I get my looks from you" Helena replied

"We all know that" Steph stated

There was a knock on the door and it began to open

"Dad you can't see yet" Helena exclaimed

"Rude but I'll get over it" Damian stated

"Dames you made it" Helena said hugging him

"I'm not the only one" Damian replied

"Hey Sis" Athanasia stated

"You made it home" Helena exclaimed

"I wasn't going to miss your big day" Athanasia stated

"So if you don't mind, I'm going to step down from being your person of honour so Athanasia can be your maid of honour, because that's what you wanted originally but you didn't think she'd be here but now she is" Damian said

"Thank you Dames" Helena stated

"Any time" Damian replied

"Don't cry, you can't ruin your makeup" Athanasia exclaimed

"But I'm so happy" Helena stated

"Stop being sappy, you have a wedding to get to" Damian said

"As pushy as Damian is being, he's right" Cass agreed

"Let's let your father see you" Selina stated

"Okay gimme a sec" Helena said taking a minute

"Ready?" Athanasia asked

"Ready" Helena replied

"Father" Damian called

"Yes, oh, oh my god Helena you look beautiful, more beautiful then your mother on our wedding day" Bruce stated

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that" Selina said causing them all to laugh

They all left the Manor and got in the car and drove to the Gotham Cathedral, Damian got out first and held the door open for the others. Selina headed inside while Bruce linked arms with Helena and Damian and Athanasia stood right behind them and Cass and Steph were behind them. Once the music started playing they began walking it, and everyone capsule visibly see Zack's jaw drop when he saw Helena and then the ceremony began and they got to the vows.

"Helena, from the moment I saw you I knew you were the girl I was going to marry. I remember turning to Jon and telling him, and he told me he was friends with you and he introduced the two of us and we hit it off and for me sparks started flying from the first hello. I have loved every day I have spent with you and I cannot wait to see how our love grows alongside us" Zack stated

"Zack, I love you so much. I remember the first time we met, I remember thinking how shy you were added to the cuteness. Cassie and Damian tried to warn me against dating you, because you never with the quiet ones, is what I believe they said. But they couldn't have been more wrong, you infatuated me your sensitivity and shyness and how much you card made me love you a million times over and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you" Helena stated

"And by the power invested in me I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the officiator stated as Zack leaned in and kissed Helena and the crowd erupted

After they took picture they left and headed to hotel they had booked out for the reception and while Helena and Zack were having the first dance Damian was holding Jackson while Jon sat down from getting the drinks.

"Do you want all this?" Damian asked

"Why?" Jon questioned curiously

"I just want to know how you invision our big day" Damian replied looking at him

"I'm guessing that's because there is something you don't want to do" Jon stated

"I'll do this the reception, but I don't know that we need to do the big flashy ceremony" Damian replied

"So what we have a small one with our parents and in your case siblings and then have a big party with everyone" Jon stated

"Yeah, but I'm fine with a big ceremony if that is what you want" Damian replied

"I will do whatever makes you happy, and if that's a small ceremony and big flashy party with lots of food then that's what we do" Jon stated kissing him

"You just want to have more money to spend on food" Damian replied

"No I want to make you happy" Jon stated

"Don't lie Daddy" Jackson replied

"Yeah don't be teaching your son to lie" Lexi said walking up to them

"Hey best man, I think you're needed for a dance" Damian said pointing towards Athanasia

"When I'm finished this dance, I'll be back for our dance" Jon stated

"Don't count on it" Damian smirked

"Mommy can I dance with you?" Jackson asked

"Of course you can" Lexi replied

"Show her that move we practiced" Damian said

"The cool one" Jackson exclaimed

"Yes the cool one, I want to see it" Lexi replied

"Okay" Jackson said jumping off Damian

After the dancing Damian, Tim, Jason and Dick walked up behind Zack who was at the punch bowl causing him to jump out of his skin once he noticed them.

"Hey guys, you enjoying yourselves?" Zack asked

"We came to warn you one last time" Jason replied

"If you hurt her" Tim said

"Upset her in anyway" Dick added

"Or give us any impression you will, we will hunt you down" Damian stated

"But yes, we are enjoying ourselves" Jason smirked as they walked away

"Helena your brothers scare me" Zack said as he sat back down

"I saw, don't worry they are scared of me I'll put them back in place" Helena smirked

The party went on well into the earlier hours of the next day, Lexi took Jackson to their room at around twelve so he wouldn't be cranky and tired the next day. Damian and Jon left around the same time as the bride and groom leaving only for hard party people like Cassie, Steph, Yara and others in the hall for another little while.

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