The Locker Room

930 38 7

October 2nd Metropolis High 19:45

With their third victory in a row the football team were cheering and laughing out on the pitch celebrating with the school, well those who turned up to watch the match. Colin had seen Damian and gave him a wink at the start of the game, Jon had seen him too and was surprised to see him at it because he knew Damian hated it, he was more of a one person sport player. But now that the game was finished they couldn't see him, Colin assumed he was waiting at the usual spot for after he got changed. The team jogged of into the locker to shower, change and celebrate amongst themselves.

"We are on the road to total victory" Gar cheered

"We are, but your sloppy Gar you need to practice more" Jaime jeered

"Jon do I?" Gar asked confidently

"Yeah you do, we all do. We all just assumed we had that in the bag tonight which we did, but that wasn't our best play" Jon replied

"Thanks for backing me up" Gar sighed

"Gar you've always needed practice" Billy stated

"Just because he's the worst doesn't mean we have to pick on him" Colin said earning a laughed

"Ever heard of team spirit" Gar asked

"Gar we couldn't do this without our mascot" Jon said hitting his arm

"Thanks, hey!" Gar exclaimed as the others laughed

Their laughter was disrupted by the abrupt opening of the locker room door and then someone falling onto the ground.

"Damian?" Jon questioned

"Crap!" Damian sighed seeing Jon

"What's wrong, what happened to your eye?" Colin asked

"Them" Damian replied

"Hello boys, we're here to collect the twerp" Alex said

"So just hand him over" Theo stated

"No" Colin said getting in front of Damian

"Ohh Damian found himself a boyfriend" Lonnie stated

"If that's the case, that makes him one of us. Which means he's protected" Jon said

"Kent don't do this" Alex stated

"Even though I am dating your sister, I will break your nose" Jon said

"You wouldn't" Alex replied

"Get out of our locker room" Jon said

"Yeah get lost, or you'll have us to deal with" Gar said stepping up

"Get lost, you guys aren't welcome here" Jaime exclaimed

"You'll all regret this" Klarion stated as they left

"Damian are you okay?" Jon asked

"Damian?" Colin questioned

"Yeah I'm fine" Damian replied

"Do you two want some space?" Billy asked

"No, I'll wait outside" Damian said leaving

"Dude your dating a Wayne" Gar said

"So?" Colin asked

"He's a Wayne" Bart added

"How is he?" Jon asked

"Fine I guess, why?" Colin asked

"He used to be my best friend before he left then we stopped talking" Jon replied

After that the cheering began again and Damian sat outside the locker room waiting for Colin. Colin walked out of the locker room and took his hand and they began walking out of the school.

"So I noticed something in there and we need to talk about it" Colin said

"What did you notice?" Damian asked

"Jon, he's the friend you stopped talking to" Colin replied

"Yeah, so what?" Damian questioned

"Why did you ignore him?" Colin asked

"I don't want to talk about him" Damian replied closing himself off

Just then Colin's phone began ringing, he went to stop it but Damian let him take it.

"Hey Mom, what's up?.... Damian my Mom says hi" Colin said

"I say hi back" Damien replied

"Damian says hi, so what's up?" Colin asked "Wait really, that's great but doesn't that mean?" Colin questioned

"Is everything okay" Damian asked hugging his arm

"Yeah, I'll talk to you later Mom" Colin said hanging up

"Is everything alright you look sad" Damian asked

"Everything is fine, nothing to worry about" Colin replied

"Alright then, so it's just me and you tonight or do you have a post game party to get to" Damian asked

"Well there is one being thrown, but it's a house party in Gar's" Colin replied

"If you want to go, you can go" Damian said

"Go to a party or spend time with you, I guess I'm not going to the party" Colin said kissing his forehead

"Thank you" Damian said while hugging him

"For kissing you, you never say thanks for that" Colin replied a bit surprised

"No, for making me happy" Damian said

"I'm happy to help, also speaking of happiness you seemed to really be enjoying the game, I thought you hated football" Colin laughed

"It wasn't so much the game, there was this really cute red head playing, too bad I didn't get his name but you'll do for now" Damian replied

"Oh so you have jokes now" Colin said

"I'm not joking, there was a really cute red head playing" Damian said kissing him

"So want to get a quick bite or go back to mine and order in and watch a film?" Colin asked

"The second one sounds more fun" Damian smirked

"Order in it is then" Colin stated

"Your the best, also maybe you are better looking then that red head" Damian stated

"I better be" Colin laughed

The two walked back to Colin's house, his parents weren't home but that wasn't unusual, they worked all day and only came home to sleep at like nine. Colin didn't mind this however cause meant that he and Damian had more time alone.

"So what do you want to watch?" Colin asked

"Something really terrifying" Damian replied

"What is it with you and horror?" Colin laughed

"What I like it" Damian replied

"I'll make some popcorn then and you can pick one, you know what the worst part about you liking horror is?" Colin asked

"No, what?" Damian asked

"You don't try and hide behind me when you get scared, because you don't" Colin replied

"Your welcome to hide behind me if you get scared" Damian teased

"Your funny" Colin said leaving his room

Damian sat there staring at the door, he knew why Colin looked upset earlier and now he was starting to feel upset because Colin wasn't telling him, his Mother did during the game. He was upset because he thought he and Colin were able to tell each other things, and he couldn't figure out why Colin wasn't telling him.

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