Winter Ball

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December 18th The Manor 17:45
There was a buzz in the air as they all prepared for the annual Wayne Foundation Winter Ball. Damian was in a black suit with a green tie and Helena was wearing a royal purple dress, they were sitting by the window in the front room waiting for their dates to arrive and their family to finish getting ready.

"How are you feeling, first public appearance with Jon" Helena asked

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I" Damian replied

"Because your leg is tapping excessively, sign of nervousness" Helena pointed out

"Shut up" Damian exclaimed

"It's okay to be nervous Dames, I'd say Jon is too. I know Zack is" Helena stated

"That's because Zackary is terrified of our family, I don't see why but he is. He also tries to hard to please you and he's always worried he won't live up to your standards" Damian replied

"You know he hates being called that" Helena stated

"I know, I also know he loves it when you call him Zacky" Damian teased

"Now you better shut up, I wouldn't want you to have to redo your makeup and hair again" Helena replied

"I do not wear makeup and my hair, you don't have enough money to be able to touch it. It's priceless" Damian joked

"There is a price on the amount of hairspray and gel you buy, but that number hasn't been invented yet" Helena teased

They stopped talking when they heard a car pull up outside, they looked outside the window to see Jon and Zack get out of the car.

"Did you know they were coming together?" Helena asked

"No, but does it matter" Damian replied

"I thought we'd be going separately" Helena stated

"No we aren't, we are taking the limo" Damian said

"You're really going all out" Helena stated

"You wanted to rock up to the Winter Ball in one of their cars, that's laughable" Damian stated

"Sometimes I miss sad Damian" Helena whispered

"I don't" Damian replied

The doorbell rang and they got up and stood at the door as Alfred opened it revealing the two standing outside.

"Welcome" Alfred stated

"Helena you look amazing" Zack said

"Damian you are wow, just wow" Jon exclaimed

"So poetic" Damian laughed taking his hand

"Where are we going" Jon asked

"Over there to watch the train wreck which is Zackary" Damian replied

They went to the stairs and sat down and watched as Zack tried to give Helena flowers and fumbled through all his words trying to impress her until she just kissed him to shut him up. Moments later Bruce and Selina joined them, and much to Damian and Helena's displeasure they made them take pictures with Jon and Zack before they all got in the limo.

"Jon how are you feeling, it can be daunting going to your first Wayne Ball" Selina asked

"I'm nervous but it's going to be great, I think" Jon replied

"It will, especially for you. We have a buffet this year, and Damian's says you love food" Bruce joked

"I can attest to that, he's always got food" Zack said

"Not always" Jon replied

"Then what's in your pocket?" Damian asked

"My phone" Jon replied

"This is a phone?" Damian questioned taking a breakfast bar from his pocket

"Okay, I always have a snack nearby just in case I get hungry" Jon replied causing people to laugh

"We have arrived, there are sunglasses available just in case you need something to block the paparazzi camera flashes" Alfred said from the drivers seat

"Damian's the only one who wears the glasses" Helena stated

"Why?" Jon asked

"I'm the cool Wayne, I am but also the fact that whenever I'm around all cameras are on me" Damian said seriously

"So when are we getting out?" Jon asked

"We give it a few minutes, suspense" Bruce replied

Bruce and Selina got out first and they could hear the cheers and screams as they walked, next was Zack who stood by the door and helped Helena out and they heard the same, then Damian grabbed Jon's hand and they got out simultaneously, and all Jon could think was, I wish I grabbed a pair of sunglasses. They walked inside where everyone was standing or sitting waiting for Bruce to kick off the evening, he gave a speech and then it was underway.

"Trouble is approaching" Damian said

"What?" Jon asked stuffing his face

"Mister Wayne, Jonathan" Lex said

"Luthor, I don't remember your name being on the invite list. Oh wait I do, then I removed it after you kicked your daughter out" Damian replied

"Damian be nice, they are guests. What can do for you Lex, Alexandra?" Bruce intervened

"We just wanted to extend a hand and thank you for inviting us here. I know our families haven't always gotten along but here's to a change" Lex replied

"We'll enjoy yourselves tonight" Bruce stated

"Dance" Damian whispered grabbing Jon and dragging him onto the floor beside Helena and Zack

"I was eating" Jon moaned

"You can eat more later" Damian replied

"Why is Lex here?" Helena asked

"I don't know, I thought you might know" Damian replied

"Am I doing this right?" Jon asked

"Your hand could be a little higher" Damian replied

"How would I know?" Helena asked

"I just thought you might since you talked to Lexi last" Damian replied

"How about now" Jon questioned

"Your testing my patience you moved it lower" Damian replied

"I know" Jon smirked kissing him

"You know Lexi hasn't talked to them, why would she know" Helena stated

"I don't know, but I did take them off the list didn't I?" Damian replied

"Yeah I watched you do it" Helena stated

"Maybe they came just to annoy you" Zack said

"Thanks for your input Zackary" Damian replied

"I was just saying, what's your problem with me" Zack replied

"He doesn't have one, he's playing the role of big brother to try scare you off. Jason does it better" Helena stated

"Todd doing something better then me, that's laughable" Damian laughed

They continued dancing until Damian got tired of repositioning Jon's hand, every time he moved it down from his back to his ass. Jon was a tiny bit upset but he was allowed go back to his food, and just out of revenge for making him get up Jon kissed Damian while his lips were covered in BBQ sauce causing the smaller boy to squirm.

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