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November 7th Kent House 10:30am

Damian was holding Jon's hand as Clark got a hot drink for Lexi and Lois sat beside her calming her down. That's when Jon began to get worse, he felt as if he was in a hydraulic press and his chest was being crushed. That's when Damian felt his hand begin to shake, Jon himself then felt as if he was standing still and the world was shaking before he collapsed on to the ground. He woke up minutes later surrounded by Damian and Clark.

"What's going on with you teenagers today?" Lois asked

"I haven't done anything" Damian said defensively

"Jon told us about the razor" Clark said

"Oh" Damian said getting a sad look in his eyes

"Sorry" Jon said

"And Lexi sweetie what's up?" Lois asked

"I was kicked out" Lexi replied

"Why?" Clark asked

"Alex told my parents I was pregnant" Lexi replied

"That fucker" Damian spat

"You're pregnant" Clark said in shock

"Jonathan Samuel Kent, can I have a word with you in the Kitchen now!" Lois exclaimed

"Someone's in trouble" Damian teased

"I don't know what's funny Mr.Wayne but we do have an obligation to tell Bruce about earlier" Clark stated

"Crap that means more hours with Harleen" Damian sighed collapsing on the chair beside Lexi

The Kent's disappeared to the Kitchen where there was a lot of quiet shouting and then a sense of calm as they dealt with the fact Jon fainted before they eventually came back out.

"Lexi your welcome to stay with us, Jon has volunteered to sleep on the couch for as long as you need" Lois said

"I have" Jon questioned

"That won't be necessary I'll find some where else I don't want to impose" Lexi stated

"Then come to the Manor we have more then enough rooms, plus Helena is there and she needs another Girl around since Cass and Steph left" Damian suggested

"Are you sure that's okay, you don't need to ask" Lexi stated

"No, I don't. I am Damian Wayne after all and I get what I want if I play the right cards" Damian smirked

"Then it's settled, I'll go to the Manor and Jon can keep his bed" Lexi laughed

Lois and Clark just glared at their son, they were still absolutely furious with him. Damian and Lexi then got ready to leave and Jon drove them to the Manor.

"Damian, we need to talk" Bruce said

"First, Lexi my father, Father this is Lexi she will be staying with us. No questions asked" Damian stated

"Okay?" Bruce said

"HELENA" Damian called

"Yeah...Lexi?" Helena said

"Lexi will be staying with us, I would show her to a room but I am needed so will you" Damian said

"Of course come on" Helena said

"Jonathan, would you give us a moment" Bruce asked taking Damian into a study

"Yeah?" Damian asked sitting down

"What were you thinking going to your Mothers house" Bruce questioned

"I thought maybe just maybe something had changed, and maybe I'm an idiot for wanting to say goodbye to the one grandparent I have left" Damian replied

"You should have told me, I would have gone with you. And then this morning with another razor, seriously Damian I thought you were getting better" Bruce stated

"I was and am, it was a minor lapse I didn't do anything" Damian replied

"We are going to have to tell Doctor Quinzel" Bruce stated

"Or you just don't, she doesn't need to know everything" Damian stated

"Yes I do" Harley said from the corner of the room

"Fuck you" Damian said to Bruce

"I'm going to let that slide, I'll leave you two alone" Bruce said leaving

"So how much have you been hiding from me?" Harley asked

"Let's see, I'm after breaking up with my boyfriend and I am with someone new who's ex is pregnant. Over the last two weeks I've thought about it more and more and I've decided I have had enough, your clearly not working or worth the time or money your given" Damian stated

"Damian we both know that isn't true, but back on the relationship from, your with another guy, is that why everything went wrong six years ago? We still haven't breached that topic yet" Harley said

"And we won't" Damian exclaimed

"Well then, I'll see you this weekend" Harley stated

"I guess so" Damian said

"I want to speak to your boyfriend now however" Harley said

"What why?" Damian asked

"To see how he's coping with all the changes in his life, he might talk to me unlike you" Harley stated

Damian left the room and warned Jon to say nothing

"Hi I am Doctor Harleen Quinzel, but you can call me Harley" Harley introduced

"I'm Jon Kent" Jon replied shaking her hand

"Ohh the crush" Harley stated

"He told you?" Jon replied

"No Helena did, Damian doesn't like talking with me. He has me portrayed as some kind of villain in his head" Harley replied

"What do you want me for?" Jon asked

"I need you to keep an eye on Damian, if anything happens ring me" Harley said handing him a card

"Do you want him to stop talking to me again" Jon questioned

"Okay ring me or tell Bruce and have him ring me" Harley stated

"Okay" Jon replied

"And how are you, Damian tells me your ex is pregnant" Harley asked

"I'm okay, everything is fine but overwhelming" Jon replied

"Well if you ever want to talk call me" Harley said

"Thanks" Jon said getting up and leaving as Bruce walked in

"So?" Bruce asked

"He's not progressing, unless he changes his attitude to all this he won't get better" Harley replied

"How do we get him to change" Bruce asked

"I've set something in motion, that's why I wanted to talk to Jon" Harley said

"Very well, thank you again Harley, Leslie wasn't wrong about you" Bruce stated

"In my experience Thompkins is rarely wrong" Harley said

Harley packed her stuff up and left the Manor, Damian was made see her out against his will. He then joined Helena and Jon upstairs with Lexi as they talked and helped her settle in before Jon had to go home, where Lexi and Damian made him more worried by telling him they were going to discuss all of his habits behind his back.

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